Papers by Lucinda Fonseca
Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to crimina... more Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, I.P., 2017

Southern Europe has been severely hit by the current economic crisis with negative consequences i... more Southern Europe has been severely hit by the current economic crisis with negative consequences in many areas. In this article the authors try to understand whether migrant integration has also been negatively affected and, if so, to what extent by analysing empirical data. Integration is, in fact, a complex matter, including several aspects which are connected but not automatically related, and thus are potentially different in their reactions to the economic crisis. First breaking down the concept of integration, the authors then compare Italy, Spain, and Portugal, paying special attention to the labour market, migrants’ legal status, and public perceptions about immigration and immigrants. Finally the integration aspects which are more resilient and more sensitive to the crisis are noted, and possible implications for integration patterns of migrants to southern European are pointed out.
The EuroMedMig Policy Papers Series aims to promote knowledge exchange and dialogue among actors ... more The EuroMedMig Policy Papers Series aims to promote knowledge exchange and dialogue among actors working on a particular topic on Mediterranean Migration, comprising of international and Mediterranean organizations, stakeholders, civil society organizations, policymakers and politicians at all levels of government.
The Dynamics of Migration and Settlement in Europe, 2006

portuguesO Brasil e, desde 2008/2009, o pais estrangeiro com o maior numero de alunos inscritos n... more portuguesO Brasil e, desde 2008/2009, o pais estrangeiro com o maior numero de alunos inscritos no ensino superior portugues, representando atualmente 32% do total dos estudantes em mobilidade internacional. Neste artigo procuraremos discutir as causas desse fenomeno, considerando as politicas governamentais e as estrategias de internacionalizacao das instituicoes universitarias, bem como as motivacoes individuais dos estudantes. O estudo baseia-se em informacao disponivel em fontes secundarias, nos resultados de um inquerito online, para alem de entrevistas realizadas aos estudantes universitarios brasileiros que residem, ou ja residiram em Portugal. As conclusoes do estudo indicam que o aumento dos alunos brasileiros no ensino superior portugues resulta dos efeitos conjugados de tres fatores fundamentais: politicas brasileiras de fomento a mobilidade estudantil internacional; promocao de estrategias de captacao de estudantes estrangeiros por parte das instituicoes de ensino superi...
Na era da globalização, o papel da Internet tem sido fundamental para a formação de redes de cont... more Na era da globalização, o papel da Internet tem sido fundamental para a formação de redes de contatos além-fronteiras. Com a introdução das chamadas redes sociais online de relacionamento (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Youtube, MySpace, Badoo, etc), a facilidade em comunicar e obter informações de qualquer parte do globo aumentou ainda mais, apesar do acesso a essas novas mídias ainda não ser igual para todos.Tendo como base as entrevistas qualitativas realizadas no âmbito do projeto de doutorado em desenvolvimento sobre as trajetórias de mobilidade dos estudantes brasileiros no ensino superior em Portugal, pretende-se discorrer sobre a importância do Facebook na constituição de redes de contatos entre Brasil e Portugal. Os resultados preliminares têm apontado esta rede social online como uma das grandes facilitadoras deste tipo de mobilidade.
Finisterra, 2012
Innovation holds an important role in the economic development process. The competitive potential... more Innovation holds an important role in the economic development process. The competitive potential of national and regional economies is based on the ability to manage the changing technological process. Economic competition does no longer exclusively depend on the factor costs, which vary geographicaly, because technology can now eliminate the territory disadvantages. Productivity is the crucial element in the competitive capacity of any economy. Productivity, as can easily be proved, is deeply dependent on technological development; this is only possible if there is constant innovation. This paper starts with a brief discussion on the theoretical issues regarding innovation in relation to regional economies. In the second section the Portuguese…
The housing situation of immigrants and small national ethnic groups in the EU countries has been... more The housing situation of immigrants and small national ethnic groups in the EU countries has been characterized by higher levels of vulnerability and residential segregation when compared with the authochthonous populations. Taking these contextual elements into consideration, this chapter discusses four socio-urban interventions taking place in "problematic" social housing neighbourhoods where immigrants or Roma are over-represented (in amsterdam, Avilés and in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area). The regeneration nature of these interventions is discussed from a comparative perspective . The key conditions for the success of these experiences (collaborative planning with "knowledge" dialogue, interaction between bottom-up nd top-down strategiesor respect for consolidation and negotiation times) are also discussed.
… , 27 septiembre-2 octubre, 1983: acta, …, 1984
Información del artículo Utilizaçao de bases de dados na investigaçao geográfica. A experiência d... more Información del artículo Utilizaçao de bases de dados na investigaçao geográfica. A experiência do sistema de informaáo BDAR.
Finisterra: Revista portuguesa de …, 2004
Resumen: This paper aims to analyse the role of immigrants jo the process of ecooomic restroctori... more Resumen: This paper aims to analyse the role of immigrants jo the process of ecooomic restroctoring and secondary internationalisation of the metropolises jo opposition to the hegemonie Elobalisation process associated to Transoational Corporations (TNC) and its ...
The views, interpretations and opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility... more The views, interpretations and opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission or the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC). Neither the European Commission nor the EAHC or any person acting on behalf of the European Commission or on behalf of the EAHC is responsible for the use, which might be made of this".
Impacts of the Recent Economic Crisis (2008-2009) on International Migration, Edited by Elaine Le... more Impacts of the Recent Economic Crisis (2008-2009) on International Migration, Edited by Elaine Levine; Mónica Verea, 03/2014: chapter Immiigration and policy: new challenges after the economic crisis in Portugal: pages 51-75; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México., ISBN: 978-607-02-5191-7

Finisterra, 2014
the role of urban neighbourhoods in social cohesion has been extensively debated in recent times,... more the role of urban neighbourhoods in social cohesion has been extensively debated in recent times, both in academic and political circles. this paper explores different modes of coexistence and neighbourhood embeddedness in three multi-ethnic neighbourhoods in the Lisbon Metropolitan area. Using factor and cluster analysis, with data collected in a survey of the native and immigrant population and drawing upon complementary qualitative data from focus groups with key actors in each neighbourhood, five modes of neighbourhood embeddedness are identified. these modes serve to enhance our understanding of the nature of social interactions and social networks between and within groups. a geographical perspective is adopted incorporating possible effects relating to the characteristics of the neighbourhood as well as the socio-ethnic and demographic profiles of the respondents.
Finisterra, 2014
aLina esteves 3 abstract -this special issue of Finisterra is based on the findings of the GeitOn... more aLina esteves 3 abstract -this special issue of Finisterra is based on the findings of the GeitOnies project, and intends to shed some light on questions relating to ethnic diversity, social relations and participation in urban settings. the research was conducted in 6 european cities: Lisbon, Bilbao, thessaloniki rotterdam, Vienna and Warsaw and the neighbourhood context was adopted as the field of research. a random survey was implemented to 3600 residents in 18 neighbourhoods in the six cities. the papers included in this special issue of Finisterra -Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, focus on processes of change and social relations at the neighbourhood level and stress the role of place and time in the development of positive inter-group contacts, representations and integration.

In a short period of time, Ukrainians became the second largest foreign community living in Portu... more In a short period of time, Ukrainians became the second largest foreign community living in Portugal. Without historical ties linking the two countries, the ‘migration industry’ as well as positive feedback and assistance provided through pioneers’ social networks were decisive for the constitution and rap-id expansion of the flow. However it slowed down in only few years and the economic crisis affecting Portugal since 2008 has introduced new limits to a possible future expansion. The goal of the paper is to provide insights with respect to the evolution of the flow, particularly looking at mechanisms of as-sistance and feedback provided and received within social networks, including the role of the ‘migra-tion industry’. We explored quantitative and qualitative data collected through questionnaires applied to 306 Ukrainians and interviews conducted with 31 Ukrainians in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area in 2011 and 2012. The research confirms the importance of assistance received throu...
Studies in Applied Geography and Spatial Analysis: Addressing Real World Issues, 2012
Papers by Lucinda Fonseca