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a grand topiary of words
09 August 2009 @ 11:57 pm
09 August 2009 @ 02:47 am
24 Kimberley Walsh (+1 Nicola)
10 Blake Lively
8 Emily Deschanel

( like beautiful robots dancing aloneCollapse )
10 Blake Lively
8 Emily Deschanel

( like beautiful robots dancing aloneCollapse )
12 July 2009 @ 10:48 pm
title: persepolis
picspammy challenge 11
made by:
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( I remember I led a peaceful, uneventful life as a little girl. I loved fries with ketchup, Bruce Lee was my hero, I wore Adidas sneakers and had two obsessions: Shaving my legs one day and being the last prophet of the galaxy.Collapse )

made by:
caps by:

( I remember I led a peaceful, uneventful life as a little girl. I loved fries with ketchup, Bruce Lee was my hero, I wore Adidas sneakers and had two obsessions: Shaving my legs one day and being the last prophet of the galaxy.Collapse )
11 July 2009 @ 12:24 am
title: elvis & anabelle "love"
picspammy challenge 11
made by:
caps by:

( for every tragedy there is a miracle waiting to happenCollapse )

made by:
caps by:
( for every tragedy there is a miracle waiting to happenCollapse )
26 June 2009 @ 03:28 pm
title: we, who are weightless now
pairing: stevie/xabi, jon/original character
rating: pg-13
words: 2, 964 words
summary: in the years to come, their lives go like this.
notes: thank you thank you,
tessalonso for the awesome beta job. i just changed that one scene but it's pretty much the same. this fic totally punched me in the gut and kicked my ass but i love it. xabi alonso better not leave anymore.
eta: due to recent events i decided to change some things. :(
( It ends this wayCollapse )
pairing: stevie/xabi, jon/original character
rating: pg-13
words: 2, 964 words
summary: in the years to come, their lives go like this.
notes: thank you thank you,
eta: due to recent events i decided to change some things. :(
( It ends this wayCollapse )
09 June 2009 @ 01:46 am
title: all your roads lead to me
pairing: spock/kirk
rating: pg-13
words: 1,889 words
summary: a promt from
st_xi_kink round three:
notes: third spock/kirk, what. this prompt just refused to leave me alone. i hope it's not too mushy.
( like that film, with the teenagers in Los Angeles, da?Collapse )
pairing: spock/kirk
rating: pg-13
words: 1,889 words
summary: a promt from

so, kirk loves spock. and spock loves kirk. and everyone knows it. but whenever spock thinks about getting into a seriously established relationship, all he can imagine is seventy years down the road where kirk is old/dying and spock is still in his prime, and all he can think about is having to watch kirk die. :(
notes: third spock/kirk, what. this prompt just refused to leave me alone. i hope it's not too mushy.
( like that film, with the teenagers in Los Angeles, da?Collapse )
01 June 2009 @ 01:51 am
title: five people spock loved and one person he fell in love with.
pairing: spock/kirk, spock/lots of people
rating: pg-13
words: 3, 937 words
summary: a promt from
st_xi_kink round two:
notes: i don't remember ever writing two fics in such quick succession but i guess kirk and spock are just so inspiring to me. also, it is my first long fic, ever. i wanted to stick to one person per page but it obviously didn't work, lol.
( their silences are always fraught with a tenuous love they no longer mentionCollapse )
pairing: spock/kirk, spock/lots of people
rating: pg-13
words: 3, 937 words
summary: a promt from

Five People Spock Loved and One Person He Fell In Love With.
Spock/Kirk preferred, but if some other pairing inspires you, go ahead. I would love it if you had his parents and/or possibly T'Pring in there.
notes: i don't remember ever writing two fics in such quick succession but i guess kirk and spock are just so inspiring to me. also, it is my first long fic, ever. i wanted to stick to one person per page but it obviously didn't work, lol.
( their silences are always fraught with a tenuous love they no longer mentionCollapse )
27 May 2009 @ 11:26 am
title: a love so much refined
pairing: spock/kirk, sarek/amanda
rating: pg
words: 1,205 words
summary: a promt from
st_xi_kink round two:
notes: poem is valediction: a forbidden mourning by john donne, aka my favorite poem ever and i think it describes kirk and spock so perfectly. i recommend it if you haven't read it.
( before he realized he could still feel her aching, breaking love for him in their silence.Collapse )
pairing: spock/kirk, sarek/amanda
rating: pg
words: 1,205 words
summary: a promt from

Spock/Kirk, Sarek + outsider pov
Sarek watches his son and Kirk together and is reminded of his relationship with his wife - and how deep humans can love - and how humbling it is to be the recipient of such emotions.
notes: poem is valediction: a forbidden mourning by john donne, aka my favorite poem ever and i think it describes kirk and spock so perfectly. i recommend it if you haven't read it.
( before he realized he could still feel her aching, breaking love for him in their silence.Collapse )
11 March 2009 @ 01:09 am
title: even if it leads nowhere
pairing: stevie/michael, implied: stevie/xabi, past stevie/danny (MURPHY)
rating: pg
words: 800 words
summary: our dreams are not turning out the way we planned.
notes: so because liverpool beat real madrid of course i had to write some michael owen angst. because michael angst makes the world go round. this is also the first time i've written him thinking of real madrid because while i might have alluded to it in i had dreams and songs to sing but writing about the whole experience will probably never happen because it's too painful, damn it. so there is some very very slight passive-aggressiveness towards real on my part (working on the assumption that team and board politics had a say on who gets to start the team). but i don't think it's that bad...
( for both of them, denial of the truth was always a way of survival in this world they had both been thrust upon.Collapse )
01 June 2008 @ 04:27 am
title: easier to hurt
pairing: stevie/xabi, past stevie/danny and minor characters
rating: pg
words: 1,441
summary: stevie was never left behind, he always did the leaving. in the summer of 2008, this changed.
notes: this was written because when stevie was about to leave for chelsea for the first time, i wrote fic and he ended up staying. it's delusional for me to think this will have any effect on the life of xabi alonso, but allow me a way to get my frustration out? also, cesc! gets a (small) part her. cesc! makes me smile.
( Well, it’s a bit too late for a romantic gesture, isn’t it?Collapse )