Support Liz Lerman
Your generous support of Liz’s work has made so much possible: dynamic and moving dance performances, fascinating multidisciplinary collaborations, Critical Response Process trainings, insightful writing, and more. You have helped us conduct research and build experiences that are participatory, relevant, urgent, and above all, accessible. We are so grateful — not only for your financial support, but also for the attention and encouragement you have shown us over the years. You have made it possible for Liz to unleash her creative power, make work that is timely, provocative, and moving.
Looking to the Future
Support My Body is a Library

We are seeking support for the research and development of My Body is a Library, Liz Lerman’s new work-in-progress. Your generous gift is tax deductible and provides for our collaborators, rehearsal space, and the luxury of time – time to process our ideas and fully realize our aim to enliven this subject matter.
Give to Critical Response Process

Contributions support a broad effort to consolidate the network of Critical Response Process users through a digital platform for effective practice, establishment of a center for networking and study, increasing the number of regional cohorts of facilitator/practitioners, and publication of a new book, Critique is Creative.
Thank you for your encouragement and generosity!