Papers by Margaret Procter
A History of Archival Practice, 2017
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This thesis examines the career of Hubert Hall (1857–1944). Hall began work at the Public Record ... more This thesis examines the career of Hubert Hall (1857–1944). Hall began work at the Public Record Office in 1879, ending his career there as an Assistant Keeper in 1921. At the same time, and until 1939, he was heavily involved with many organizations and institutions, most notably the Royal Historical Society, the London School of Economics and the Royal Commission on Public Records. His numerous activities as a 'historical worker' were aimed at the 'promotion of historical enterprise(s)'. Before 1900 his writing, on historical topics, and his editorial work were carried out primarily independently. After that date much of his published work derived from his teaching work (most successfully from seminar-based collaborations); this included works which addressed archival science and archival management. The shift in the type of work produced can be attributed to the furore, orchestrated by John Horace Round, surrounding his edition of The Red Book of the Exchequer, a ...
Rowman and Littlefield, 2019

Archives and Records, 2017
In natural-product drug discovery, finding new compounds is the main task, and thus fast dereplic... more In natural-product drug discovery, finding new compounds is the main task, and thus fast dereplication of known compounds is essential. This is usually performed by manual liquid chromatography-ultraviolet (LC-UV) or visible light-mass spectroscopy (Vis-MS) interpretation of detected peaks, often assisted by automated identification of previously identified compounds. We used a 15 min high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (UHPLC-DAD)-high-resolution MS method (electrospray ionization (ESI) + or ESI -), followed by 10-60 s of automated data analysis for up to 3000 relevant elemental compositions. By overlaying automatically generated extracted-ion chromatograms from detected compounds on the base peak chromatogram, all major potentially novel peaks could be visualized. Peaks corresponding to compounds available as reference standards, previously identified compounds, and major contaminants from solvents, media, filters etc. were labeled to differentiate these from compounds only identified by elemental composition. This enabled fast manual evaluation of both known peaks and potential novel-compound peaks, by manual verification of: the adduct pattern, UV-Vis, retention time compared with log D, co-identified biosynthetic related compounds, and elution order. System performance, including adduct patterns, in-source fragmentation, and ion-cooler bias, was investigated on reference standards, and the overall method was used on extracts of Aspergillus carbonarius and Penicillium melanoconidium, revealing new nitrogen-containing biomarkers for both species.
Archives and Records, 2013
Les saisies opérées dans les archives et les bibliothèques par les autorités nazies, puis en gran... more Les saisies opérées dans les archives et les bibliothèques par les autorités nazies, puis en grande partie collectées par l’Armée rouge et conservées secrètement par les Soviétiques, sont un phénomène massif tant par l’ampleur des détournements que par la diversité des spoliés. Les meilleurs spécialistes (historiens, bibliothécaires et archivistes d’Europe, de Russie et des États-Unis) en présentent dans ce livre une analyse globale : motifs des saisies, utilisations nazie et soviétique de la documentation, réactions des spoliés ainsi que la question des choix opérés au moment du retour de ces archives.
College & Research Libraries, 2012
Historical Research, 2013
The dispute between John Horace Round and Hubert Hall over Hall's edition (1898) of the Red B... more The dispute between John Horace Round and Hubert Hall over Hall's edition (1898) of the Red Book of the Exchequer became notorious for several reasons: because it forced a newly-emerging historical profession to confront the strengths and weaknesses of ‘scientific history’; because of Round's unedifying behaviour; and because it was conducted publicly, through the periodical press and in private publications. The existence of that material has skewed the historiography; this account revisits the relationship between the two men in the early eighteen-nineties and concludes that although Round was ‘correct’, the consequences of the affair were far more beneficial for Hall.

Archives and Records, 2013
The preservation of local records, especially municipal and local ecclesiastical records, became ... more The preservation of local records, especially municipal and local ecclesiastical records, became a subject of concern within the historical and antiquarian communities in the later part of the nineteenth century. Numerous suggestions and recommendations, both informal and official, were made about how to address problems associated with the preservation, management and use of these records. Many of the concerns, and the solutions put forward, will be remarkably familiar to current practitioners. Ideas about legislation for local records, national standards and central oversight of repositories, and appropriate training for archivists continue to be discussed, while information security scandals seem the only sure way of arousing general concern about good record-keeping. What are now often regarded as pioneering suggestions for joint services and partnership working were being made in the 1890s, while other ideas – notably regional centres for archives – remain as controversial now as they were when first aired over a century ago. The model of archival provision in the English counties, which emerged after World War II, was not necessarily along the lines proposed or predicted by the well-informed ‘archival stakeholders’ of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Contents: Introduction Organization of the manual. The Nature of an Archival Description: What ar... more Contents: Introduction Organization of the manual. The Nature of an Archival Description: What are archives? Archival arrangement The function of a finding aids system Levels of archival description The multi-level rule Fitting levels together: headnotes, title pages and linked files The two modes of archival description Depth of description Other aspects of archival description. The Data Structure of an Archival Description: The purpose of data structure in archival description How the table of data elements is made up Summary table of data elements General rules for the table of data elements Specific rules for the use of data elements. Models for Description: Models for description Standard listing conventions. Typology of Archival Descriptions. Special Formats: Introduction to special formats Title deeds Letters and correspondence Photographs Cartographic archives Architectural and other plans Sound archives Film and video archives Electronic records. Appendixes: Dictionary of t...
Papers by Margaret Procter