Books by Marco Oliveira Borges
Atualizar a História, org. de Paulo M. Dias e Roger Lee de Jesus, Edições Desassossego, 2022, pp. 137-145.
PhD thesis by Marco Oliveira Borges
![Research paper thumbnail of O trajecto final da Carreira da Índia na torna-viagem (1500-1640). Problemas da navegação entre os Açores e Lisboa: acções e reacções, 2 vols. [2020]](
Resumo: Na primeira parte desta tese são identificados e analisados os problemas associados à nav... more Resumo: Na primeira parte desta tese são identificados e analisados os problemas associados à navegação da carreira da Índia no trajecto entre os Açores e Lisboa, se bem que estando integrados numa problemática mais geral da rota global e das próprias relações políticas e económicas de Portugal com outros reinos europeus. Não esquecendo as debilidades da construção naval, a degradação estrutural das embarcações e a sua sobrecarga com mercadorias, assim como as condicionantes da vida a bordo dos navios, veremos como esses aspectos pesavam fortemente no sucesso das viagens, tornando ainda mais difícil a chegada a Lisboa. Aos perigos ligados ao decurso da navegação e da própria realidade da geografia física, podendo levar a naufrágios e a encalhes, somava-se o risco de encontro com corsários e piratas, cuja presença entre os Açores e a costa portuguesa revelou-se bastante activa. Outros problemas surgiam com o descaminho e o contrabando de mercadorias, não apenas de especiarias mas também de escravos.
Por sua vez, na segunda parte estudaremos as medidas adoptadas pela Coroa para tentar combater os problemas atrás indicados. Isso passará pela existência de estruturas de apoio à navegação, de um sistema de defesa e de informação, bem como pela promulgação de legislação. Assim, veremos os Açores como local fundamental de escala da carreira da Índia, mas também Cascais a prestar um apoio final inevitável, inclusive através dos pilotos locais. No plano defensivo as armadas da costa e das ilhas tinham um papel basilar, do mesmo modo que a construção de fortificações ajudou a impedir ataques inimigos e beneficiou a protecção que se pretendia dar aos navios que regressavam a Portugal, marcando a paisagem cultural marítima. Para se estabelecer comunicação entre os Açores e Lisboa e manter actualizado o sistema defensivo, havia um sistema de informação em funcionamento baseado no envio de navios de aviso. Algumas das notícias que circulavam vinham directamente do estrangeiro, onde os espiões ao serviço de Portugal iam recolhendo dados sobre o destino das armadas de corsários ou outras que se preparavam para diferentes territórios ultramarinos. Por fim, veremos a promulgação de legislação como forma de tentar evitar o descaminho e o contrabando de mercadorias, assim como outras medidas tomadas de forma extraordinária.
Abstract: In the first part of this thesis, the difficulties associated with the navigation of the carreira da Índia on the route between the Azores and Lisbon are identified and analysed, although these are integrated into a more general problem of the global route and of Portugal's own political and economic relations with other European kingdoms. Without forgetting the weaknesses of shipbuilding, the structural degradation of vessels and the fact of these being often overloaded with merchandise, as well as the constraints of life on board of the ships, we will see how these aspects weighed heavily on the success of the trips, making it even more difficult to arrive to Lisbon. In addition to the dangers linked to the course of navigation and the very reality of physical geography, which could lead to shipwrecks and embankments, there was a risk of encounter with corsairs and pirates, whose presence between the Azores and the Portuguese coast proved to be very active. Other problems arose with the loss and smuggling of goods, not only of spices but also of slaves.
On the second part the focus will be placed on the measures taken by the Crown to try to combat the aforementioned problems. This will involve support structures for shipping, a defense and information system, and the enactment of legislation. Thus, we will see the Azores as a fundamental stopover location of the carreira da Índia, but also Cascais providing an inevitable final support, including through the local navigators. On the defensive level, the coastal and the island's navy forces had played a fundamental role, just as the construction of fortifications helped prevent enemy attacks and benefited the protection that was intended to provide to ships returning to Portugal, determining the maritime cultural landscape. In order to establish communication between the Azores and Lisbon and keep the defense system up to date, there was an information system in place based on sending warning ships. Some of the news that circulated came directly from abroad, where the spies at Portugal's service were collecting data on the fate of the corsairs' navy forces or others that were preparing for different overseas territories. Finally, we will see the enactment of legislation as a way of trying to prevent the loss and smuggling of goods, as well as other extraordinary measures.
Interviews by Marco Oliveira Borges
Newsletter da Alagamares, n.º 2. , 2020
Entrevista concedida para o site da Alagamares-Associação Cultural. Newsletter n.º 2.
MA Thesis by Marco Oliveira Borges
![Research paper thumbnail of O porto de Cascais durante a Expansão Quatrocentista. Apoio à navegação e defesa costeira [2012]](
Nesta dissertação pretendemos estudar o funcionamento e as dinâmicas
portuárias de Cascais duran... more Nesta dissertação pretendemos estudar o funcionamento e as dinâmicas
portuárias de Cascais durante a expansão marítima portuguesa Quatrocentista, altura em que esta vila já se distinguia como centro económico exportador de um pequeno
hinterland onde se destacavam as produções provenientes de Colares e de Sintra.
Será dada especial atenção às vertentes de apoio à navegação e defesa costeira.
Neste sentido, e face às condicionantes geográficas, veremos as águas de Cascais como escala quase que obrigatória para todo o movimento marítimo com destino a Lisboa e o seu território como parte integrante de um complexo defensivo que se estendia de Sintra até à capital do Reino, o qual terá começado a ganhar forma durante o período de ocupação islâmica da Península Ibérica.
In this dissertation we intend to study the working methods and dynamics of the port of Cascais throughout the maritime expansion of the fifteenth century, when this community was the economic and trade centre of a small hinterland with most of the output coming from the region of Colares and Sintra.
Special attention will be given to the navigation support and coastal defence dimensions. In this sense, and in view of the geographical constraints, we will see Cascais waters as a mandatory stopover for all maritime motion with destination to Lisbon and its territory as a part of a defensive complex that extended itself from Sintra to the capital of the Kingdom, which had started to take shape during the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula.
Papers: Portuguese and European Overseas Expansion by Marco Oliveira Borges
![Research paper thumbnail of Life on Board Portuguese Ships in the 16th-18th Centuries: Theorizing Households through History and Archaeology [2023]](
Heritage, 6(2), 2020-2037., 2023
Recognizing and defining behaviors is among the most challenging objectives of writing narratives... more Recognizing and defining behaviors is among the most challenging objectives of writing narratives about the past, especially when direct testimony and the evidence of agents’ actions are long lost. Typically, archaeologists look at material remains to reconstruct daily activities, while historians read and interpret documents that articulate how agents interacted with their surroundings. Following an interdisciplinary approach combining archaeology and history, the purpose of this paper is to reconstruct how different types of agents co-existed on board Portuguese ships in the Early Modern Age, and how those relations can be interpreted as a household. These ships sailed across different oceans with different purposes and destinations, carrying people, animals, and things, all of which had a level of agency. All these agents led to the development of specific relations and ways of being, characterizing the particular dynamics and associations during voyages.
![Research paper thumbnail of Rivalidades entre Portugal e França e o papel dos espiões portugueses nos portos franceses (1503-1566) [2021]](
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, vol. 21, Coimbra, 2021
In the first half of the sixteenth century, the spice trade between Portugal and India spiked the... more In the first half of the sixteenth century, the spice trade between Portugal and India spiked the interest of different European realms, leading to overseas expeditions, thus making Portuguese ships from Asia a very desirable target for privateers and pirates, the French having particularly stood out in this timeframe. To face these perils, and in tandem with the mobilisation of armed forces to protect the Portuguese navigation, an espionage network was put in place in order to gather intelligence that could anticipate French movements, be them in regards to expeditions’ preparation, or naval attacks. In this study, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of this espionage network, so as to attempt to get a better understanding of how Portugal received intelligence that informed oftentimes contrasting policy objectives toward its carefully constructed spice trade route.
Keywords. Overseas expeditions, privateering, espionage, Portugal, France
Revista Portuguesa de História, t. 52, Coimbra, pp. 307-325 (ISSN: 0870-4147), 2021
This article analyses French privateering in relation with the carreira da Índia, in the first ha... more This article analyses French privateering in relation with the carreira da Índia, in the first half of the sixteenth-century. Deriving its argument from a wide array of differing sources, it is shown that Portuguese vessels sailing from India were a primary target for the French, in a scope not always fully grasped by traditional historiography. In fact, long before the 1580s, Portuguese ships loaded with spices faced an organized network of enemies, which acted on intelligence collected by espionage networks operating within Portugal.
![Research paper thumbnail of A carreira da Índia e o problema da entrada na barra do rio Tejo: perigos à navegação durante os séculos XVI-XVII [2020]](
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, vol. 20, Coimbra, 2020
Em finais do século XVI, devido a obras de fortificação, os canais de navegação da barra do rio T... more Em finais do século XVI, devido a obras de fortificação, os canais de navegação da barra do rio Tejo começaram a assorear, a estreitar e a apresentar uma profundidade menor, afetando fortemente a navegação, sobretudo dos navios da carreira da Índia, caracterizados pelas suas grandes dimensões. O maior problema verificou-se na carreira de
São Gião (São Julião), que é o canal Norte de navegação e o principal para os navios que se deslocavam para Lisboa, ficando mais sujeito a ser palco de encalhes e de naufrágios. Este estudo pretende contribuir para a discussão destes assuntos, tentando ao mesmo tempo compreender quando é que a carreira da Alcáçova, o canal Sul, terá começado a ser usada pela navegação para se entrar no Tejo e em que condições.
In late sixteenth century, due to fortification works, the navigation channels of the Tagus river rill began to silt, to narrow and to present a smaller depth, strongly affecting the shipping, especially carreira da India’s ships, themselves characterized by its large dimensions. The largest concern was the carreira de São Gião (São Julião), the northern
navigation channel, and the most important one for vessels on their way to Lisbon, which became more susceptible of being the stage of beaching and shipwrecks. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of these subjects, while attempting, at the same time, to
understand when the carreira de Alcáçova, in the South channel, started being used by navigation to enter the Tagus river, and under which conditions.
![Research paper thumbnail of Escravos na torna-viagem da carreira da Índia (1504-1610): da permissão limitada ao transporte descontrolado e à difusão pelo Atlântico [2020]](
Global Journal of Human-Social Science (D): History, Archaeology & Anthropology, vol. 20, issue 1, version 1.0, , 2020
From an early stage of carreira da Índia route, slaves embarked in the ships which performed the ... more From an early stage of carreira da Índia route, slaves embarked in the ships which performed the return voyage. It remains to be determined an exact figure, as well as how often did the slaves went on this voyage. They usually came from China, India and other parts of Asia, Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde. Most of them did not make it to Lisbon, as they were used in several illegal acts of trafficking and smuggling along the way, thus being mostly traded in the Azores, off the Portuguese coast, or even in Brazil and Galicia. Since mid-sixteenth century, at least, hundreds had been shipped: the sources record a single ship in which the total number of slaves amounted to 300. Despite Crown's policies aimed at putting a stop to illegal activities and slaves' mass transportation, the problem resurfaced throughout this period, even if it seems to have caused greater concern in early-seventeenth century.
Fragmenta Historica, 2019
Visão História, n.º 54, pp. 48-50., 2019
Este artigo sofreu modificações sem o nosso consentimento – inclusive no titulo, que foi completa... more Este artigo sofreu modificações sem o nosso consentimento – inclusive no titulo, que foi completamente modificado –, sendo que a última frase não é de nossa autoria. Além disso, no final do texto surgem imprecisões sobre a nossa pertença institucional e percurso académico.
![Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização e funcionalidade de um porto atlântico em finais da Idade Média: o exemplo de Cascais [2017]](
Adelaide Millán da Costa, Amélia Aguiar Andrade e Catarina Tente (eds.), O papel das pequenas cidades na construção da Europa medieval, Lisboa, Instituto de Estudos Medievais/Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide, 2017, pp. 287-315.
During the 14th and the 15th centuries, Cascais was a natural seaport which stood out as an ancho... more During the 14th and the 15th centuries, Cascais was a natural seaport which stood out as an anchorage, a landing site and a beaching place. It performed shelter, fishing, trading and military functions. The Cascais seaport had an important role in supporting all shipping routes to Lisbon, not only due to its privileged and strategic location but also due to the geographical conditions of this area. Although the local port was centred near the Ribeira beach, the coastline and the anchorage tradition are extended far East, making it possible for other maritime activities to take place throughout that broad area of naval movements and lead to the establishment of contact with land.
Ceuta e a Expansão Portuguesa. Actas do XIV Simpósio de História Marítima. 10 a 12 de Novembro de 2015, Lisboa, Academia de Marinha, 2016, pp. 423-426 (ISBN: 978-972-781-130-4).
Revista Portuguesa de História, t. 47, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 195-214 (ISSN: 0870.4147).
Although it is little recognized and studied, the presence of women on board the Carreira da Indi... more Although it is little recognized and studied, the presence of women on board the Carreira da India was a reality. We aim to carry on the research on the topic, analysing aspects of the everyday life and the difficulties faced by women who travelled to and back from India during the 16th century. We will emphasize the first women who sailed East, the thought men had about women at the time, the searches done on ships, as well as aspects related to sexual life and weddings on board.
Visão História, n.º 37, pp. 74-75.
![Research paper thumbnail of A torre defensiva que D. João II mandou construir em Cascais: novos elementos para o seu estudo [2015]](
História. Revista da FLUP, IV sér., vol. 5, Porto, Faculdade de Letras, pp. 93-117 (ISSN: 0871-164X).
A torre defensiva que D. João II mandou construir em Cascais: novos elementos para o seu estudo R... more A torre defensiva que D. João II mandou construir em Cascais: novos elementos para o seu estudo R E S U M O Mandada edificar por D. João II na extremidade Sul de Cascais, a torre de Cascais terá começado a ser construída em 1494. Neste estudo aduzimos novos dados que permitem uma proposta interpretativa mais segura quanto à problemática cronológica em torno da construção desta torre e que revelam igualmente alguns dos bombardeiros que serviram na mesma. Palavras-chave: Torre de Cascais; Cronologia de Construção; Bombardeiros; Sismos. A B S T R A C T The tower of Cascais, ordered by D. João II at the southern extremity of Cascais, may have started to be built in 1494. On this study we use new data to propose a safer interpretation to the chronologic problem concerning the construction of this tower and to reveal some of the bombardiers that served in it.
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, n.º 14, Coimbra, Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, pp. 85-118 (ISSN: 1645-2259).
On this study we try to understand in which way was D. Álvaro de Castro involved in the challenge... more On this study we try to understand in which way was D. Álvaro de Castro involved in the challenges brought up by the Portuguese maritime expansion of the 15th century. Thus, although it is important to understand his involvement in the military campaigns in Morocco, as well as his internal military activity, it is also significant to try and explore his association
with the vessel charter headed to Flanders and destined to the supply of Ceuta.
by Tiago Machado de Castro, Roger Lee de Jesus, André Murteira, Marco Oliveira Borges, José V. Pissarra, Inês Meira Araújo, António Martins Costa, Miguel Aguiar, Nuno Lopes, Leandro Ferreira, Elise Cardoso, and Maria Dávila
Papers: Iron Age and Roman Period by Marco Oliveira Borges
Carmen Soares, José Luís Brandão e Pedro C. Carvalho (coords.), História Antiga: relações interdisciplinares. Paisagens urbanas, rurais e sociais, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 219-255 (ISBN: 978-989-26-1565-3)., 2018
On this study we strengthen the hypothesis of the Lizandro and the Colares rivers have been navig... more On this study we strengthen the hypothesis of the Lizandro and the Colares rivers have been navigated during the Roman Period and their potential usage as a way of draining the rural production of the region, while the villages in the area were involved in a trade network that was part of the hinterland that supplied Olisipo.
Keywords - Roman Period; Western Municipium Olisiponense; Lizandro river; Colares river; population; fluvio-maritime navigation; trade network; Olisipo
Books by Marco Oliveira Borges
PhD thesis by Marco Oliveira Borges
Por sua vez, na segunda parte estudaremos as medidas adoptadas pela Coroa para tentar combater os problemas atrás indicados. Isso passará pela existência de estruturas de apoio à navegação, de um sistema de defesa e de informação, bem como pela promulgação de legislação. Assim, veremos os Açores como local fundamental de escala da carreira da Índia, mas também Cascais a prestar um apoio final inevitável, inclusive através dos pilotos locais. No plano defensivo as armadas da costa e das ilhas tinham um papel basilar, do mesmo modo que a construção de fortificações ajudou a impedir ataques inimigos e beneficiou a protecção que se pretendia dar aos navios que regressavam a Portugal, marcando a paisagem cultural marítima. Para se estabelecer comunicação entre os Açores e Lisboa e manter actualizado o sistema defensivo, havia um sistema de informação em funcionamento baseado no envio de navios de aviso. Algumas das notícias que circulavam vinham directamente do estrangeiro, onde os espiões ao serviço de Portugal iam recolhendo dados sobre o destino das armadas de corsários ou outras que se preparavam para diferentes territórios ultramarinos. Por fim, veremos a promulgação de legislação como forma de tentar evitar o descaminho e o contrabando de mercadorias, assim como outras medidas tomadas de forma extraordinária.
Abstract: In the first part of this thesis, the difficulties associated with the navigation of the carreira da Índia on the route between the Azores and Lisbon are identified and analysed, although these are integrated into a more general problem of the global route and of Portugal's own political and economic relations with other European kingdoms. Without forgetting the weaknesses of shipbuilding, the structural degradation of vessels and the fact of these being often overloaded with merchandise, as well as the constraints of life on board of the ships, we will see how these aspects weighed heavily on the success of the trips, making it even more difficult to arrive to Lisbon. In addition to the dangers linked to the course of navigation and the very reality of physical geography, which could lead to shipwrecks and embankments, there was a risk of encounter with corsairs and pirates, whose presence between the Azores and the Portuguese coast proved to be very active. Other problems arose with the loss and smuggling of goods, not only of spices but also of slaves.
On the second part the focus will be placed on the measures taken by the Crown to try to combat the aforementioned problems. This will involve support structures for shipping, a defense and information system, and the enactment of legislation. Thus, we will see the Azores as a fundamental stopover location of the carreira da Índia, but also Cascais providing an inevitable final support, including through the local navigators. On the defensive level, the coastal and the island's navy forces had played a fundamental role, just as the construction of fortifications helped prevent enemy attacks and benefited the protection that was intended to provide to ships returning to Portugal, determining the maritime cultural landscape. In order to establish communication between the Azores and Lisbon and keep the defense system up to date, there was an information system in place based on sending warning ships. Some of the news that circulated came directly from abroad, where the spies at Portugal's service were collecting data on the fate of the corsairs' navy forces or others that were preparing for different overseas territories. Finally, we will see the enactment of legislation as a way of trying to prevent the loss and smuggling of goods, as well as other extraordinary measures.
Interviews by Marco Oliveira Borges
MA Thesis by Marco Oliveira Borges
portuárias de Cascais durante a expansão marítima portuguesa Quatrocentista, altura em que esta vila já se distinguia como centro económico exportador de um pequeno
hinterland onde se destacavam as produções provenientes de Colares e de Sintra.
Será dada especial atenção às vertentes de apoio à navegação e defesa costeira.
Neste sentido, e face às condicionantes geográficas, veremos as águas de Cascais como escala quase que obrigatória para todo o movimento marítimo com destino a Lisboa e o seu território como parte integrante de um complexo defensivo que se estendia de Sintra até à capital do Reino, o qual terá começado a ganhar forma durante o período de ocupação islâmica da Península Ibérica.
In this dissertation we intend to study the working methods and dynamics of the port of Cascais throughout the maritime expansion of the fifteenth century, when this community was the economic and trade centre of a small hinterland with most of the output coming from the region of Colares and Sintra.
Special attention will be given to the navigation support and coastal defence dimensions. In this sense, and in view of the geographical constraints, we will see Cascais waters as a mandatory stopover for all maritime motion with destination to Lisbon and its territory as a part of a defensive complex that extended itself from Sintra to the capital of the Kingdom, which had started to take shape during the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula.
Papers: Portuguese and European Overseas Expansion by Marco Oliveira Borges
Keywords. Overseas expeditions, privateering, espionage, Portugal, France
São Gião (São Julião), que é o canal Norte de navegação e o principal para os navios que se deslocavam para Lisboa, ficando mais sujeito a ser palco de encalhes e de naufrágios. Este estudo pretende contribuir para a discussão destes assuntos, tentando ao mesmo tempo compreender quando é que a carreira da Alcáçova, o canal Sul, terá começado a ser usada pela navegação para se entrar no Tejo e em que condições.
In late sixteenth century, due to fortification works, the navigation channels of the Tagus river rill began to silt, to narrow and to present a smaller depth, strongly affecting the shipping, especially carreira da India’s ships, themselves characterized by its large dimensions. The largest concern was the carreira de São Gião (São Julião), the northern
navigation channel, and the most important one for vessels on their way to Lisbon, which became more susceptible of being the stage of beaching and shipwrecks. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of these subjects, while attempting, at the same time, to
understand when the carreira de Alcáçova, in the South channel, started being used by navigation to enter the Tagus river, and under which conditions.
with the vessel charter headed to Flanders and destined to the supply of Ceuta.
Papers: Iron Age and Roman Period by Marco Oliveira Borges
Keywords - Roman Period; Western Municipium Olisiponense; Lizandro river; Colares river; population; fluvio-maritime navigation; trade network; Olisipo
Por sua vez, na segunda parte estudaremos as medidas adoptadas pela Coroa para tentar combater os problemas atrás indicados. Isso passará pela existência de estruturas de apoio à navegação, de um sistema de defesa e de informação, bem como pela promulgação de legislação. Assim, veremos os Açores como local fundamental de escala da carreira da Índia, mas também Cascais a prestar um apoio final inevitável, inclusive através dos pilotos locais. No plano defensivo as armadas da costa e das ilhas tinham um papel basilar, do mesmo modo que a construção de fortificações ajudou a impedir ataques inimigos e beneficiou a protecção que se pretendia dar aos navios que regressavam a Portugal, marcando a paisagem cultural marítima. Para se estabelecer comunicação entre os Açores e Lisboa e manter actualizado o sistema defensivo, havia um sistema de informação em funcionamento baseado no envio de navios de aviso. Algumas das notícias que circulavam vinham directamente do estrangeiro, onde os espiões ao serviço de Portugal iam recolhendo dados sobre o destino das armadas de corsários ou outras que se preparavam para diferentes territórios ultramarinos. Por fim, veremos a promulgação de legislação como forma de tentar evitar o descaminho e o contrabando de mercadorias, assim como outras medidas tomadas de forma extraordinária.
Abstract: In the first part of this thesis, the difficulties associated with the navigation of the carreira da Índia on the route between the Azores and Lisbon are identified and analysed, although these are integrated into a more general problem of the global route and of Portugal's own political and economic relations with other European kingdoms. Without forgetting the weaknesses of shipbuilding, the structural degradation of vessels and the fact of these being often overloaded with merchandise, as well as the constraints of life on board of the ships, we will see how these aspects weighed heavily on the success of the trips, making it even more difficult to arrive to Lisbon. In addition to the dangers linked to the course of navigation and the very reality of physical geography, which could lead to shipwrecks and embankments, there was a risk of encounter with corsairs and pirates, whose presence between the Azores and the Portuguese coast proved to be very active. Other problems arose with the loss and smuggling of goods, not only of spices but also of slaves.
On the second part the focus will be placed on the measures taken by the Crown to try to combat the aforementioned problems. This will involve support structures for shipping, a defense and information system, and the enactment of legislation. Thus, we will see the Azores as a fundamental stopover location of the carreira da Índia, but also Cascais providing an inevitable final support, including through the local navigators. On the defensive level, the coastal and the island's navy forces had played a fundamental role, just as the construction of fortifications helped prevent enemy attacks and benefited the protection that was intended to provide to ships returning to Portugal, determining the maritime cultural landscape. In order to establish communication between the Azores and Lisbon and keep the defense system up to date, there was an information system in place based on sending warning ships. Some of the news that circulated came directly from abroad, where the spies at Portugal's service were collecting data on the fate of the corsairs' navy forces or others that were preparing for different overseas territories. Finally, we will see the enactment of legislation as a way of trying to prevent the loss and smuggling of goods, as well as other extraordinary measures.
portuárias de Cascais durante a expansão marítima portuguesa Quatrocentista, altura em que esta vila já se distinguia como centro económico exportador de um pequeno
hinterland onde se destacavam as produções provenientes de Colares e de Sintra.
Será dada especial atenção às vertentes de apoio à navegação e defesa costeira.
Neste sentido, e face às condicionantes geográficas, veremos as águas de Cascais como escala quase que obrigatória para todo o movimento marítimo com destino a Lisboa e o seu território como parte integrante de um complexo defensivo que se estendia de Sintra até à capital do Reino, o qual terá começado a ganhar forma durante o período de ocupação islâmica da Península Ibérica.
In this dissertation we intend to study the working methods and dynamics of the port of Cascais throughout the maritime expansion of the fifteenth century, when this community was the economic and trade centre of a small hinterland with most of the output coming from the region of Colares and Sintra.
Special attention will be given to the navigation support and coastal defence dimensions. In this sense, and in view of the geographical constraints, we will see Cascais waters as a mandatory stopover for all maritime motion with destination to Lisbon and its territory as a part of a defensive complex that extended itself from Sintra to the capital of the Kingdom, which had started to take shape during the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula.
Keywords. Overseas expeditions, privateering, espionage, Portugal, France
São Gião (São Julião), que é o canal Norte de navegação e o principal para os navios que se deslocavam para Lisboa, ficando mais sujeito a ser palco de encalhes e de naufrágios. Este estudo pretende contribuir para a discussão destes assuntos, tentando ao mesmo tempo compreender quando é que a carreira da Alcáçova, o canal Sul, terá começado a ser usada pela navegação para se entrar no Tejo e em que condições.
In late sixteenth century, due to fortification works, the navigation channels of the Tagus river rill began to silt, to narrow and to present a smaller depth, strongly affecting the shipping, especially carreira da India’s ships, themselves characterized by its large dimensions. The largest concern was the carreira de São Gião (São Julião), the northern
navigation channel, and the most important one for vessels on their way to Lisbon, which became more susceptible of being the stage of beaching and shipwrecks. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of these subjects, while attempting, at the same time, to
understand when the carreira de Alcáçova, in the South channel, started being used by navigation to enter the Tagus river, and under which conditions.
with the vessel charter headed to Flanders and destined to the supply of Ceuta.
Keywords - Roman Period; Western Municipium Olisiponense; Lizandro river; Colares river; population; fluvio-maritime navigation; trade network; Olisipo
Keywords: Sintra – Maritime Cultural Landscape – Territory –Interdisciplinarity
Keywords: Siege of Lisbon of 1147 – D. Afonso Henriques – Maritime Strategy – Crusaders""
Keywords: Sintra – Vikings – Coastal defence – Port of Colares
Entre os temas abordados destaque para a importância defensiva que assumia o Alto da Vigia (Sintra), situado numa área que permitia o acesso naval ao interior do território sintrense e onde foi edificado um ribat (convento fortificado); o porto interior de Colares; a área costeira de Sintra com postos de observação e de alerta que podem remontar ao século IX (Atalaia e Azóia); o castelo de Colir (muito provavelmente um dos dois castelos muçulmanos de Sintra referido por al-Himyari); a Boca do Inferno (possivelmente referida nas fontes muçulmanas); a importância geo-estratégica do porto de Cascais; a possível existência de uma torre de origem muçulmana nesta área; a possível origem árabe do topónimo Cascais (através da ligação ao almirante muçulmano Khashkhash (século IX) e através de uma ligação ao litoral catalão com base no elemento “cascal”); bem como os ataques dos piratas nórdicos, habitualmente chamados “vikings”, e que terão usado bases de apoio à navegação no território que actualmente corresponde a Portugal (ex: Lordemão e Salvaterra de Magos).
Para mais informações:
paisagem. Transversal a estes debates será ainda a tentativa de relacionar e integrar numa mesma narrativa historiográfica os espaços metropolitanos e coloniais.