Masters Dissertation by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário

Virtual Scenography has become a reality for the media consumer, currently used by the major tel... more Virtual Scenography has become a reality for the media consumer, currently used by the major television networks. This new reality has triggered the development of television scenography and the way media content should be presented.
Considering the current research, at a national and international level, we have attempted to identify the endeavors that are being taken to explore the creative oportunity brought by Augmented Reality to the audio-visual media, particularly, by Virtual Scenography.
Methodologically, the first stage was based on a survey of scientific studies and technologies currently used on television productions. On a second stage we interviewed key professional figures and have come into direct contact with different case studies and modi operandi. This way, we were able to compare the main instruments and practices employed on 3D modeling for Virtual Scenography, evaluating the challenges found with the performance of the available tools and technologies.
As a result, it became possible to identify which contributions were most appropriate to the development and implementation of the creative process supported by this technology in the television medium. Also, it became possible to develop a set of new methods and project practices for the virtual set designer in a television network.
Thesis Chapters by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário

The Portuguese Eighteenth Century was one of the most interesting periods in terms of architecton... more The Portuguese Eighteenth Century was one of the most interesting periods in terms of architectonic construction and import of new ideas. The possibility offered by the richness of the West Indies has allowed the engagement of
several artists by the Portuguese Crown. Those artists became the link between Portugal cultural environment and those new ideas.
Reflection of these new cultural tendencies was the education of the Portuguese princes in the first half of the 18th century, during the reign of João V. The taste for music was strongly increased. With the ascent to the throne of his son, José I of Portugal in 1750, the desire for the Italian opera materializes in the construction of an Italian opera house, similar to those existent in some of the most important European capitals. The invitation for a Galli Bibiena
architect appears within this context. He is seen as a heir of one of the most famous families of theatre architects and stage set designers of all 18th century, for the Galli Bibiena family had worked in the main courts of Europe
with great recognition.
Referred as one of the most beautiful, sumptuous and luxurious opera houses, it had the missfortune of being destroyed by the Lisbon Earthquake (1st November 1755). Even though this ephemeral existence of seven months, it has remained in the collective memory of Lisbon, and it is considered as one of the great theatres ever created by the Galli Bibiena’s.
The object of the present work is the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus, projected in 1752 by the Italian architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio Galli Bibiena, inaugurated on the 31st of March of 1755, and has been destroyed at the 1st of November that same year.
We aim to: know better the familiar context and the academic and professional path of the architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, circumscribed to its architectonic culture; construct a unified vision of the Historiography of the Opera House of Tagus; elaborate a representative model of how could have been the theatre.
Methodology: reunite the information, followed by subsequent thematic classification by specimen, and further cataloguing; make a comparative analysis of some aspects of the opera house, such as: the geometry, the perspective; the conceptual, morphological, structural, architectonical, ornamental and constructive details, as well as the legislative and descriptive aspects.
As results, it was possible to: create an enhanced vision of the Italian and the Portuguese life periods of Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, meanly in relation to its familiar surroundings, academic path and different professional scopes; create a historiography about the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus and a study on the constructed and the imagined theatre; elaborate a 3D model, concerning the structural, architectonical and ornamental aspects of what could have been the theatre.
Finally, this work has contributed to: determine the relation between the architectonic, decorative and conceptual aspects in the work of the Italian architect; the documental compilation of stories, news and studies related to the opera house; enlarging the present historiography and the constructed vision of the theatre; identifiing and attributing to Giovanni Carlo Sicinio new drawings of stage set design and drawings of the theatre. And, finaly, a graphical and descriptive interpretation of what could have been the Opera House of Tagus.
Papers by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário
A construção de jardins orientais é uma arte antiga. Eles surgem durante a Dinastia Zhou (1112-26... more A construção de jardins orientais é uma arte antiga. Eles surgem durante a Dinastia Zhou (1112-265 a.C.), 4 há mais de 3 mil anos. As primeiras manifestações da arte de construir os jardins despontam nos centros do poder, nas propriedades das pessoas mais abastadas, e em volta dos locais religiosos e ocupam um lugar de honra na história da arquitectura mundial.

At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have become increasingly aware of the nee... more At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have become increasingly aware of the need to save resources without sacrificing comfort or beauty, it is useful to look not only around us but also to the past and find inspiration from historic models. We strongly believe that architecture is a product of creativity, imagination and invention, born out of the relations that are established during the thinking process between what is known, that is longed for and the notion of harmony and proportion inherent to the creator. In this study we will examine the traditional houses of the East, with special attention to Japanese and Chinese buildings. Since the peoples of the Orient, out of necessity and economy of means, for centuries have created a way of life and an aesthetic philosophy based on harmony and proportion, where less is more. Our research is based upon ten years of documental analysis of the mayor treaties on figurative arts realized in the western and the eastern world in the last 2000 years and on a continuum of published material on that subject. With our project, we intend to foster academic reflection on the importance of harmony and proportion, present in the Memory and the Cultural Identity of places, as elements that will encourage and develop avenues for development of an architectural language in the current context of sustainable construction. ! Harmony and Proportion in Traditional Oriental Houses – Where Less is More At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have more awareness of the need to save means without jeopardizing either comfort, or beauty, it is useful to look not only around us but also to the past and find inspiration from historic models. The design and materialization of shelter is one of the earliest and most representative manifestations of the activities of men. The diversity of architectural pieces is the result of specific needs that the various spaces are designed to meet. These needs however are not just of utilitarian nature. 531

This paper is part of an interdisciplinary research project that promotes the wider dissemination... more This paper is part of an interdisciplinary research project that promotes the wider dissemination of cultural heritage and sustainable development in an area that encompasses part of the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina and the Association of Municipalities of the Algarve, Portugal the so called Terras do Infante (The Infant Lands) in honor of Henry the Navigator. The municipalities of Aljezur, Lagos and Vila do Bispo, assembled efforts to develop projects of common interest. The geographical proximity, the similarities of their historical and cultural past, along with its common needs and potential, were some of the factors that motivated this institutional link. We focused our research (strongly supported by cultural and visual analysis) in the city of Lagos once the centre of the Portuguese discoveries of the 15th century which was almost destroyed by one of the major and destructive natural catastrophes of the Portuguese and European Eighteenth-Century: the great Earthquake of 1755 whose effects went far beyond the capital city of Lisbon. The once beautiful and prosperous " capital " city of the Algarve was not only devastated by the earthquake and consequent tidal wave, as its surviving inhabitants were left behind by the civil and military authorities. It took almost a century, for a once very important trading city to recover. However the urban and social decay brought by the natural catastrophe was mitigated by the resilience of its inhabitants which combated and promoted resistance not only to the French invasions but also during the Portuguese civil war of the of the 19th century promoting and defending the liberal cause. These facts were determinant for the slow reconstruction of the city and brought a new insight not only for Lagos but also for the Algarve Region.

With this paper we intend to approach the knowledge between the City and the Architecture as a li... more With this paper we intend to approach the knowledge between the City and the Architecture as a life scene space, the assertion of oneself identity between the presentation space and representation status, throughout two Portuguese cities, Lisbon (European Capital of Culture in 1994) and Oporto (European Capital of Culture in 2001). Two ancient cities with important and symbolic cultural meaning, providing a contact of successful and unsuccessful approaches and trying with this comparative analysis, foresee what will happen in ECC Guimarães (2012), always in a way of cultural identity and cultural capital perspective. Through those examples we pretend to analyse and explain, some planning strategies between the theatre's physical space, which could be the scenery as a building, or even the city as a designed place where various dramatic and cultural events happens and actions are executed openly to everybody's eyes. In this way the urban scenes, namely the cities, are the support of its own representative characters, the inhabitants, and also for those who seek its opportunities at a cultural level and so are trying to create and promote their own cultural identity. The ancient city of Guimarães, north of Portugal, with the patrimony of humanity nomination by the UNESCO Heritage Centre, since 2001, will be our mainly case study, since it will be the 2012 European Capital of Culture. The allocation of this appointment tries to confirm the validity of the cultural policies implemented and all investments in the last two decades – on both material, and symbolic assets and also in various urban equipments which gives a special attractiveness to the city and also a cultural agenda full of contemporaneity. The city authorities strongly believe that the conditions are in place for an urban revolution even more valuable than all that led UNESCO to recognize its Historical Centre as World Heritage Site. We seek to analyse how the ECC designation means an opportunity to improve, in a sustainable way, its inhabitant's quality of life and also to promote its cultural experiences raising their qualification level, as well as their social awareness and citizenship. We also want to emphasize the expected impact of this political decision in sectors such as tourism and in urban redevelopment and its contribution to the growth of cultural diversity. We pretend to outline the theatrical bonds within the city and explore some structural questions of the landscape representation throughout social and cultural activities that could fulfill the urban life and so, giving a new sense and a new meaning to the city, and not only at the city Centre, as we have observed in Lisbon 94. Based mainly in a diachronic approach and interdisciplinary analysis, we promote a contemporary view of the city as heritage through the necessity to preserve and

At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have become increasingly aware of the nee... more At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have become increasingly aware of the need to save resources without sacrificing comfort or beauty, it is useful to look not only around us but also to the past and find inspiration from historic models. We strongly believe that architecture is a product of creativity, imagination and invention, born out of the relations that are established during the thinking process between what is known, that is longed for and the notion of harmony and proportion inherent to the creator. In this study we will examine the traditional houses of the East, with special attention to Japanese and Chinese buildings. Since the peoples of the Orient, out of necessity and economy of means, for centuries have created a way of life and an aesthetic philosophy based on harmony and proportion, where less is more. Our research is based upon ten years of documental analysis of the mayor treaties on figurative arts realized in the western and the eastern world in the last 2000 years and on a continuum of published material on that subject. With our project, we intend to foster academic reflection on the importance of harmony and proportion, present in the Memory and the Cultural Identity of places, as elements that will encourage and develop avenues for development of an architectural language in the current context of sustainable construction. ! Harmony and Proportion in Traditional Oriental Houses – Where Less is More At a time when resources are increasingly scarce and we have more awareness of the need to save means without jeopardizing either comfort, or beauty, it is useful to look not only around us but also to the past and find inspiration from historic models. The design and materialization of shelter is one of the earliest and most representative manifestations of the activities of men. The diversity of architectural pieces is the result of specific needs that the various spaces are designed to meet. These needs however are not just of utilitarian nature. 531

This paper is part of major interdisciplinary research project that promotes the wider disseminat... more This paper is part of major interdisciplinary research project that promotes the wider dissemination of cultural heritage and sustainable development in Aljezur county that encompasses part of the Portuguese Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina. We seek to clarify and reinforce the strength and the knowledge about the several dimensions of landscape as heritage which must be continuously protected by law and preserved by men. We pretend to emphasize and explore the synergies between cultural landscape representation –and landscape production – the physical and material changes wrought on the land, not always with the best results due to major touristic pressures, and the urgent necessity of its preservation as Natural and Cultural European Heritage. We firmly believe in the need to promote the idea of preserving the landscape through political measures and also to promote sustainability through the opportunities of an ethical model of tourism which may include the use of new technologies to promote the memory of places. This paper, is based upon almost three decades of immersion on local culture that produced a continuous of published and public debated material, focused on the dynamics of cultural change problems that emerged with the local tourist demand and also by the needs of a planning process which promotes and preserves the several dimensions of heritage management and does not ignore men and its needs promoting a wider discussion about the intangible values derived from protect areas.

With this paper, part of a research project, that takes a holistic approach and about memory and ... more With this paper, part of a research project, that takes a holistic approach and about memory and the preservation of the tangible and intangible heritage of Aljezur, south of Portugal, whose territory almost preserved at its majority, is however too coveted for its tourist potential, we want to warn about the contradictions of a law that supposedly protects and promotes the maintenance of a unique landscape and ecosystem, but also allows its disfigurement, authorizing projects that, contrary to logic, common sense and good taste, contribute to its destruction, defacing places that for centuries remained virtually untouched and protected its inhabitants, changing the landscape and introducing new paradigms of experiences in a community where always respected each other without sealing paths, without create real boundaries, proposing, under the guise of development and a new concept of tourism, in rural areas, the destruction of one of the most protected and untouched places in the heart of the municipality of Aljezur. A once magnificent place where for centuries stood merely an ancient and ancestral farm-with its housing – Monte – with its traditional language-and its agricultural support small scale buildings, begins to resemble a new village whose architecture appears under the guise of sustainability and tradition, since is in taipa (adobe or sun dried bricks), integrates characteristics of other places, anywhere, other than where it goes lifting, disfiguring landscape, in contravention of the vernacular architecture contradicting the memory and also the maintenance and preservation of material and immaterial heritage which is the opposite of what will be sustainability. " Alas! How little does the memory of these humans inhabitants enhance the beauty of the landscape... " (Henry Thoreau) 1 The Project This paper is an integral part of a research project named-Aljezur "between vision" of the place and memory-which aims for the cultural analysis and the protection of tangible and intangible heritage of an territory which is an integral part of the Southwest Alentejo Natural Park and Vicentina Coast. Incorporating various disciplinary valences that promote a close and critical view regarding heritage, memory and the preservation of the cultural identity of a depressed and aged county that urges to boost. Thus, according to our research supported by a multidisciplinary team, and for a continuum of several articles published and presented at various seminars, national and international conferences, for nearly three decades. We assume not only an EMIC approach and a systematic participative observation, but also an attentive reading of all documentation and legislation that have been published on the present territory, particularly since it was considered protected landscape in 1987, and later Natural Park in 1995. We intend to contribute to the wider debate within the academic community and also the civil society, regarding the necessary and compelling regulated protection and ethically sustained of a natural landscape and also of its urban territory. In the sense, that it assumes a symbolic, social and material impact. Not just for those who reside there and experience it in everyday life, but also for all who seek it in search of an alternative to mass tourism and concrete, that have mischaracterized the rest of the 554

This communication is an integral part of a research project I & D ALJEZUR, "betweenvisions "Plac... more This communication is an integral part of a research project I & D ALJEZUR, "betweenvisions "Place and Memory, which aims to integrate diverse knowledge and expertise in towards new ways to address the balance defense of a threatened county contemplating and accentuating the registration of memory and its conservation. In this sense, and not ignoring an integrated analysis of tourism conceptual approach. Sustainable and ethically responsible, we want to test a new defense approach and promotion of the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Aljezur, a county integrated in the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, and subject to various and continuous pressures for mass tourism. In this logic, and to emphasize the relevant aspects for the promotion of sustainability we view as essential to recovery Memory as a determinant for land surveying and safeguard the collective identity of a territory through knowledge and preservation of its heritage. With this our project, we aim to provide academic reflection for the benefits of using technology platforms based on Augmented and immersive reality allowing on the one hand, the approach between present, past and future, and secondly to be regarded as an encouragement and also a new impulse way, for the safeguarding of Aljezur´s tangible and intangible heritage, providing an outlet of collective awareness of the different social actors to its sustainable development. This communication is an integral part of a project I & D ALJEZUR, "between vision" Place and Memory, which aims to integrate diverse fields of knowledge and expertise as meaning to new ways of defense approach to the preservation of cultural heritage of Aljezur a municipality of Southwest Portugal whose territory is almost entirely covered by the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina or into Natura 2000 network in its various forms, contemplating and accentuating the registration of memory, but also contributing to a new ethically sustainable approach to tourism. The team which take part on this project includes researchers and specialists of different areas, from applied Social Sciences and Humanities, the Visual Arts and Culture Communication and Design, Photography, Computer Graphic and more, all converging for the protection and safeguarding of a unique and quite threatened heritage involving also civil community organizations, such as those of promote the protection safeguarding the historical and archaeological heritage and mainly the very municipality authorities. In this sense, and based on an integrated analysis of the conceptual definition of heritage and memory, but also not ignoring innovative approach to sustainable tourism and ethically responsible, we want to rehearse a new approach to defending and promoting the heritage of an aged territory coveted and, somewhat pressed for a developmental logic opposed to its preservation. We intend to justify our intervention to the 696
A pesar de que no hemos tenido conocimiento de ningún estudio concreto sobre la relación de Giova... more A pesar de que no hemos tenido conocimiento de ningún estudio concreto sobre la relación de Giovanni Carlo Sicinio con la ciudad de Bolonia, a parie de sus intervenciones arquitectónicas y picióricas, pensamos que tal relación se podría haber manifestado en su obra. En este articulo enfocaremos algunas de sus posibles infuencias, como la realización de la tradicional fiesta de la Porchefia en agosto, que constaba de un moniaie escenogrófivo en la Piazza Maggiore, hasta las sugerencias proporcionadas por las calles porücadas de la ciudad podrían constituir posibles llaves para desvelar la obra de Sicinio. Así como, las poienciales influencias visuales en los recorridos cofidianos casa - academia, con pasaie acaso ol:›ligatorio por el palacio Davia Bargellini di Strada Maggiore.

This work was realized during the specialization course in Parametric Paper and Design Architectu... more This work was realized during the specialization course in Parametric Paper and Design Architecture at Universidade de Lisboa. It aims to synthesize the acquired knowledge during the course and evaluate the applicability of the origami theory (and of the paper architecture) transposed to the emergency architecture. The construction of shelters with the aim of being transitional housing spaces in post-catastrophe situations has, by directives: the low construction cost, ease of transportation and assembly, and the setting of minimal conditions of survival to the affected population. The methodology we intend to use follows the steps (1) characterization of the emergency architectures on a universal level and pointing the standard demands of this kind of construction, by specific bibliographic review; (2) list the existing typologies of temporary shelters; (3) identification of origami characteristics and its transposition to architecture; (4) appreciation of case studies and identification of construction samples through bibliographical and documentary research; finally, (5) appointment of the challenges and potential of this process in order to contribute to the discussion of transitional shelters.

The purpose of this research is the development of a constructive and structural system, whose in... more The purpose of this research is the development of a constructive and structural system, whose intrinsic operating fundamentals allow great flexibility dimensional, a shape plastic value, and great portability at the same time serve as a response to new proposals for Design for Urban Infrastructure: Parks, Buildings, Streets and Systems. We also intend to show that this system generates surfaces capable of giving a multifunctional response. Thus it is possible to create space, among other properties to serve as moderators environmental e.g. conferring protection against the elements and generating shelters. By the inherent geometry of the basic properties proposed building system still allows a performance of an acoustic control level. This flexible modular system is based on the understanding and utilization of a set of structural phenomena that informs and maintain its design and passing through the induction of several levels of tension into the membranes. The relationship of these phenomena and principles of structural and constructive order to allow flexibility and optimization conception and construction processes.

How does an architect use a sheet of paper and a digital system? Paper is a two-dimensional suppo... more How does an architect use a sheet of paper and a digital system? Paper is a two-dimensional support on which the architect carries out the creative drawing process. However, if we fold the paper, the architect is now able to begin to manipulate and even create space. A digital system, to put it succinctly, uses " electronic technology to manage, store and process information " allowing its user to work quickly and flexibly. So what is the relationship between these two tools? At first sight, none, as they exist independently. However, the fusion of the two has powerful consequences, as can be seen in the work of the architect Michael Hansmeyer who manages to incorporate all the beauty of the action of folding through a digital sheet with the help of a computer, where the final result is a shape that approaches a real application at an architectural level – Proto-architecture. Paper-folding, or origami as it is usually known, can be taken out of its original role and turned into a digital language. This paper is part of wider ongoing research which takes in paper architectures, morphogenesis and parametric design. In our previous articles (Kong 2014, and Kong & Calretas 2014), we identified the role of paper-folding as a tool in the creative process of architecture. Taking this one step further, we now intend to focus on the relationship between paper-folding and digital systems, treating it as a methodology in a new approach to architectural logic and structural design.

LISBOA E A FESTA Celebrações Religiosas e Civis na Cidade Medieval e Moderna Colóquio de História e de História da Arte - ACTAS, 2009
Em Maio de 1743, D. João V é acometido de uma hemiplegiam. Em conse- quência desencadeia-se um pr... more Em Maio de 1743, D. João V é acometido de uma hemiplegiam. Em conse- quência desencadeia-se um processo de sucessivas restrições a quase todos os tipos de entretenimento na corte e nos teatros. As únicas excepções são as cerimónias litúrgicas. Um pouco antes, em 1736, a princesa Mariana Vitória de Borbón escreve à sua mãe Isabel Farnésio, rainha de Espanha, queixando-se da sua melancolia pelos sucessivos e largos períodos de luto da corte, sendo as classes de música o seu único escapem. Em 1743, a jovem princesa volta a relatar a quase inexis- tência de divertimentos devido à doença do rei. No entanto, deixa transparecer nessa mesma carta o desejo que, com o seu marido como rei, se possa proceder a uma mudança de politica cultural, pois D. José não aprecia tanto a Patriarcal como seu paím. Em 1750 D. João V morre, deixando em aberto um vazio em termos de políti- ca cultural, de culto à personalidade e de afirmação exterior do Reino. A referência a Roma e à figura do Papa, tão fundamentais para o “Magnânimo”, vão ser postas em causa pelo jovem monarca, que percebe a oportunidade de se emancipar da figura paterna através de uma mudança de política e de referentes. Mudança que era apoiada por grande parte da corte, dos comerciantes estrangeiros residentes em Lisboa e pelos empresários teatrais.
Este artículo preiende construir uno visión del proceso que ho llevado o lo edificación del Teoir... more Este artículo preiende construir uno visión del proceso que ho llevado o lo edificación del Teoiro reoi de lo Opera del Toio, visondo porüculormenie los ospecios legislofivos, económicos, construct¡vos e progromóficos.

Proportion disHarmonies Identities, Mar 2015
Known as one of the most important families of architects and stage designers of the eighteenth c... more Known as one of the most important families of architects and stage designers of the eighteenth century, the Galli Bibiena’s worked for the main European courts, from Lisbon to St. Petersburg, where they earned international notoriety and recognition. Based on the research performed by us in the last decade on the work realized by the Galli Bibiena family, and particularly in the recent research carried out for the Master thesis effects, this paper aims to present some of the results obtained under the subject of the theatrical architecture developed by Francesco and Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, respectively, father and son. In particular, we aim to share out a series of analyses made between the Nancy Royal Op- era House (1709) and the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus (1755), in order to deepen the current knowledge of these two buildings and highlight some of its main features. Namely, regarding the use of the proportion and a set of elements in the formation of a specific language, that (may) confine to a common morphological identity. To conclude, we will demonstrate the existence of a formal and stylistic identity, which was used among the various members of this family, in particular in professional and academic level relating father and son.

The Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus is referred as one of the most beautiful, sumptuous and lux... more The Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus is referred as one of the most beautiful, sumptuous and luxurious Italian opera houses of the eighteenth century. Inaugurated on March 31st, 1755, had the misfortune of being destroyed by the Lisbon Earthquake (November 1 st , 1755). Even though this ephemeral existence of seven months, it has remained in the collective memory of Lisbon as a major cultural heritage, and it is considered as one of the great theatres ever created by the Galli Bibiena family. Since it was published in 1757, the only known iconography as really representative of this theatre was an engraving by J. P. Le Bas (1707-1783), in which he incise the ruins of this opera house. Over the last decade we have realize a wide range of analyzes and studies in order to minimize the loss that represented this cultural heritage. That is, to reconstruction digitally this building, as it was the day of its inauguration, or alternatively, as was envisioned by the architect. Thus, we aim to promote discussion our methodological approach and the latest results, essentially because this methodology is a work in progress included in a main research project, which implies a demand for complementary analyzes in order to rebuild the opera house. Finally, we also intend to demonstrate the importance of the digital tools applied (from vectorial to generative drawing) in the enlightenment and definition of new strategies in the analytical process and in the end result, in order to fulfil the unveiling and emerge of this heritage.
Este artículo pretende hacer una l1istoriografia de la iglesia de Nossa Senhora do Livramento e S... more Este artículo pretende hacer una l1istoriografia de la iglesia de Nossa Senhora do Livramento e São José, también conocida como iglesia de la Memória, añadiendo nuevas lecturas realizadas a cuando de la disenación de tesis doctoral. En especial su posible conexión en términos arquìtectónicos y decorativos con el Teatro real de la Ópera del Taio.
Este artigo pretende revelar o importância do teatro real da Aiudo e do seu autor no panorama ope... more Este artigo pretende revelar o importância do teatro real da Aiudo e do seu autor no panorama operístico português, por se tratar do último teatro concebido por Giovanni Carlo Sicinio em terras lusas.
Masters Dissertation by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário
Considering the current research, at a national and international level, we have attempted to identify the endeavors that are being taken to explore the creative oportunity brought by Augmented Reality to the audio-visual media, particularly, by Virtual Scenography.
Methodologically, the first stage was based on a survey of scientific studies and technologies currently used on television productions. On a second stage we interviewed key professional figures and have come into direct contact with different case studies and modi operandi. This way, we were able to compare the main instruments and practices employed on 3D modeling for Virtual Scenography, evaluating the challenges found with the performance of the available tools and technologies.
As a result, it became possible to identify which contributions were most appropriate to the development and implementation of the creative process supported by this technology in the television medium. Also, it became possible to develop a set of new methods and project practices for the virtual set designer in a television network.
Thesis Chapters by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário
several artists by the Portuguese Crown. Those artists became the link between Portugal cultural environment and those new ideas.
Reflection of these new cultural tendencies was the education of the Portuguese princes in the first half of the 18th century, during the reign of João V. The taste for music was strongly increased. With the ascent to the throne of his son, José I of Portugal in 1750, the desire for the Italian opera materializes in the construction of an Italian opera house, similar to those existent in some of the most important European capitals. The invitation for a Galli Bibiena
architect appears within this context. He is seen as a heir of one of the most famous families of theatre architects and stage set designers of all 18th century, for the Galli Bibiena family had worked in the main courts of Europe
with great recognition.
Referred as one of the most beautiful, sumptuous and luxurious opera houses, it had the missfortune of being destroyed by the Lisbon Earthquake (1st November 1755). Even though this ephemeral existence of seven months, it has remained in the collective memory of Lisbon, and it is considered as one of the great theatres ever created by the Galli Bibiena’s.
The object of the present work is the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus, projected in 1752 by the Italian architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio Galli Bibiena, inaugurated on the 31st of March of 1755, and has been destroyed at the 1st of November that same year.
We aim to: know better the familiar context and the academic and professional path of the architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, circumscribed to its architectonic culture; construct a unified vision of the Historiography of the Opera House of Tagus; elaborate a representative model of how could have been the theatre.
Methodology: reunite the information, followed by subsequent thematic classification by specimen, and further cataloguing; make a comparative analysis of some aspects of the opera house, such as: the geometry, the perspective; the conceptual, morphological, structural, architectonical, ornamental and constructive details, as well as the legislative and descriptive aspects.
As results, it was possible to: create an enhanced vision of the Italian and the Portuguese life periods of Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, meanly in relation to its familiar surroundings, academic path and different professional scopes; create a historiography about the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus and a study on the constructed and the imagined theatre; elaborate a 3D model, concerning the structural, architectonical and ornamental aspects of what could have been the theatre.
Finally, this work has contributed to: determine the relation between the architectonic, decorative and conceptual aspects in the work of the Italian architect; the documental compilation of stories, news and studies related to the opera house; enlarging the present historiography and the constructed vision of the theatre; identifiing and attributing to Giovanni Carlo Sicinio new drawings of stage set design and drawings of the theatre. And, finaly, a graphical and descriptive interpretation of what could have been the Opera House of Tagus.
Papers by Pedro Miguel Gomes Januário
Considering the current research, at a national and international level, we have attempted to identify the endeavors that are being taken to explore the creative oportunity brought by Augmented Reality to the audio-visual media, particularly, by Virtual Scenography.
Methodologically, the first stage was based on a survey of scientific studies and technologies currently used on television productions. On a second stage we interviewed key professional figures and have come into direct contact with different case studies and modi operandi. This way, we were able to compare the main instruments and practices employed on 3D modeling for Virtual Scenography, evaluating the challenges found with the performance of the available tools and technologies.
As a result, it became possible to identify which contributions were most appropriate to the development and implementation of the creative process supported by this technology in the television medium. Also, it became possible to develop a set of new methods and project practices for the virtual set designer in a television network.
several artists by the Portuguese Crown. Those artists became the link between Portugal cultural environment and those new ideas.
Reflection of these new cultural tendencies was the education of the Portuguese princes in the first half of the 18th century, during the reign of João V. The taste for music was strongly increased. With the ascent to the throne of his son, José I of Portugal in 1750, the desire for the Italian opera materializes in the construction of an Italian opera house, similar to those existent in some of the most important European capitals. The invitation for a Galli Bibiena
architect appears within this context. He is seen as a heir of one of the most famous families of theatre architects and stage set designers of all 18th century, for the Galli Bibiena family had worked in the main courts of Europe
with great recognition.
Referred as one of the most beautiful, sumptuous and luxurious opera houses, it had the missfortune of being destroyed by the Lisbon Earthquake (1st November 1755). Even though this ephemeral existence of seven months, it has remained in the collective memory of Lisbon, and it is considered as one of the great theatres ever created by the Galli Bibiena’s.
The object of the present work is the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus, projected in 1752 by the Italian architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio Galli Bibiena, inaugurated on the 31st of March of 1755, and has been destroyed at the 1st of November that same year.
We aim to: know better the familiar context and the academic and professional path of the architect Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, circumscribed to its architectonic culture; construct a unified vision of the Historiography of the Opera House of Tagus; elaborate a representative model of how could have been the theatre.
Methodology: reunite the information, followed by subsequent thematic classification by specimen, and further cataloguing; make a comparative analysis of some aspects of the opera house, such as: the geometry, the perspective; the conceptual, morphological, structural, architectonical, ornamental and constructive details, as well as the legislative and descriptive aspects.
As results, it was possible to: create an enhanced vision of the Italian and the Portuguese life periods of Giovanni Carlo Sicinio, meanly in relation to its familiar surroundings, academic path and different professional scopes; create a historiography about the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus and a study on the constructed and the imagined theatre; elaborate a 3D model, concerning the structural, architectonical and ornamental aspects of what could have been the theatre.
Finally, this work has contributed to: determine the relation between the architectonic, decorative and conceptual aspects in the work of the Italian architect; the documental compilation of stories, news and studies related to the opera house; enlarging the present historiography and the constructed vision of the theatre; identifiing and attributing to Giovanni Carlo Sicinio new drawings of stage set design and drawings of the theatre. And, finaly, a graphical and descriptive interpretation of what could have been the Opera House of Tagus.