Leadership & Staff
Samuel Rosenman
Lawyer, judge, FDR and Truman advisor, speechwriter
Harry Hopkins
One of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's closest advisers
Robert E. Sherwood
Playwright, editor, and screenwriter; one of President Franklin D Roosevelt's speech writers
Harry S Truman
33rd President of the Unitd States
Marriner Stoddard Eccles
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (1934-1948)
Milton S Eisenhower
President of three major American universities: Kansas State, Penn State University, and Johns Hopkins University
Hasty Pudding Club
A social club for Harvard students, founded in 1795
Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation
Developed around 88-degree thermal springs in west Georgia
In the office of
Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921
Government Positions
Executive Branch
Led by the president and vice president
New York State Executive Department
The administrative department of the Governor of New York
New York State Senate
The upper house of the New York State Legislature
India House
A private club in New York City
Knights of Pythias
Fraternal order founded in 1864 in Washington, DC.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Largest united international fraternal order in the world under one head
Burning Tree Club
A private, all-male golf club in Bethesda, Maryland. Membership in the club is extremely exclusive.
Margaret Suckley
Cousin of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Laura F Delano
Cousin of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Christopher du Pont Roosevelt
Grandson of President Franklin Delano Rooselt
Thomas Lothrop
Died 1675
James Roosevelt
Father of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
26th president of the United States
Anna Roosevelt Halsted
Daughter of FDR
Elliott Roosevelt
Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32d President of the United States
John A Roosevelt
Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32d President of the United States
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Vice President of Global Corporate Citizenship, The Boeing Company
The Groton School
Private school in Groton, MA
Miscellaneous Relationships
Robert R McCormick
Owner and publisher of the Chicago Tribune newspaper; Xenophobe
William O Douglas
Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court (1939-1975)
James F Byrnes
U.S. Secretary of State 1945-47
American Medical Association Inc.
Association of doctors and medical students