living, eating, roaming around berkeley.'s Journal
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living, eating, roaming around berkeley.'s LiveJournal:
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Thursday, December 4th, 2008 | 10:19 pm [tokyo_shorty]
Urgh, so.... I'm in a bit of a bind and purchased nonrefundable tickets from Alaska Air. I have two tickets worth $440 dollars. The trip I was planning is no longer happening, so... What I'm wondering is, if any of you are planning to use Alaska Air or Horizon Air, and would like $100 chopped off a $440 trip, please contact me using this email: arielhud@yahoo . com (without the space) :-( I have until December 2009 to use them, but I'd rather sell them. Thanks! (also, if you know where the appropriate place on Craig's list to post this would be, that would be super helpful) Thankie! | Saturday, October 25th, 2008 | 9:18 pm [earthguardian]
j-term housing
Hey!! I'm looking for an internship in the San Fran area (I'll know if I got it by Tuesday) so just to cover my bases incase I do get it, I'm looking for housing, but only for the month of January. I'm a student, aged 20, so I can't afford anything more than $300 (maybe less) but I'm looking to be in an area close to public transportation so I can get around. From what I understand, Berkeley is pretty close to San Fran, which is awesome, and the school I'm looking at is in Berkeley so everything would work out. If you know anyone, or can help me yourself, please feel free to message me via LJ and we can talk that way!! Thanks!!! Current Mood: bored | Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 | 8:42 am [vauxhall_i]
| Sunday, July 20th, 2008 | 4:34 pm [themichelle]
i'm wondering if anybody could tell me a bit about the prospect + dwight area. (what's it around, is the area known for anything in specific, crime, how far from berkeley bowl, etc.) i'm transferring to cal and will probably end up living in a house there. i may not be able to visit before i agree to live there, so any input would be nice. thanks! | Monday, April 21st, 2008 | 11:10 pm [digital_echo]
Summer Sublet, 1 Block from Campus, Mid-May to Mid-August
Females only, please! My roommates and I are looking for a girl to split a room with one of us in our fully furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment for the summer. Rent is $600/month, including all utilities and wireless internet, plus $10/month for satellite tv. It's on Allston Way in between Shattuck and Oxford--a block away from campus, BART, and most major bus lines. Check out the apartment's website for pictures and more information: Allston Place.You'd be living with 3 other girls (juniors in MCB, Legal Studies, and Art History). All 3 of us are working and taking classes over the summer so we'll be pretty busy, but generally we are laid back and easy to get along with. We are prone to late night gelato sprees, midnight baking bouts, and watching hours-long Bollywood movies, among other things. Just so you know. | 1:10 pm [jessicer]
The room is part of a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment, big living room with TV, amazing plush red couch, nice kitchen and eating area, panoramic living room window, and a DECK with the view of SF bay bridge on a clear night. The apartment is on the third floor. There will be just one roomate living there in the summer. The room is available all of summer, between end of may to about mid august. The rent would be for the months of june and july only (you get the last week of may and the first three weeks of august for free). The room is a double. It comes with beds (one queen, one twin), desks, dressers, and closets. If you have a roomate you want to live with, great. If not, we can find someone for you. The room is$560 a month per person for two people, or $1120 a month for one person per month. We would essentially be giving you a month free because you could move in at the end of finals and move out right before welcome week, only paying rent for June and July. for pictures, follow this link: | Saturday, July 14th, 2007 | 10:47 am [standwithnature] |
Unit 1 Website Opens for 2007-2008 Year
Hello All, I made a post a few weeks ago asking for feedback to figure out what kind of new information should be added to the Unit 1 Website. I've read your feedback and I have gotten as much of the information I can posted up on the Unit 1 Website. The website has re-opened for the 2007-2008 academic year! Check it out at | Saturday, July 7th, 2007 | 3:04 pm [jessicer]
If you are a spring admit, are studying abroad in the fall and need a place to stay in the spring, or just generally are looking for Spring Housing my roommate and I are studying abroad in Italy second semester and therefore are leaving our very LOVELY room in a three bedroom apartment by Clark Kerr vacant. Three other girls live in the apartment - two sophmores in a double, and a junior in a single. Our room is a double that will be totally furnished with two beds (one queen, one twin) two desks, two dressers, two closets. The apartment has two full nice bathrooms an eating area, a big kitchen with a dishwasher and granite counter tops (that will be fully furnished with all kitchen appliances), a large living room (also fully furnished) including tv, wireless internet, coffee table, couches, etc.. Additionally, there is also a large patio with a great view of the San Fransisco bay, sky line/city lights and Golden Gate bridge. Rent is $560/month/person. A link to a photobucket album with pictures of the apartment : scroll down the page to see the pictures. reply here if you are interested - even if you are only one person and need a roommate - and I will give you my email address/phone number | Thursday, July 5th, 2007 | 1:39 am [jankiri137]
Garage (Not Gated) Parking Space available (Private) Parking Space $80 per month. I can rent it out to somone for the whole year. or if you are interested in only summer, then that's fine too. The 80 dollar fee is the flat fee and you can have the parking space all day and night, so if you are looking for a day space, this is not for you, unless you dont mind paying this non-negotiable price.
It's in an apartment a garage, not gated, near the intersection of La Loma and Ridge Rd. (Exactly behind the Foothill La Loma dorms) It's on North-Side, so relatively secure. Complete shade, fits large cars, easy and short walk to campus, very close to Cory, and engineering buildings, also a short 8 min walk to Tolman, if you happen to have classes there. If interested, my listing is on facebook marketplace or leave a message thanks! | Wednesday, July 4th, 2007 | 8:49 am [rinnington]
Looking for a room
Hey there, I'm a female UCB Undergrad (sophomore) who is looking for anyone with an apartment/house/boarding house with a spare room they need filled for the academic year. I've been looking mainly on craigslist, but I thought this was worth a shot. I'd prefer within walking distance of campus, but for me walking distance is pretty flexible. I'm very flexible on what rent I'll pay, it really depends on the place. So if you have a place like that or can think of any friends with a place like that, please let me know as I'm getting a bit nervous. (If you know of any good available one bedrooms, let me know too). I'm not in Berkeley atm, but I'll be going up there in two weeks to check things out. Thank you! | Tuesday, June 12th, 2007 | 8:22 pm [sillyjoy]
Anyone willing to sell their furniture?
Hey Everyone, I've been craigslisting but I thought this was worth a shot: I'm looking to buy a full/twin mattress + bed frame willing to pay $125 max and a desk and I'm willing to pay $50 max for that. The only thing I ask if I may look at it on Sunday before I decide to purchase it on the spot. Willing to pick it up around Berkeley/Oakland/Albany areas. I'm desperate! (well, not that much) but I do need a bed to sleep on by Sunday! Please reply if interested! Thanks! | Saturday, June 9th, 2007 | 3:39 pm [angelrinoa]
Share a room in the Gaia Building (right next to campus)!
-Near cross street of Allston and Oxford -Half block (1 minute walking) from UC Berkeley campus -Half block (less than a minute walking) from Downtown Berkeley BART station -Modern, secure building -Fully furnished (bed, desk, lighting, closet space) -Landscaped rooftop garden and courtyard with great SF Bay/UCB/Oakland/North Berkeley views -Conveniently located in lively Downtown Berkeley - right next to Jupiter (bar and restaurant), Cancun (great Mexican restaurant), and within walking distance of many other Berkeley favorites -Unit is located on the quiet side of the building, and soundproofing is effective in keeping all that noise OUT when you don't want it -10 minute walk to Berkeley Bowl -10 minute walk to Safeway -Available July 5th - August 25th, but dates are flexible. $900 for the entire period, which comes out to approximately $600/month. See below if you need to move in earlier for Session C summer classes. -I am leaving for the second half of my summer break to go home to the east coast, so my half of a room needs to be filled from July 5th to August 25th. This room is part of a 2BR/1 Bath apartment that normally has 3 tenants. -You will be sharing the room with a respectful male roommate who actually doesn't spend much time in the room (other than for sleep). -Included in rent: premium cable (HBO, too), high-speed internet (T1 connection), use of my furniture (bed, desk) -Not included in rent: electricity, water (each run about $15 per month per person in the apartment) -If you are taking summer classes at UC Berkeley that start June 25th, tell me and I will let you move in earlier at no cost until July 5th. I can stay in our living room for a few days, and you can have the bedroom from around the 25th until the end of the summer. -Call or email Sandip for details. (609) 647-9437 or schatterjee AT Pictures are located here | Tuesday, May 15th, 2007 | 6:07 pm [tulipsri19]
1 bedroom - $600/month. May-Aug 14. Pay for 2 months only!!
Hi, I have 1 bedroom available in a 2bed/1bath apt. Availability is from May to Aug 14. You can move in anytime in May. The rent is $600/month, but you only need to pay for JUNE and JULY. The apartment is in a safe building and near restaurants, cafes, theaters, etc. It is also near BART and bus stops. It is about 2 blocks away from the Berkeley campus, on the Northwest side. Location is University Ave, cross street Milvia. The apartment is shared with 2 other Cal students, both friendly and easy-going. This would be wonderful for someone taking summer session! Questions? Email: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] | Monday, May 14th, 2007 | 1:14 pm [gigilikewhoa]
$750 / 1br - FULLY FURNISHED big room/6 min. UCB/price negotiable
Available June 1st through mid-August 1 bedroom offered in a 2-bedroom furnished apartment. Very spacious and clean. In a nice area of Berkeley. (Dwight and Benvenue, 1 street down from College). The rent is usually 900 bucks, but I will pay 150 of it and you only need to pay 750. Perfect for a student attending UCB summer school. Small, fully refundable deposit. Female preferred (female roommate) price is fully negotiable! Benvenue at Dwight (PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!! I'M DESPERATE!) | 12:25 am [bateaus]
arcade fire I have two tickets to the Friday 6/1/07 and the Saturday 6/2/07 (one each) Arcade Fire shows in Berkeley, something big came up and I am frantic to gather together some funds, so if you know anyone who might be interested in these, please let them know! Help! June 1st: June 2nd: Please help me out! (let me know if this post isn't cool, i'll take it down if needed) | Thursday, May 10th, 2007 | 12:45 am [lem0n_meringue]
Does anyone need someone to sublet from them during the time period of June 20 --> end of July/beginning of August? I've been craigslisting, but I thought I'd ask here too. Please let me know! Thank you, and good luck with finals. =] | Wednesday, May 9th, 2007 | 10:54 pm [liftup_urhands]
Hi! We are three female UC Berkeley students looking for someone to share our newly renovated apartment with us. Our future housemate will have their own room! :) We are looking for someone preferably (but not necessarily) female, who is a non-smoker (one of us is extremely allergic to tobacco), and is very laid back. We like to hang out, are a little silly, but nonetheless are very serious students. We do not plan on having big parties at our place, but we may have a few small quiet ones. The room will be available in June. Please send us an e-mail at [email protected] telling us about yourself! Thanks! We are excited to meet you! | 6:47 pm [wherein]
Looking for a place to live...
I was just admitted as a transfer student last week, and since then I have been hell-bent on finding a decent place to live in the fall. I'm a female looking for a single room in a house or apt. with other females...I'm looking for a mellow, quiet place, nothing crazy or too loud. Available parking is a plus. Something on the South side would be awesome, and I'm looking to pay no more than $750 for everything. I can move in anytime in August. Thanks! | Monday, May 7th, 2007 | 5:53 pm [tulipsri19]
1 bedroom for summer, $600/month
Hi, I'm looking for someone to take my room over the summer. It's one room in a 2bed/1bath apartment on the NW side of campus (On University, cross street Milvia). Rent is $600 per month. You can move in at the end of May. The lease ends Aug 14. You will only have to pay rent for June and July. You will be sharing with 2 UCB students. If you'd like, you can share the room with another person and split the cost. The apartment is in a secure building, near a bunch of restaurants, cafes, theaters, etc. It is just one block from Shattuck and about 2 blocks from campus. The room comes furnished with the basic necessities (bed, desk, chair, dressers, small book shelf). If you have your own furniture that you'd like to use, any or all of my furniture can be taken out. If you're interested, please email me: [email protected]Feel free to email me your questions/concerns. | Saturday, May 5th, 2007 | 4:20 pm [rurouni_adam] |
Summer Sublet mid-May to mid-August I'm going to be away for the summer, so I'm subletting a furnished double on Le Roy Avenue (right behind Soda Hall). You would be sharing it with a male roommate, and the rent would be $500 a month + utilties. Price is negotiable! The house is shared with eight other Cal students. They are all my friends and are cool people. ;) The house is furnished as well with kitchen supplies, two large refrigerators, a dishwasher, a disposer, a microwave, and two free washer/dryers. There's also weekly professional cleaning of the common areas. The house is very close to campus. E-mail me if you're intersted!
E-mail: [email protected] |
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