Book Chapters by Marco Neves
Developments in Design Research and Practice II, 2023
Design, User Experience, and Usability, 2023
Design, User Experience, and Usability, 2023
Design, User Experience, and Usability, 2023

Design, User Experience, and Usability, 2023
Interaction design has evolved in recent decades, being improved by artificial intelligence, ubiq... more Interaction design has evolved in recent decades, being improved by artificial intelligence, ubiquitous computing, internet of things and tangible materials. While some research regards combining print media with interaction as an opportunity for development, the quantity of relevant publications is underwhelming, as it can be regarded as a difficult and risky approach. We noted a lack of scientific focus on interactive print probably due to dispersed knowledge of areas that contribute to understanding this phenomenon. To fill this deficit, we propose a first combination of main concepts and their respective connections, to draw a more enlightening framework of understanding and which will aid future research. We intend to know what are the relations between print media, interaction, understood by its materiality and tangibility, HCI and the challenges of AI and ML. How has each wave of HCI affected this set of concepts? How can research regarding interactive print enhanced by AI and ML move forward? Taking on the challenge of articulating concepts and definitions, we produced a cognitive map to better understand interactive print. Our cognitive map reveals the need to deepen research between all areas that surround interaction design and print media that still have social, cultural and educational relevance. The map contributes with a possible network of connections to elaborate theoretical frameworks at the intersection of these areas and opens a space of opportunities for designers to act.
Perspectives on Design III, 2024
Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2020
Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications II, 2020
The purpose of this work is to discover learning methods in the digital environment that facilita... more The purpose of this work is to discover learning methods in the digital environment that facilitate the training of design students and show the teaching/learning possibilities offered by MOOCs for the education of this discipline. For this research, we analyze and explore how technological innovation can be introduced in the teaching of Design for the acquisition of knowledge in the context of higher education.

Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy, 2020
Education in interaction design is growing and gaining importance. Given the diversified origins ... more Education in interaction design is growing and gaining importance. Given the diversified origins of the area, courses which have emerged in higher education have different approaches. In this article, we present a theoretical framework for a curricular unit of introduction to Interaction Design Project, at master’s level, at the Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon. For this purpose and this specific context, we will assume the nature of interaction is multidisciplinary and that training at this level should refer to designers’ abilities to think and act in different circumstances. In establishing this framework, we isolated four items that such teaching-learning system should assure: fundamentals, process, media and tools. Together they form a context upon which a syllabus can be developed for teaching interaction design practice.

HCI International 2020 , 2020
Relations between data can be very complex, and therefore finding unique ways to accurately conve... more Relations between data can be very complex, and therefore finding unique ways to accurately convey these data in order to detect trends, patterns and outliers is a very valuable opportunity. The purpose of this study is to highlight current challenges facing Information Design (ID), considering the overload of information that is inherent to modern living. How can we “visualize” the world? What are the functional, aesthetic and cognitive principles that interfere with the way we visualize information and prepare that information? What visual variables can we use to produce visual information that aims to build a functional visual message that a particular audience can understand? The main objectives are: a) to clarify some concepts linked to the act of visualizing; b) to present certain factors that influence the perception of visual information; c) to highlight the main advantages of visual information.

Advances in Design, Music and Arts 7th Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, EIMAD 2020, May 14–15, 2020, 2021
The present article deals with the contribution of communication design in social innovation proc... more The present article deals with the contribution of communication design in social innovation processes. Based upon a literature review on design for social innovation, it focuses on two distinct areas: social innovation and communication design, identifying some strategic points in the process of social innovation where design may make its contribution. Design for social innovation is an area currently in expansion, applying design project methodology and its particular methods to initiatives which try to find innovative solutions to all kinds of community problems. As the world and the problems that need to be addressed are becoming more complex, social innovation seems to be a viable alternative in exploring new solutions that embed collaborative and participatory ways to foster change. The paper also aims to list the specific needs of these processes that can be met by communication design, especially when considered as a comprehensive and evolving area, regarding the scope and the artifacts it originates. When applied to social innovation initiatives, communication design can take advantage of its unique capabilities to strengthen and expand them.

Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications III, 2021
Sales and circulation of print publications, either newspapers or magazines, are dropping. In Por... more Sales and circulation of print publications, either newspapers or magazines, are dropping. In Portugal alone, from 2014 to 2018, there was a drop in printed periodic publications in circulation (INE, 2019a) and a fall of millions of units in the sales of newspapers and magazines (INE, 2019b). At the same time, digital media remains on the rise as the main source of information for the Portuguese population, since 81% of people between the ages of 16 to 74 use the internet to read or download news (INE, 2018). In the process of duplication or migration of content from print to digital, with the rise of multimedia stories, interactivity and mobility, it would be natural that Data Visualization would follow the tendency. Taking the changes in the media landscape into account, a question arose: how are Portuguese media outlets publishing charts, diagrams and infographics? Is Data Visualization rising on digital as other forms of news, like video and audio, or is it maintaining a foot in each platform? Are there any visible differences between the publication of infographics in digital and print editions? The main objective of the present research was to trace patterns of frequency, authorship, design, composition, relevance and themes in order to create a detailed overview of contemporary Data Visualization in Portuguese news outlets. To do this, the research team chose to analyze publications made in 2017, since this was a fruitful year for news in Portugal and the world. The analysis focused on March, August and October, which were the months with the biggest prevalence of newsworthy events of the year. During this period, the team collected, categorized and analyzed all charts, diagrams and infographics published by the 12 media outlets with the biggest readership in Portugal, both in print and digital editions, in March, August and October 2017. These were: Público, Jornal de Notícias, Diário de Notícias, Expresso, Observador, Correio da Manhã, Jornal Económico, Jornal de Negócios, I, Sol, Visão e Sábado, which were divided in daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, economic newspapers, news magazines and one news website. The first step was the design of an analysis sheet, based on a large base of literary influences and previous similar analysis, which included information such as title, date, author, editorial section, theme, type and size of graphics, importance, format, graphical elements, interactivity and appearance on the cover. The results were unexpected, and the differences were outstanding. While some variances were to be anticipated, only one of the 12 news outlets published a similar quantity of infographics or the same infographic on both platforms. All the rest published almost ten times more charts, diagrams and infographics in the print editions than on the websites. This research will enable the team to evaluate how the production of charts, diagrams and infographics in news outlets depends on the daily routines and workflows of data visualization professionals.

Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications III, 2021
This paper is part of a broader study of which the objective is to investigate, map, and discuss ... more This paper is part of a broader study of which the objective is to investigate, map, and discuss the UX throughout the consumer journey when buying apparel online. Clothes possess some characteristics best explored by touch, but this is not possible in online shopping. Consumers are expected to make decisions based on product presentations composed mainly of visual and textual descriptions. In this paper we intend to discuss users’ views towards online shopping and to do so, we have chosen an exploratory approach as our first practical step and conducted exploratory interviews with 24 women, in Portugal, to understand their feelings towards buying clothes online. In a previous study, we conducted exploratory interviews with 19 people in Brazil. We drew a parallel between the two sets of interviews to find differences and similarities.

Perspectives on Design: Research and Practice in communication design, fashion design, interior design, product design and intersection areas, 2020
All objects, forms and patrimonial elements of cities are repositories of graphic memory and hist... more All objects, forms and patrimonial elements of cities are repositories of graphic memory and history, which account for values and meanings of cultural identity of a territory to its inhabitants and to its visitors. By review of the main literature and a case studies method, we characterize significant aspects of heritage buildings which present by visual means, unnoticed information by most observers. This is a descriptive and explanatory report, to verify common aspects. Design can take advantage of this and use such visual elements to add value to contemplated objects and to cultural interaction that emerges from them. Graphic design is presented as a strategic tool which contributes to communication of these visual manifestations which, in turn, constitutes material cultural heritage of a place. Therefore, this paper approaches cultural heritage of a territory, as treated from the perspective of strategic design and graphic design. Design acts both as an intermediate and interpreter that gives meaning to information, so it can be transmitted to citizens.
Perspectives on Design: Research and Practice in communication design, fashion design, interior design, product design and intersection areas, 2020
Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2020
Digital device ubiquity increased the need for HCI’s analysis, but academic research is frequentl... more Digital device ubiquity increased the need for HCI’s analysis, but academic research is frequently supported in week frameworks. The establishment of a structured body of knowledge is essential for the development of more efficient interfaces and interaction experiences.

Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2020
Infographics are an effective way to transmit messages, both as an information design artifact an... more Infographics are an effective way to transmit messages, both as an information design artifact and as a journalistic piece. Its fundamental components are information, composition, typography and color. In this study, the main focus is the usage of color in infographics in online Portuguese media, particularly in generalist newspapers. We intend to discover if the color usage is different in interactive and static infographics or if color is applied to infographics unrelated to its interactive nature. The main method of research was a comparative case studies, based on the aggregation, organization and analysis of color samples of graphics, backgrounds and typography of static and interactive infographics in six newspapers. In this process, conversion of RGB samples to Natural Color System (NCS) was pivotal for the their effectual mapping in the color spectrum, according to luminance, saturation and tone. The study led to conclude that online infographics tend to have light and saturated colors in graphics, light colors or white in backgrounds, and saturated colors and black in typography. There were no significant differences between static and interactive infographics, neither in terms of number of colors applied or in aspects of luminance, saturation and tone. In both cases, there was a prominence of the tones of yellow, red and blue in the graphics and neutrals in backgrounds. In what concerns typography, the samples of colors where distributed in the spectrum, with no clear prominence of any tone.

Advances in Ergonomics in Design, 2020
Emergency situations are unpredictable and happen very quick. They require citizens to be able to... more Emergency situations are unpredictable and happen very quick. They require citizens to be able to act to help victims until they are stable or until emergency entities arrive. Acting in these situations is crucial to save someone’s life. However, the average citizen does not always know about first aid. Communication for this matter is important as it allows a set of information to be transmitted in a variety of ways, such as verbal, non-verbal or pictographic. Therefore, first aid procedures should be communicated in a simple and objective way, to motivate citizens to act in emergency situations. We present a set of analog and digital media as part of a design project developed as a solution for these circumstances, where we explain basic life support and recovery position. We undertook an evaluation of project outcome, through questionnaires. Perception and effective learning of techniques to deal with emergency situations was improved.

Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Advanced Technological Environments, 2019
Technology has been used to communicate complex information and brought opportunities for science... more Technology has been used to communicate complex information and brought opportunities for science development and science communication. Three-dimensional representation systems allow design to use image and video in innovative ways and enable organization of more suitable content for effective understanding. This paper addresses the use of three-dimensional representation systems to disseminate complex concepts related to science. We reviewed its course from scientific illustration of natural species, to the use of detailed infographics as direct communication in newspapers. We also undertook visual experiments to demonstrate the use of such three-dimensional representation systems in science communication, and proceeded with an evaluation from experts. This research allowed us to find connections between visual communication and complex concepts coming from science. Three-dimensional representation systems have features which generate benefits for science communication and understanding.

Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users, Contexts and Case Studies, 2018
Customization can be a decisive factor in improving online user experience. It is a procedure tha... more Customization can be a decisive factor in improving online user experience. It is a procedure that allows users to get involved with an interactive system to obtain results that better match their needs. These results are achieved through a co-design process. To establish the importance of customization in this context, we developed a design project for online customization of lacrosse equipment for Ativo brand. It was intended for users to create their own lacrosse equipment, with the possibility of adapting them to their tastes and requirements. For the tool to become viable it was necessary to consider several interaction tasks. Screens were designed, first trough 11 wireframes and later through 194 visual layouts. The project was evaluated with usability tests, using a support questionnaire to verify tasks were effectively fulfilled. The result is a tool which allows wide customization of various options related to these products, their implementation on the brand website and improvement of its user experience.
Book Chapters by Marco Neves
residents. Nevertheless, designers master a set of skills to deal with complex problems. This paper aims to show, from the case study of the city of Porto Alegre (Brazil), how design can activate the collective participation of stakeholders and residents in a place branding process. The project ‘O que marca Porto Alegre?’ arose from a Rio Grande do Sul regional initiative, from the Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Design — ABEDESIGN-RS [Brazilian Association of Design Companies], with the aim of constructing a local brand that would recover the citizens’ pride and bring action guidelines to Porto Alegre. The proposal emerged from three principles: voluntary protagonism, collective authorship, and communal property. It had the participation of the municipality,
academia, business and civil society and it mobilized over 40 design studios, organized in six teams around a collective creation. As a result, by means of co-creation, a project was developed integrating multidisciplinary teams, stakeholders, and citizens around a common goal.
no modus operandi de, entre outros, jornalistas e designers.
A própria forma de produzir e disseminar conteúdos é altamente diferente, porque até os requisitos da audiência diferem.
O excesso de informações noticiosas e o caráter imediato que
a Internet implica aceleraram, em grande escala, o processo
de criação do jornalismo. Em muitos órgãos de comunicação social, o imediatismo sobrepõe-se à procura pela clareza,
à perceção da mensagem e à experiência do utilizador.
O que acontece se se aliarem o jornalismo, o design
de informação e o design de interação, de modo a produzir conteúdos mais úteis e usáveis? É possível que o design
de interação possua características que favoreçam a aplicação e disseminação do design de informação em jornalismo, no que concerne os meios digitais, ou seja, é possível que o design
de interação seja a resposta para o futuro da infografia jornalística.
No decorrer da investigação, foi aplicada uma metodologia intervencionista e não intervencionista de base qualitativa.
Em primeiro lugar, foi fundamental o estado da arte, de modo a enquadrar e agregar toda a teoria essencial à produção deste projeto, que foi complementado com estudo de casos dos conteúdos infográficos de websites de órgãos de comunicação portugueses. A segunda parte da metodologia prende-se com
a concretização da investigação de base prática ou investigação ativa, onde se integram as fases de construção do projeto,
de teste de usabilidade e de iteração e melhorias. O grande intento do presente projeto é criar uma ferramenta facilitadora para jornalistas e designers, de modo a orientar a produção mais consciente de infografias digitais de cariz noticioso. O projeto consiste na criação de um manual portátil e interativo que seja, simultaneamente, agregador de informação e orientador prático, no sentido de personalizar e direcionar o modus operandi
de cada profissional, tendo sempre como finalidade a experiência do utilizador.