Thesis Chapters by Tommaso Suaria
Eschilo e la tradizione letteraria: il sacrificio di Ifigenia dal Ciclo Troiano all'"Agamennone".
Talks by Tommaso Suaria
Talk given at the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) ... more Talk given at the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) 2018, University of Coimbra (Portugal), 8-9 November 2018: text and handout.
Gruppi di lettura by Tommaso Suaria
Gruppo di lettura di passi scelti da Euripide ("Elettra" 699-746, "Oreste" 1-18, 982-1012) modera... more Gruppo di lettura di passi scelti da Euripide ("Elettra" 699-746, "Oreste" 1-18, 982-1012) moderato dai dottorandi di ricerca Tommaso Suaria (Sapienza-Università di Roma) e Silvia Onori (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale).
Papers by Tommaso Suaria

Tycho, 10, pp. 19-25, 2024
Este artículo contiene nuevas consideraciones sobre la constitutio textus del fr. 394 de Eurípide... more Este artículo contiene nuevas consideraciones sobre la constitutio textus del fr. 394 de Eurípides, que consiste en un verso de una obra perdida titulada Tiestes. Testigos del fragmento son el llamado Florilegium Laurentianum, una antología conservada en un manuscrito del siglo XIV, y la compilación de sentencias conocida como Melissa, atribuida al monje ficticio Antonio y probablemente compilada hacia el siglo XI. Las dos fuentes se complementan, ya que el Laurentianum atestigua la cita junto con los nombres del autor y de la obra, ambos ausentes en la Melissa, pero al mismo tiempo le falta una partícula al inicio de la cita, que se conserva en la Melissa. Un análisis del texto y de sus fuentes lleva a la conclusión de que se necesitan correcciones en las principales ediciones existentes del fragmento (Nauck 1856, 1889, Jouan-Van Looy 2000, Kannicht 2004 y Collard-Cropp 2008). El artículo continúa sugiriendo una reconstrucción de la dinámica de la tradición del fragmento dentro del Florilegium Laurentianum para determinar cómo y cuándo el manuscrito perdió parte de su texto. Haciendo referencia a la práctica de la rubricación en los manuscritos medievales, se reconstruye el estado del texto de la cita en el manuscrito que fue modelo del Laurentianum. El artículo finaliza con una sugerencia de edición del fragmento.
Poétique et politique chez Euripide, 2024
Classical quarterly, Jun 15, 2023
hanging nominative, 8 which points to a certain deviation in the regularity of the syntactic-gram... more hanging nominative, 8 which points to a certain deviation in the regularity of the syntactic-grammatical links, without affecting the sense of the sentence. 9 These emendations result in the following text and translation: τῶν τῷ χρυσέῳ ἐπιγέγραπται Λακεδαιμονίων φαμένων <σφι> εἶναι ἀνάθημα, οὐκ ὀρθῶς λέγοντες … On the golden basin has been inscribed 'of the Spartans', who claim that it is their votive offering, although they say something false …
The Classical Quarterly
Two conjectures are proposed on Sophocles’ Thyestes (fr. 260a Radt) which restore Sophoclean lang... more Two conjectures are proposed on Sophocles’ Thyestes (fr. 260a Radt) which restore Sophoclean language and metre.
The Classical Quarterly, 2023
Two conjectures are proposed on Sophocles' 'Thyestes' (fr. 260a Radt) which restore Sophoclean la... more Two conjectures are proposed on Sophocles' 'Thyestes' (fr. 260a Radt) which restore Sophoclean language and metre.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2023
This paper attempts to shed light on the setting and plot of Euripides' lost "Cretan Women" by co... more This paper attempts to shed light on the setting and plot of Euripides' lost "Cretan Women" by comparing a papyrus fragment containing a literary criticism text with three fragments from the tragedy itself.
De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 7, 2022

N. Bruno, G. Dovico, O. Montepaone & M. Pelucchi (Ed.), The Limits of Exactitude in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Literature and Textual Transmission (pp. 363-392). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022
Sophocles composed more than one play about the story of Atreus and Thyestes. Determining the exa... more Sophocles composed more than one play about the story of Atreus and Thyestes. Determining the exact number, though, is a difficult task. We know of a play with the double title Ἀτρεὺς ἢ Μυκηναῖαι, of which we possess two fragments. Edited under the name of Θυέστης are 24 fragments of various dimensions, coming from different sources and with different supplementary epithets: if each title-variant served as proof of the existence of a different tragedy, we would have as many as five plays about the strife between Pelops’ sons. However, an analysis of the tradition of text titles from the fifth century BC onwards can show that there were probably no more than three such plays. As for their plots, a precious tool is offered by the comparison of Hyginus’ Fabula 88 with two vase-paintings from fourth-century BC Apulia.

Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 1(2) (2021), 2022
The aim of this paper is to discuss a challenging case study concerning a fragment from one of So... more The aim of this paper is to discuss a challenging case study concerning a fragment from one of Sophocles’ plays titled Thyestes (fr. 255 R.2). The text, transmitted to us as a quotation in a scholium to Euripides’ Phoenissae, concerns a prodigious vine, sacred to Dionysus, which grows on the island of Euboea. This particular plant is able to complete all the stages of its cultivation, from the apparition of the first shoots to the mixing of wine, in the course of a single day. After an examination of the fragment’s language, of its textual problems, and of the details of the prodigy, compared to a number of similar descriptions from other sources, the paper will investigate the possible role of the verses within the action of the original play. The absence of a known connection between the Pelopids’ saga and either the island of Euboea or Bacchic mythology makes a case for interpreting the verses as a metaphor for the number of events which can occur in a single day, if a god so wishes, resulting in the obtainment of a favourable result. The paper moves on to investigate what is known of the play’s contents in order to find a possible place in it for the series of happenings alluded to by the vine image. This might be found in the last known episode of Atreus and Thyestes’ myth, when the latter obtains his revenge over the former, starting off as a prisoner and working his way quickly up to ultimate, complete triumph.

Homo Loquens. Valori e veicoli della parola nel mondo antico e medievale - Atti del III convegno interuniversitario degli studenti laureati Progetto Odeon Università degli Studi di Torino 2‑3 maggio 2018 a cura di Giorgia Giaccardi con la collaborazione di Luca Austa, 2019
At the beginning of the lyrical parodos of the "Agamemnon", the old men of the chorus declare to ... more At the beginning of the lyrical parodos of the "Agamemnon", the old men of the chorus declare to possess the authority to speak on behalf of the Achaean army and its king. Once their account of the events at Aulis has reached its emotional peak in the instant preceding Iphigenia's death on the altar of Artemis, the old men give up their authority to narrate. Instead, they choose to be silent. The present article examines this change of plan in light of the previous appearances, in epic and lyric poetry, of the myth of Iphigenia's sacrifice.
In apertura della parodo lirica dell'"Agamennone", il coro di anziani dichiara di essere in possesso dell'autorità per farsi portavoce dell'esercito acheo e del suo re. Una volta che il racconto degli eventi di Aulide, oggetto del canto d'ingresso, è arrivato al suo momento di massima tensione, quello che precede la morte di Ifigenia sull'altare di Artemide, i coreuti rinunciano all'autorità di narrare e scelgono invece il silenzio. L'articolo indaga questo slittamento sulla base delle precedenti attestazioni letterarie (epiche e liriche) del sacrificio di Ifigenia.
Book Reviews by Tommaso Suaria
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2024
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2023
Books by Tommaso Suaria
Quaderni di Seminari Romani di cultura greca, 34 (Edizioni Quasar), 2025
Critical edition, translation and commentary to all extant fragments of 5th century BCE tragedies... more Critical edition, translation and commentary to all extant fragments of 5th century BCE tragedies concerning the myth of Atreus and Thyestes (Sophocles, Euripides and Agathon).
Thesis Chapters by Tommaso Suaria
Talks by Tommaso Suaria
Gruppi di lettura by Tommaso Suaria
Papers by Tommaso Suaria
In apertura della parodo lirica dell'"Agamennone", il coro di anziani dichiara di essere in possesso dell'autorità per farsi portavoce dell'esercito acheo e del suo re. Una volta che il racconto degli eventi di Aulide, oggetto del canto d'ingresso, è arrivato al suo momento di massima tensione, quello che precede la morte di Ifigenia sull'altare di Artemide, i coreuti rinunciano all'autorità di narrare e scelgono invece il silenzio. L'articolo indaga questo slittamento sulla base delle precedenti attestazioni letterarie (epiche e liriche) del sacrificio di Ifigenia.
Book Reviews by Tommaso Suaria
Books by Tommaso Suaria
In apertura della parodo lirica dell'"Agamennone", il coro di anziani dichiara di essere in possesso dell'autorità per farsi portavoce dell'esercito acheo e del suo re. Una volta che il racconto degli eventi di Aulide, oggetto del canto d'ingresso, è arrivato al suo momento di massima tensione, quello che precede la morte di Ifigenia sull'altare di Artemide, i coreuti rinunciano all'autorità di narrare e scelgono invece il silenzio. L'articolo indaga questo slittamento sulla base delle precedenti attestazioni letterarie (epiche e liriche) del sacrificio di Ifigenia.