Knowledge Organization across Disciplines, Domains, Services, and Technologies, 2022
This paper seeks to understand the relationship between the technological and
semantic interopera... more This paper seeks to understand the relationship between the technological and
semantic interoperability (metadata) of information systems with sustainability,
a global proposal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for the development of our
societies. Through a systematic literature review and an analysis of the results, it
intends to understand the contribution of knowledge organization and interoperability
to the enhancement of sustainable development. Two research questions were
addressed: What is the role of interoperable systems in environmental, social, and
economic development? How can knowledge organization and interoperability contribute
to sustainable development? The results show that interoperability is seen as
fundamental to sustainable development, especially when building integrated and
standardized information systems. The role of interoperable systems in environmental,
social, and economic development is relevant, as knowledge organization and
interoperability contribute, indirectly but decisively, to sustainable development.
They enable the exchange of information, encourage the construction of global
communities of practice and overcome local limitations and deficits. It is concluded
that knowledge organization plays a cross-cutting role in projects, which aim to
implement the Sustainable Development Goals
Books by Jorge Revez
the mood that Ruy Belo (1933-1978) presented in his poem Nós os Vencidos do
Catolicismo [We the Vanquished of Catholicism], published in 1970.
Beyond a brief outline of the militancy and the internal dissidences of the
catholic field until the end of the 50s, it focuses the further renewal of some catholic
sectors around four topics of analysis: humanism, progressism, vanguard and crisis. The
impact of the social and cultural mutation revealed by the 60s and 70s dismissal from
the Church of these new Catholics is observed from its religious dimension, mainly the
search for a life’s sense and an “authentic” faith experience. In order to accomplish it,
the case studies of Ruy Belo and José da Felicidade Alves (1925-1998), and other
relevant figures from this period, will be regarded striving to enlighten what the
“Vanquished of Catholicism” means.
From militancy to critics and disillusion, the path of some Portuguese Catholics
is involved in a structural renewal of the Catholicism, in which the Second Vatican
Council plays a central role. Their social and political positioning presents a growing
autonomy between Catholic conscience, Christian conscience and citizenship; in fact,
many of these personalities will be part of the Salazar’s and Caetano’s Estado Novo
[New State] opposition.
After all, the analysis of the critical attitudes and the catholic dissidence guides
this reflection to the issue of catholic identity reconfiguration and to the possible
wakening of post-traditional religious forms, such as post-Catholicism, in the larger
scenario of the Portuguese catholic recomposition.""
Papers by Jorge Revez
early career researchers (ECRs) would become a ‘lost generation’. Yet the
Harbingers (H-2) longitudinal study, which followed ECRs for 2 years during
the pandemic found that ECRs took things in their stride. More than
2 years on, we returned, as part of the AI stage of the Harbingers study
(H-3), to see what has transpired and interviewed nearly 70 ECRs from six
countries as part of an exploratory study. We found that: (1) only one in
six ECRS thought they were suffering from the residual impacts of the
pandemic, with increased workload creating the greatest stress; (2) working
remotely, digitally and more flexibly was thought by many to be the biggest
dividend delivered, making the job more desirable and competitive;
(3) an apparent growth in jobs and promotions (tenures) confirmed the
bounce-back. Given the modest size of the study, analysis by country has
to be undertaken with caution, but China, where political and economic
factors have stifled any bounce-back, stands out for special attention in a
future full-blown study. Finally, the study yielded informed and considered
views that the long-term impact of the pandemic appears to be beneficial
rather than disadvantageous.
work life and scholarly communications, began by studying generational—
Millennial—change (c.2016), then moved to pandemic change (c.2020) and
is now investigating another potential agent of change: artificial intelligence
(2024–). We report here on a substantial scoping pilot study that looks at
the impact of AI on the scholarly communications of international ECRs
and, extends this to the arts and humanities. It aims to fill the knowledge
gap concerning ECRs whose millennial mindset may render them especially
open to change and, as the research workhorses they are, very much in the
frontline. The data was collected via in-depth interviews in China, Malaysia,
Poland, Portugal, Spain and (selectively) the United Kingdom/United States.
The data show ECRs to be thinking, probing and, in some cases, experimenting
with AI. There was a general acceptance that AI will be responsible for the
growth of low-quality scientific papers, which could lead to a decline in the
quality of research. Scholarly integrity and ethics were a big concern with
issues of authenticity, plagiarism, copyright and poor citation practices raised.
The most widespread belief was AI would prove to be a transformative force
and would exacerbate existing scholarly disparities and inequalities.
de objetos informacionais produziram na dinâmica dos sistemas de informação
das organizações? Os objetivos da investigação são: a) conhecer os novos produtos e serviços
desenvolvidos a partir do projeto de agregação de metainformação; b) compreender
o alcance do projeto relativamente à satisfação de necessidades dos públicos e à captação
de novas audiências; c) entender o efeito sistémico da agregação tecnológica nas políticas
e no planeamento estratégico das organizações em análise; d) investigar os efeitos sistémicos
a nível de recursos humanos, financeiros e tecnológicos; e e) estudar o desenvolvimento
da marca institucional e/ou do portal e o contributo do projeto para a perceção
social da organização.
Pretende-se compreender o estado atual da atuação do cientista da informação nas bibliotecas do Ensino superior em Angola e a apreciação dos investigadores a respeito disso. O estudo pretende demonstrar como a mediação da Informação pode contribuir para a criação de impacto do acesso aberto para os investigadores e identificar as competências necessárias à atuação do bibliotecário de referência na instrução do acesso aberto e gestão de dados científicos.
O estudo também pretende identificar os instrumentos utilizados pelo Bibliotecário de referência na garantia da satisfação das Necessidades dos investigadores, partindo pela identificação dos contributos da Literacia da informação e digital para o desenvolvimento de capacidades dos profissionais da informação e dos investigadores.
the mood that Ruy Belo (1933-1978) presented in his poem Nós os Vencidos do
Catolicismo [We the Vanquished of Catholicism], published in 1970.
Beyond a brief outline of the militancy and the internal dissidences of the
catholic field until the end of the 50s, it focuses the further renewal of some catholic
sectors around four topics of analysis: humanism, progressism, vanguard and crisis. The
impact of the social and cultural mutation revealed by the 60s and 70s dismissal from
the Church of these new Catholics is observed from its religious dimension, mainly the
search for a life’s sense and an “authentic” faith experience. In order to accomplish it,
the case studies of Ruy Belo and José da Felicidade Alves (1925-1998), and other
relevant figures from this period, will be regarded striving to enlighten what the
“Vanquished of Catholicism” means.
From militancy to critics and disillusion, the path of some Portuguese Catholics
is involved in a structural renewal of the Catholicism, in which the Second Vatican
Council plays a central role. Their social and political positioning presents a growing
autonomy between Catholic conscience, Christian conscience and citizenship; in fact,
many of these personalities will be part of the Salazar’s and Caetano’s Estado Novo
[New State] opposition.
After all, the analysis of the critical attitudes and the catholic dissidence guides
this reflection to the issue of catholic identity reconfiguration and to the possible
wakening of post-traditional religious forms, such as post-Catholicism, in the larger
scenario of the Portuguese catholic recomposition.""
early career researchers (ECRs) would become a ‘lost generation’. Yet the
Harbingers (H-2) longitudinal study, which followed ECRs for 2 years during
the pandemic found that ECRs took things in their stride. More than
2 years on, we returned, as part of the AI stage of the Harbingers study
(H-3), to see what has transpired and interviewed nearly 70 ECRs from six
countries as part of an exploratory study. We found that: (1) only one in
six ECRS thought they were suffering from the residual impacts of the
pandemic, with increased workload creating the greatest stress; (2) working
remotely, digitally and more flexibly was thought by many to be the biggest
dividend delivered, making the job more desirable and competitive;
(3) an apparent growth in jobs and promotions (tenures) confirmed the
bounce-back. Given the modest size of the study, analysis by country has
to be undertaken with caution, but China, where political and economic
factors have stifled any bounce-back, stands out for special attention in a
future full-blown study. Finally, the study yielded informed and considered
views that the long-term impact of the pandemic appears to be beneficial
rather than disadvantageous.
work life and scholarly communications, began by studying generational—
Millennial—change (c.2016), then moved to pandemic change (c.2020) and
is now investigating another potential agent of change: artificial intelligence
(2024–). We report here on a substantial scoping pilot study that looks at
the impact of AI on the scholarly communications of international ECRs
and, extends this to the arts and humanities. It aims to fill the knowledge
gap concerning ECRs whose millennial mindset may render them especially
open to change and, as the research workhorses they are, very much in the
frontline. The data was collected via in-depth interviews in China, Malaysia,
Poland, Portugal, Spain and (selectively) the United Kingdom/United States.
The data show ECRs to be thinking, probing and, in some cases, experimenting
with AI. There was a general acceptance that AI will be responsible for the
growth of low-quality scientific papers, which could lead to a decline in the
quality of research. Scholarly integrity and ethics were a big concern with
issues of authenticity, plagiarism, copyright and poor citation practices raised.
The most widespread belief was AI would prove to be a transformative force
and would exacerbate existing scholarly disparities and inequalities.
de objetos informacionais produziram na dinâmica dos sistemas de informação
das organizações? Os objetivos da investigação são: a) conhecer os novos produtos e serviços
desenvolvidos a partir do projeto de agregação de metainformação; b) compreender
o alcance do projeto relativamente à satisfação de necessidades dos públicos e à captação
de novas audiências; c) entender o efeito sistémico da agregação tecnológica nas políticas
e no planeamento estratégico das organizações em análise; d) investigar os efeitos sistémicos
a nível de recursos humanos, financeiros e tecnológicos; e e) estudar o desenvolvimento
da marca institucional e/ou do portal e o contributo do projeto para a perceção
social da organização.
Pretende-se compreender o estado atual da atuação do cientista da informação nas bibliotecas do Ensino superior em Angola e a apreciação dos investigadores a respeito disso. O estudo pretende demonstrar como a mediação da Informação pode contribuir para a criação de impacto do acesso aberto para os investigadores e identificar as competências necessárias à atuação do bibliotecário de referência na instrução do acesso aberto e gestão de dados científicos.
O estudo também pretende identificar os instrumentos utilizados pelo Bibliotecário de referência na garantia da satisfação das Necessidades dos investigadores, partindo pela identificação dos contributos da Literacia da informação e digital para o desenvolvimento de capacidades dos profissionais da informação e dos investigadores.
saúde, especialmente, aquela que é consumida diariamente pelos cidadãos através do Facebook e de
outras redessociais digitais. Os estudos sobre o comportamento informacional não podem ignorar que
o feed de notícias do Facebook surge como um canal de informação para muitos indivíduos, que leem
e partilham informações de saúde para diferentes fins, incluindo notícias falsas e fontes de
desinformação, ignorando critérios básicos de avaliação ou estratégias de verificação de factos. Este
artigo pretende analisar resultados da investigação sobre o comportamento face à informação online
de saúde através das redes sociais digitais, centrando-se no Facebook, no período mais intenso da crise
pandémica e no fenómeno da desinformação. É realizada uma revisão da literatura, utilizando 51
trabalhos recentes (entre 2020-2021) com os seguintes objetivos: compreender o comportamento
informacional online no contexto das redes sociais; avaliar o panorama da informação de saúde falsa
ou distorcida transmitida através do Facebook; e, conhecer algumas propostas para contrariar a
infodemia provocada pela pandemia. Os resultados mostram duas abordagens de investigação
dominantes: análise do comportamento informacional, na sua maioria atividades de aquisição e de
partilha de informação; e análise do conteúdo publicado, centrando-se na infodemia, no
comportamento social e nas estratégias de comunicação das autoridades de saúde pública. Apesar das
preocupações em relação à desinformação, a investigação revela um cenário ainda incerto com vista
à obtenção de soluções para contrariar esta questão grave de saúde pública.
and Dora Lustig (1907–1986), constitutes a valuable repository of information for
the history of contemporary science, particularly in the feld of natural sciences—
botany, entomology, mammals, ornithology, primates, reptiles, termites, zoogeography, zoology—and of biology. This paper describes the application of the Records
in Contexts model to the correspondence collection, with the aim of representing
two realities: its production context and the relationships between scientists. The
exploration of the model sought to understand its fundamentals and, simultaneously,
model the information, starting by identifying the entities, attributes and relations
needed for the collection representation scheme. This study resulted in a modelling
exercise of the relations between 11 correspondents and the director of the Dundo
Museum Biology Laboratory, Barros Machado, regarding the work on the museum
collections which culminated in the publication of scientifc articles in Publicações
Culturais da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola [Cultural Publications of the Diamond Company of Angola]. In the future, it is proposed to apply the same scheme to
the description of the remaining scientists in the epistolary collection.
mais férteis de investigação na área da Organização do Conhecimento. É um
tema complexo e revestido de polémica, pela dificuldade na definição do
próprio conceito e pelas apropriações que diferentes campos científicos têm
exercido sobre ele. Com origem no domínio da filosofia, a ontologia é hoje
um território partilhado pelas Ciências da Computação, com destaque para
a Ciência dos Dados (Data Science), e pela Ciência da Informação, particularmente
pela Organização do Conhecimento. São raros os autores desta
área que não escreveram sobre o tema, abordando as suas fronteiras conceptuais
ou discutindo a relação das ontologias com outros sistemas de
organização do conhecimento, como as taxonomias, os tesauros ou as
indispensável para a geração de novo conhecimento, coloca o problema da informação
num papel central no desenvolvimento da ciência. Este trabalho procura perceber a
interação entre as bibliotecas especializadas e do ensino superior e as unidades de
investigação científica que operam em Portugal, particularmente o papel que as
bibliotecas desempenham nos processos de produção e de disseminação da ciência. Essa
análise é feita em torno de três vertentes: as perceções mútuas entre bibliotecários e
investigadores, o comportamento informacional dos investigadores face às bibliotecas e
o impacto das bibliotecas na investigação. Através de um estudo de caso, são analisadas
sete Unidades de Investigação & Desenvolvimento da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa e
nove bibliotecas associadas. Enquadradas no paradigma pragmático e com recurso a
métodos mistos, foram utilizadas três técnicas de recolha de dados: análise documental,
inquérito por questionário e inquérito por entrevista. Os resultados mostram que das
perceções mútuas entre investigadores e bibliotecários emergem duas visões distintas,
marcadas pelo desconhecimento e pelas debilidades no diálogo entre as partes. Por um
lado, os investigadores mostram uma perceção pragmática sobre as bibliotecas, ao passo
que os bibliotecários revelam uma perspetiva otimista e positiva sobre o papel que as
bibliotecas exercem. O comportamento informacional face às bibliotecas é entendido
pelos investigadores como negativo, surgindo amiúde evidências da dispensabilidade das
bibliotecas. A profusão de serviços digitais que competem com as bibliotecas reforça o
quase desaparecimento da sua dimensão física e dos seus espaços. Em sentido oposto, os
bibliotecários tendem a revelar uma perceção positiva sobre o comportamento
informacional dos investigadores face às bibliotecas. Em termos de impacto das
bibliotecas na ciência, este é reconhecido de forma insuficiente pelos investigadores, o
que pode ser explicado pela ausência detetada de serviços dedicados de apoio à
investigação prestados pelas bibliotecas. A falta de recursos humanos e materiais, a
concentração nas tarefas relativas ao ensino-aprendizagem e a fragilidade histórica das
bibliotecas portuguesas, são outros fatores que podem ajudar a compreender esta
perceção. A visão dos investigadores não é partilhada pelos bibliotecários, que tendem a
afirmar, numa perspetiva otimista, os efeitos positivos do impacto das bibliotecas. Em
face destes resultados, recomenda-se aos investigadores e aos profissionais da informação
a mudança de mentalidades, como um elemento essencial da equação que envolve a
criação de novos serviços, adequados e próximos das diferentes fases do ciclo de vida da
investigação. Esta mudança pode afastar as bibliotecas de uma certa exclusão do futuro,
reforçando a sua posição de fornecedora de serviços e de produtos, e transportando-a para
uma posição de intervenção ativa na produção e na disseminação da ciência. A chave
desta equação é a ideia de parceria entre investigadores e profissionais de informação,
concretizada com a imersão destes profissionais em equipas de trabalho
multidisciplinares e imbuídas de espírito colaborativo, em prol do desenvolvimento
The need for scientific information access, as an indispensable condition for the
generation of new knowledge, places the information issue in a central role of science
development. This work seeks to understand the interaction between special and higher
education libraries and research units operating in Portugal, particularly the role that
libraries play in science production and dissemination processes. This analysis is based
on three topics: mutual perceptions between librarians and researchers, informational
behavior of researchers towards libraries, and libraries’ impact on research. Through a
case study, seven Research and Development Units of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and
nine associated libraries are analyzed. Based on the pragmatic paradigm and using mixed
methods, three data collection techniques were used: documentary analysis, questionnaire
survey and interview survey. The results show that from the mutual perceptions between
researchers and librarians emerge two distinct visions, marked by unawareness and
weaknesses in dialogue between the parties. On the one hand, researchers show a
pragmatic perception of libraries, while librarians reveal an optimistic and positive
perspective on the role libraries play. Informational behavior towards libraries is
perceived by researchers as negative, and there is often evidence of the dispensability of
libraries. The profusion of digital services competing with libraries reinforces the virtual
disappearance of their physical dimension and their spaces. In the opposite direction,
librarians tend to reveal a positive perception of researchers' informational behavior
towards libraries. In terms of libraries’ impact on science, it is insufficiently recognized
by researchers, which can be explained by the lack of dedicated research support services
provided by libraries. The lack of human and material resources, the focus on teachinglearning tasks and the historical fragility of Portuguese libraries are other factors that may
help to understand this perception. The view of researchers is not shared by librarians,
who tend to affirm, from an optimistic perspective, the positive effects of libraries’
impact. In view of these results, researchers and information professionals are
recommended to change attitudes as an essential element of the equation that involves the
creation of new services, appropriate and close to the different stages of the research life
cycle. This change may keep libraries back from a certain exclusion from the future by
strengthening their position as a provider of services and products and moving them into
a position of active intervention in science production and dissemination. The key to this
equation is the idea of partnership between researchers and information professionals,
accomplished with the immersion of these professionals in multidisciplinary teams and
imbued with a collaborative spirit, in favor of scientific development.
semantic interoperability (metadata) of information systems with sustainability,
a global proposal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for the development of our
societies. Through a systematic literature review and an analysis of the results, it
intends to understand the contribution of knowledge organization and interoperability
to the enhancement of sustainable development. Two research questions were
addressed: What is the role of interoperable systems in environmental, social, and
economic development? How can knowledge organization and interoperability contribute
to sustainable development? The results show that interoperability is seen as
fundamental to sustainable development, especially when building integrated and
standardized information systems. The role of interoperable systems in environmental,
social, and economic development is relevant, as knowledge organization and
interoperability contribute, indirectly but decisively, to sustainable development.
They enable the exchange of information, encourage the construction of global
communities of practice and overcome local limitations and deficits. It is concluded
that knowledge organization plays a cross-cutting role in projects, which aim to
implement the Sustainable Development Goals
Conhecimento (SOC) implica a identificação de requisitos que garantam a sua eficácia e
eficiência. Pretende-se conhecer Modelos de Referência, e os seus requisitos, com
potencial para aplicação em sistemas que tenham como finalidade ou sejam utilizados
para a Organização do Conhecimento (OC). Nesse âmbito, procura-se: contextualizar a
origem e o enquadramento de três Modelos de Referência: MoReq2010, Modelo de
Referência OAIS, Digital Library Reference Model; analisar os modelos conceptuais dos
Modelos de Referência indicados; comparar os requisitos constantes nos Modelos de
Referência; identificar problemas e possíveis soluções para a definição de requisitos para
SOC. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma análise comparativa entre os três modelos. Os resultados
permitem percecionar que cada Modelo representa um universo SOC específico e
com enfoques diferentes. Verifica-se que o desenvolvimento de SOC deve considerar
aspetos distintos, que são apresentados pelas diferentes ferramentas analisadas. Sugere-
-se que há espaço para o desenvolvimento de modelos de referência SOC, que utilizem
os aspetos destacados nesta análise e, igualmente importante, apresentem critérios que
levem em consideração uma camada superior da OC, que abranja as restantes.
professional workgroups and reinforced with a political mandate, local administration archives are putting
in practice a new knowledge organization approach through the development of a national Classification Plan
for Local Administration (CPLA). New archival legislation is ready to be officialy published and its impact is
expected to largely modify administration practices. The main objective of the study is to discuss the
knowledge organization solutions embedded in the creation of CPLA. To achieve this goal, a literature review
was performed, together with a project management approach, exploring a qualitative analysis of the problems
and the solutions found during CPLA’s design. The Functional Macrostructure for Public Administration information
is the main framework for the development of CPLA, and contributes to the emergence of a new
paradigm in Information Management. Such paradigm intersects functions with business processes, transversally
and supra-institutionally, and considers the different public administration bodies as open systems. As
an outcome, the public administration and, in particular, the archival community receive a new standardized
information management tool that serves the classification, appraisal and selection of archival information.