Papers by Leonor Rodrigues

Many people contributed to the White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal over the whole cou... more Many people contributed to the White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal over the whole course of its preparation: national and international partners, specialists in various fields, stakeholders representatives, political decision-makers, and expert consultants in gender equality. We thank all of them for the time they took to participate in discussion groups, in the parliamentary hearing, in the seminars and in the final conference, giving rise to in-depth, stimulating discussion and bringing informed views and recommendations which have greatly contributed to the final recommendations of the White Paper. A special vote of thanks goes to those men who granted interviews as part of the case study on sharing of initial parental leave, providing information on different aspects of this experience and its implications for the lives of fathers, mothers and children. We also thank our colleagues at ICS-ULisboa for helping to produce and reflect on some of the results of the White Paper: Mafalda
O documento foi elaborado no âmbito do projeto “OS PAPEIS DOS HOMENS NUMA PERSPETIVA DE IGUALDADE... more O documento foi elaborado no âmbito do projeto “OS PAPEIS DOS HOMENS NUMA PERSPETIVA DE IGUALDADE DE GENERO” (MEN’S ROLES IN A GENDER EQUALITY PERSPECTIVE), financiado pelo Programa Integracao da Igualdade de Genero e Promocao do Equilibrio entre o Trabalho e a Vida Privada (EEA Grants e Comissao para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Genero), e desenvolvido ao longo de dois anos (2014-16) numa parceria que juntou a Comissao para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego (CITE) e o Instituto de Ciencias Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa). Teve como parceiros internacionais: Berit Brandth e Elin Kvande (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) e Gerardo Meil (Autonomous University of Madrid)1
Changing societies: legacies and challenges. The diverse worlds of sustainability, Sep 1, 2018
Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Ambiguous inclusions: inside out, outside in

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas
Este artigo pretende analisar a evolução das atitudes face à divisão conjugal do trabalho em Port... more Este artigo pretende analisar a evolução das atitudes face à divisão conjugal do trabalho em Portugal, entre 2002 e 2014. Um dos objetivos centrais é o de aferir em que medida a evolução observada corresponde a uma modernização das atitudes. Avaliam-se igualmente as hipóteses de uma complexificação dos padrões atitudinais ou, em alternativa, de uma cristalização em torno de padrões atitudinais dicotómicos. Para tal foi efetuada uma análise comparativa das atitudes dos portugueses aferidas nos módulos Família e Género do ISSP (International Social Survey) em dois períodos distintos — 2002 e 2014 — sendo, de seguida, avançados alguns fatores explicativos para os padrões atitudinais encontrados. Mas se os padrões atitudinais encontrados em 2002 sofrem em 2014 uma evolução inequívoca, é também clara alguma incongruência nas atitudes dos portugueses em relação à conciliação do trabalho com a família, especialmente quando existem filhos pequenos. Estes e outros resultados são analisados à...

The Social Developmental Construction of Violence and Intergroup Conflict, 2016
This chapter describes how violence lies in the maltreatment of children, focusing on one key fac... more This chapter describes how violence lies in the maltreatment of children, focusing on one key factor of this phenomenon: Caregivers’ cognition in parent–child interactions. After reviewing literature on different sources of variability in these cognitions as well as on the importance of caregiver cognition for the explanation of maltreatment, the chapter presents original research with a sample of abusive mothers. This study tests how much previous experiences with the child in focus and other children, as well as current perceptions of the child may influence abusive mothers’ values, beliefs, and situational attributions. With some exceptions results seem to indicate that previous experience is much less important than current perceptions of the child, and if there is any impact of previous experience it is there rather because it shapes current perception as well. In their own way, these results underline the value that a social-psychological approach has for the understanding of child maltreatment.
Condições da habitação da população residente, dos agregados com crianças e com crianças em risco... more Condições da habitação da população residente, dos agregados com crianças e com crianças em risco de pobreza (2013) (%). .. .. 1.51 Condições da zona de residência da população residente, dos agregados com crianças e com crianças em risco de pobreza (2013)

Child abuse & neglect, Jan 13, 2015
Out-of-home placement decisions in residential care are complex, ambiguous and full of uncertaint... more Out-of-home placement decisions in residential care are complex, ambiguous and full of uncertainty, especially in cases of parental neglect. Literature on this topic is so far unable to understand and demonstrate the source of errors involved in those decisions and still fails to focus on professional's decision making process. Therefore, this work intends to test a socio-psychological model of decision-making that is a more integrated, dualistic and ecological version of the Theory of Planned Behavior's model. It describes the process through which the decision maker takes into account personal, contextual and social factors of the Decision-Making Ecology in the definition of his/her decision threshold. One hundred and ninety-five professionals from different Children and Youth Protection Units, throughout the Portuguese territory, participated in this online study. After reading a vignette of a (psychological and physical) neglect case toward a one-year-old child, particip...
Papers by Leonor Rodrigues