Papers by Jose Duarte

Na trilogia As Aventuras de Dog Mendonca e Pizza Boy (2010; 2011; 2013) e sua prequela (2012), Fi... more Na trilogia As Aventuras de Dog Mendonca e Pizza Boy (2010; 2011; 2013) e sua prequela (2012), Filipe Melo e Juan Cavia povoam Portugal, e em particular Lisboa, com varios corpos fantasticos: gargulas, vampiros, lobisomens, zombies, demonios e outros seres habitam o universo lusitano naquela que e uma obra com claras referencias cinematograficas aos mestres do cinema de horror e outros. Ao mesmo tempo, esta homenagem apresenta tambem uma reflexao sobre o corpo fantastico, a monstruosidade e o Outro. Centrando-se essencialmente nas figuras sobrenaturais desta obra, este ensaio aborda os corpos fantasticos presentes nesta BD, em particular o caso de Dog Mendonca, o lobisomem, e de Pazuul, o demonio em corpo de crianca. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem um duplo objetivo: por um lado, explorar as influencias fantasticas de As Aventuras de Dog Mendonca e Pizza Boy e, por outro, estabelecer uma leitura do corpo fantastico a partir da analise de duas personagens que circulam entre dois m...
Cuadernos De Musica Artes Visuales Y Artes Escenicas, Jan 15, 2012
* This an essay based upon the author's MA thesis. It is an extension of that same research where... more * This an essay based upon the author's MA thesis. It is an extension of that same research where he tries to address some old and new subjects.

Brumal. Revista de investigación sobre lo Fantástico, 2015
Monsters have attracted our imagination throughout times, even in an apparently rational and prag... more Monsters have attracted our imagination throughout times, even in an apparently rational and pragmatic age such as ours. Being one of the monsters of the new millennium, the zombie is now a permanent figure of popular culture, both embodying society's most terrible fears and exploring audience's desire for violent cathartic experiences. Of African origins, the zombie has been popularised by American cinema and spread across cultures and media. Although with no great tradition of horror, Portugal also has an example of the zombiemania that seems to have overtaken the world, the short film I'll See You In My Dreams (2003, Dir. Miguel Angél Vivas, Prod. Filipe Melo). This article aims at questioning the concept of monster in general terms, then look at the evolution of the zombie as a monstrous figure in particular and, finally, analyse that which is considered the first Portuguese zombie film, contextualising it in relation to global zombie representations.
Brumal. Revista de investigación sobre lo Fantástico, 2017
Under the streets of London there's a place most people could never even dream of. A city of mons... more Under the streets of London there's a place most people could never even dream of. A city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, knights in armour and pale girls in black velvet. This is the city of the people who have fallen between the cracks.

{100 101} 'I don't know how to begin 'cause the story is so old' Norah Jones 1. New York by Night... more {100 101} 'I don't know how to begin 'cause the story is so old' Norah Jones 1. New York by Night I 'How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without?' asks Elizabeth (Norah Jones) in voice-over before leaving the café in New York, run by Jeremy (Jude Law), to start her journey from east to west, throughout the American landscape. is is the basic plot of My Blueberry Nights the basic plot of (2007), My Blueberry Nights the rst full-length lm in English directed by Wong Kar-wai, also known for his other lms like Chungking Express (1994), Chungking Express In the Mood for Love (2000) or Mood for Love 2046 (2004). My Blueberry Nights is the story of a girl who My Blueberry Nights goes soul-searching after discovering her boyfriend has left her for another woman. As the movie opens we are presented with an image of trains running back and forth, like the lives of the protagonists, particularly Elizabeth who will be going on a road trip to nd herself. While she is trying to recover from the ended a air the café becomes a safe haven where Jeremy and her end up developing a bond that revolves around their mutual understanding josé duarte { } THE COMFORT OF STRANGERS: ON MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS

Resumo: Drive (2011), de Nicolas Winding Refn, é considerado por vários críticos um filme neo-noi... more Resumo: Drive (2011), de Nicolas Winding Refn, é considerado por vários críticos um filme neo-noir, em particular no modo como explora a cidade de Los Angeles, local por excelência da tradição noir. O presente artigo pretende analisar a relação que Drive estabelece com a paisagem urbana através do personagem principal e como esta reflete o seu percurso, fazendo de The Driver um herói real na cidade.
Abstract: Drive, by Nicolas Winding Refn, is considered by several critics a neo-noir film, particularly in the way it explores the city of L.A., a known
place for its noir tradition. This essay aims to analyze the way Drive focus on the urban landscape via the main character, and how the city, in
its turn, reflects his journey, making The Driver a real hero.

Monsters have attracted our imagination throughout times, even in an apparently rational and prag... more Monsters have attracted our imagination throughout times, even in an apparently rational and pragmatic age such as ours. Being one of the monsters of the new millennium , the zombie is now a permanent figure of popular culture, both embodying socie-ty's most terrible fears and exploring audience's desire for violent cathartic experiences. Of African origins, the zombie has been popularised by American cinema and spread across cultures and media. Although with no great tradition of horror, Portugal also has an example of the zombiemania that seems to have overtaken the world, the short film I'll See You In My Dreams (2003, Dir. Miguel Angél Vivas, Prod. Filipe Melo). This article aims at questioning the concept of monster in general terms, then look at the evolution of the zombie as a monstrous figure in particular and, finally , analyse that which is considered the first Portuguese zombie film, contextualising it in relation to global zombie representations.
Keywords: Zombie, Monster, Portuguese Cinema, Filipe Melo, Miguel Angél Vivas
Call for Papers by Jose Duarte
Books by Jose Duarte
Introduction to TROPOS Dossiê on The New Golden Age of Television: on contemporary series. By the... more Introduction to TROPOS Dossiê on The New Golden Age of Television: on contemporary series. By the Volume editors: José Duarte, Ana Daniela Coelho & Hermínia Sol
Papers by Jose Duarte
Abstract: Drive, by Nicolas Winding Refn, is considered by several critics a neo-noir film, particularly in the way it explores the city of L.A., a known
place for its noir tradition. This essay aims to analyze the way Drive focus on the urban landscape via the main character, and how the city, in
its turn, reflects his journey, making The Driver a real hero.
Keywords: Zombie, Monster, Portuguese Cinema, Filipe Melo, Miguel Angél Vivas
Call for Papers by Jose Duarte
Books by Jose Duarte
Abstract: Drive, by Nicolas Winding Refn, is considered by several critics a neo-noir film, particularly in the way it explores the city of L.A., a known
place for its noir tradition. This essay aims to analyze the way Drive focus on the urban landscape via the main character, and how the city, in
its turn, reflects his journey, making The Driver a real hero.
Keywords: Zombie, Monster, Portuguese Cinema, Filipe Melo, Miguel Angél Vivas