Parvez Khan
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Drafts by Parvez Khan
Unique characteristics & miraculous nature of the Quran The marvellous effect produced by the Holy Qur'an on the minds of those who first came into contact with it, the unparalleled revolution brought about in the world, the uplift of not one but many nations from the depth of degradation to the height of civilization is, however, not the only characteristic which establishes its claim to uniqueness. With the revelation of the Quran, it wiped out shirk in Arabia and manifested tawheed and moral & social conducts of life. The Quran possesses other characteristics equally unique — the wealth of ideas, the perfect theology, the ideal Shariah and the beauty of style — and these features combined with the effect it produced are the many things which raise the Qur'an to an eminence to which no other book has ever aspired and which make an imitation of it impossible. It claimed not only to have perfected religion (5:3), and thus to have stated all religious truths needed for the moral and spiritual advancement of man, but also to have dealt with all objections to its truth: " And they cannot bring you a question, but We have brought thee the truth and the best explanation " (Quran 25:33). Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Miracles are " events which lie outside the productive capacity of nature ". Thus miracles are acts of impossibilities concerning causal or logical connections. The Quran challenges the whole of mankind with regards to its authorship, it boldly states: Say: "If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another." [Qur'an 17:88] A spiritual force which will ultimately overcome all It goes further and lays claim to the fact that it is the only spiritual force which will ultimately conquer the whole world and that the whole of humanity cannot produce a force like it: " And if there could be a Qur'an with which the mountains were made to pass away, or the earth were cloven asunder, or the dead were made to speak — nay, the commandment is wholly Allah's " (13:31).
Unique characteristics & miraculous nature of the Quran The marvellous effect produced by the Holy Qur'an on the minds of those who first came into contact with it, the unparalleled revolution brought about in the world, the uplift of not one but many nations from the depth of degradation to the height of civilization is, however, not the only characteristic which establishes its claim to uniqueness. With the revelation of the Quran, it wiped out shirk in Arabia and manifested tawheed and moral & social conducts of life. The Quran possesses other characteristics equally unique — the wealth of ideas, the perfect theology, the ideal Shariah and the beauty of style — and these features combined with the effect it produced are the many things which raise the Qur'an to an eminence to which no other book has ever aspired and which make an imitation of it impossible. It claimed not only to have perfected religion (5:3), and thus to have stated all religious truths needed for the moral and spiritual advancement of man, but also to have dealt with all objections to its truth: " And they cannot bring you a question, but We have brought thee the truth and the best explanation " (Quran 25:33). Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Miracles are " events which lie outside the productive capacity of nature ". Thus miracles are acts of impossibilities concerning causal or logical connections. The Quran challenges the whole of mankind with regards to its authorship, it boldly states: Say: "If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another." [Qur'an 17:88] A spiritual force which will ultimately overcome all It goes further and lays claim to the fact that it is the only spiritual force which will ultimately conquer the whole world and that the whole of humanity cannot produce a force like it: " And if there could be a Qur'an with which the mountains were made to pass away, or the earth were cloven asunder, or the dead were made to speak — nay, the commandment is wholly Allah's " (13:31).