Papers by Paulo Emanuel T F Fonseca

This work is strongly connected with one of the most crucial water research issues at the turn of... more This work is strongly connected with one of the most crucial water research issues at the turn of the millennium "High Mountain Areas Hydrology" (UNESCO IHP-VI Programme). Special emphasis is dedicated to high mountains and their role and impact on surface water/groundwater interaction at Serra da Estrela region-Central Portugal, in order propose a preliminary hydrogeologic conceptual model of the Manteigas-Nave de Santo António-Torre sector, contributing to i) increase knowledge on recharge and discharge processes in this high mountain area and ii) assess the role of snowmelt as a source of groundwater resources, with the aid of coupled isotopic and geochemical techniques. The isotopic signatures of Caldas de Manteigas thermomineral waters combined with the i) morphostructural data and ii) isotopic composition of shallow groundwater and precipitation samples, made it possible to identify possible recharge areas, which should be located at altitude sites above 1500 m a.s.l.. The recharge altitudes are similar to those of Nave de Santo António area which is directly located on the Bragança-Vilariça-Manteigas fault zone. This tectonic structure should play an important role in groundwater recharge and circulation towards the discharge zone at the Spas.
Travaux et Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon, 2002
Fonseca Paulo E., Moço Luís P., Rocha Fernando T., Flores Deolinda, Fernandes José P., Gomes Cels... more Fonseca Paulo E., Moço Luís P., Rocha Fernando T., Flores Deolinda, Fernandes José P., Gomes Celso, Lemos de Sousa Manuel J., Chaminé Helder I. Tectonic imbrication of black schists along overthrusts in Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Variscan Terrane, SW Portugal) : mobility of tectonostratigraphic units along major tectonic structures. In: Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie, Lyon, n°156, 2002. STRATI 2002. 3ème congrès français de stratigraphie. Lyon, 8-10 juillet 2002. pp. 107-108

Through the work developed under the UL/FAD 2011/2012 Research Scholarship and the Final Project ... more Through the work developed under the UL/FAD 2011/2012 Research Scholarship and the Final Project of the 4 th year of the Bachelors degree in Geology it was possible to obtain ample evidence of structural nature in order to solve the tectonic accident vs sedimentary unconformity problematic associated with the "Juromenha accident" zone, much discussed by Goncalves (1971), Oliveira (1984), Oliveira et al. (1991), Araujo et al. (1994), Silva (1997, 1998) and Lopes (2003). During this project, several field campaigns were performed, in order to collect macro and mesoscopic structural data, as well as samples for micro - structural description and analysis. According to the data obtained, the area in question shows a pattern of deformation not justifiable by an unconformity of sedimentary nature and that it must have undergone, at least, two distinct phases of deformation. Furthermore, it was possible to characterize allochthonous and autochthonous portions of this tectonic accident. Key-words: Juromenha, tectonic accident, structural data.
Revista de Ciência Elementar, 2021
Chaminé Helder I., Rocha Fernando T., Moço Luís P., Fernandes José P., Flores Deolinda, Gomes Cel... more Chaminé Helder I., Rocha Fernando T., Moço Luís P., Fernandes José P., Flores Deolinda, Gomes Celso, Lemos de Sousa Manuel J., Gama Pereira Luís C., Fonseca Paulo E. Middle and upper Palaeozoic basins from Estarreja-Coimbra-Tomar region (Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo shear zone, W Portugal) : clay mineralogy, organic metamorphism, palynology and tectonostratigraphy review. In: Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie, Lyon, n°156, 2002. STRATI 2002. 3ème congrès français de stratigraphie. Lyon, 8-10 juillet 2002. pp. 68-69
International Journal of Speleology, 2010
Urban speleology applied to groundwater and geo-engineering studies: underground topographic surv... more Urban speleology applied to groundwater and geo-engineering studies: underground topographic surveying of the ancient Arca D'Água galleries catchworks (Porto, NW Portugal) URBAN GEOSCIENCE AND GROUNDWATER Many urban planners in developing countries are turning to their potentially valuable groundwater resources as a water supply source because the available surface water is very polluted, and groundwater is seen as a reliable and easily accessible

Pseudotachylyte is regarded as a friction melt developed during brittle faulting at depths within... more Pseudotachylyte is regarded as a friction melt developed during brittle faulting at depths within the crust that approximate the seismogenic zone. It is a dark, very fine-grained fault rock, which may intrude as thin veinlets the surrounding gneissic rocks. Our work aims at studying pseudotachylytes identified in three main sectors of the portuguese branch of the Iberian Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone). The study took advantage of both field (geological and structural mapping) and laboratory (mineralogy, petrography, structural petrology) approaches. In mylonitic gneisses from NW Portugal (Vale Maior region, Porto–Albergaria-a-Velha–Tomar shear zone), evidence was found for the development of ultramylonite bands by ductile deformation of pseudotachylyte. In the SW Portugal (Alvito–Viana do Alentejo region and Vale do Guadiana region), geological mapping has shown deformed pseudotachylyte and ultramylonite bands in felsic gneisses. In the gneiss a mylonite shape fabric was produced by a co...
An integrated multidisciplinary approach will be adopted in order to carry out a broad characteri... more An integrated multidisciplinary approach will be adopted in order to carry out a broad characterisation of the groundwater in the Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region (Iberian Massif, Northern and Central Portugal). Such an approach will contribute to improve groundwater management and protection, under the sustainability framework. Research will include the following main tasks: a) presentation of a geologic, morphotectonic, hydrologic and climatic outline; b) hydrogeologic inventorying and definition of a network of surface and ground water monitoring points; c) fieldwork campaigns, in order to collect water samples for chemical and isotopic analysis.
… Xeolóxico de Laxe, 2003
Título: Tectonoestratigrafia da faixa de cisalhamento de Porto-Albergaria-a-Velha-Coimbra-Tomar ,... more Título: Tectonoestratigrafia da faixa de cisalhamento de Porto-Albergaria-a-Velha-Coimbra-Tomar , entre as Zonas Centro-Ibérica e de Ossa-Morena (Maciço Ibérico, W de Portugal) Autores: Chaminé, HI; Gama Pereira, LC; Fonseca, PE; Noronha, F.; Lemos de Sousa, MJ Revista: ...
O inventário nacional do património geológico: abordagem metodológica e resultados= , 2010
... 93-94. Brilha J. (2010) Enquadramento legal de suporte à protecção do património geológico ... more ... 93-94. Brilha J. (2010) Enquadramento legal de suporte à protecção do património geológico em Portugal. In JM Cotelo Neiva, A. Ribeiro, L. Mendes Victor, F. Noronha, M. Magalhães Ramalho (Edts.). Ciências Geológicas: Ensino, Investigação e sua História. ...

Revista de Ciência Elementar, 2015
e membro da Comissão Editorial da Casa das Ciências é o nosso entrevistado deste trimestre. O seu... more e membro da Comissão Editorial da Casa das Ciências é o nosso entrevistado deste trimestre. O seu percurso académico passa todo ele pela Universidade de Lisboa, onde depois da licenciatura em Geologia no ramo científico em 1985, ingressou como Assistente Estagiário no Departamento de Geologia da FCUL em Fevereiro de 1987 e concluiu as P.A.P.C.C, equivalentes a Mestrado, em Dezembro de 1989. Defendeu o seu Doutoramento na Área da Geodinâmica Interna (Geologia Estrutural) em Junho de 1995. Fez a Agregação em Geologia em Novembro de 2003, sendo desde então docente do Departamento de Geologia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Para além disso, foi Professor Convidado na Universidade Aberta e na Universidade da Madeira para alguns Mestrados aí ministrados e Orientador Científico de várias Teses de Mestrado e de Doutoramento em várias áreas da Geologia Actualmente é Investigador do IDL-Instituto Dom Luiz, por fusão com o Centro de Geologia da FCUL, responsável pelo LabGExp-Laboratório de Geologia Experimental, do GeoFCUL. Para além da Tectónica, da Geologia Estrutural e da Geodinâmica em geral, os seus interesses específicos também passam por áreas de interesse em investigação mais específicas, tais como, fracturação, geologia estrutural aplicada e cartografia aplicada, complexos ofiolíticos, crusta oceânica, orogenias varisca e alpina, deformação frágil e dúctil, edificação de cadeias de montanhas, geologia de ilhas oceânicas (Macaronésia), geologia ambiental e geologia aplicada e ainda a sequestração de CO2, armazenamento de gás e óleo (LPG), reservatórios naturais (circulação de fluidos em meios fracturados), hidrogeologia, geologia experimental, experimentação analógica, nas vertentes de investigação e de divulgação científica em ensinos formal e não formal. Com mais de 200 publicações em Portugal e no estrangeiro, possui uma perspectiva de rigor para o ensino da Geologia, em particular, e das ciências, em geral, nos diferentes subsistemas de ensino. Fez parte até um passado recente do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE) em representação da Federação Portuguesa das Associações de Sociedades Científicas (FEPASC) durante 3 mandatos, que cumpriu integralmente. Por tudo isto, é alguém que se impõe ouvir quer na perspectiva do ensino das ciências quer da sua divulgação.

The results of a preliminary hydrogeological study of the river Zêzere catchment upstream of Mant... more The results of a preliminary hydrogeological study of the river Zêzere catchment upstream of Manteigas (Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Central Portugal) are presented. In this mountain region, different types of groundwater and surface water (used in several economic activities) occur. The methodology adopted in this study emphasizes the way how Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Soil Science and Hydrogeology contribute to the description of the hydrological phenomena taking place in the catchment, such as infiltration and aquifer recharge and groundwater flow and geochemistry-allowing to develop better hydrogeologic conceptual models. The hydrological modelling in course includes the use of the VISUAL BALAN code, which is being coupled to a GIS. The hydrogeochemical techniques are highlighted as well as its preliminary results concerning major and minor elements. The thermomineral water study includes the identification of the reservoir's geologic material, the characterization of water-rock interaction and geothermometry.

Geosciences Journal, 2013
Mountains are often considered as the world's water towers. This paper presents a critical review... more Mountains are often considered as the world's water towers. This paper presents a critical review on the research concerning the integrated assessment of groundwater resources of the mountain hydrogeologic system of Serra da Estrela Natural Park (central Portugal). The study area is the Zêzere river basin upstream of Manteigas village located at the Serra da Estrela Mountain in Central Portugal. It provides the source of strategic water resources for the Portuguese mainland, including normal groundwaters, thermomineral waters and surface waters. An integrated approach has been used to formulate a conceptual model for this complex mountain hydrogeological system by integrating the geological, morphotectonic, hydroclimatic, unsaturated soil zone, hydrogeological, hydrogeophysical, hydrogeochemical and isotopic data. This model has been useful to: i) evaluate the water resources; ii) provide the basis for a sustainable management of water resources, iii) design measures for groundwater exploitation and contamination control; and iv) set up land-use policies.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2015
The transition from seamount to oceanic island typically involves surtseyan volcanism. However, t... more The transition from seamount to oceanic island typically involves surtseyan volcanism. However, the geological record at many islands in the NE Atlantic-all located within the slow-moving Nubian plate-does not exhibit evidence for an emergent surtseyan phase but rather an erosive unconformity between the submarine basement and the overlying subaerial shield sequences. This suggests that the transition between seamount and island may frequently occur by a relative fall of sea level through uplift, eustatic changes, or a combination of both, and may not involve summit volcanism. In this study, we explore the consequences for island evolutionary models using Madeira Island (Portugal) as a case study. We have examined the geologic record at Madeira using a combination of detailed fieldwork, biostratigraphy, and 40 Ar= 39 Ar geochronology in order to document the mode, timing, and duration of edifice emergence above sea level. Our study confirms that Madeira's subaerial shield volcano was built upon the eroded remains of an uplifted seamount, with shallow marine sediments found between the two eruptive sequences and presently located at 320-430 m above sea level. This study reveals that Madeira emerged around 7.0-5.6 Ma essentially through an uplift process and before volcanic activity resumed to form the subaerial shield volcano. Basal intrusions are a likely uplift mechanism, and their emplacement is possibly enhanced by the slow motion of the Nubian plate relative to the source of partial melting. Alternating uplift and subsidence episodes suggest that island edifice growth may be governed by competing dominantly volcanic and dominantly intrusive processes.

Cuadernos Laboratoiro Xeoloxico de Laxe
The tectonics of Madeira Island is, in its generality, still quite unknown. A structural characte... more The tectonics of Madeira Island is, in its generality, still quite unknown. A structural characterization together with the formulation of hypothesis contributing to this problematic is, in our opinion, of extreme importance to relate this context with the regional and global tectonic models. The Ponta de São Lourenço, in Madeira Island, exhibited an unusual situation for studies of this nature, due to the diversity of lithologies found there, as well as the presence of excellent natural cross-sections originated by marine erosion. In terms of tectonics, the studied area is dominated by accidents of distensive nature, organized in two outstanding families: E-W and NW-SE. From these structures the most important are: a dyke swarm, very dense and with an approximate WNW-ESE direction; and a fracture pattern where we highlight the Seixal-Machico (N50ºW, subvertical), Pedra Furada (E-W, 70ºN) and Estreito (N50ºW, 70ºN) faults. The analysis of those structures suggests a distensive tension field with minimum compression axis (s3) oriented with NNE-SSW direction, and maximum compression axis (s1) subvertical, related to the weight of the lythostatic column (gravitical origin). This tension field suggests a hotspot rift model, similar to the one proposed by WALKER (1987), for shield volcanoes of the Hawaiian kind. This tension field seems to have a constant space-temporal orientation, with probable neotectonic activity. It is also proposed a tectonic control of volcanism, confirmed by the presence of aligned volcanic structures with the same directions previously described. It is equally proposed the existence of a structural control of the coast line and the landforms in the area.
Papers by Paulo Emanuel T F Fonseca