Papers by Cristovao Pereira

This paper describes broader research undertaken for a master's degree in product and space desig... more This paper describes broader research undertaken for a master's degree in product and space design at IADE, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal. It aims to define guidelines for the development of domestic kitchen projects that contribute to reducing food waste. After this research, our goal is to further develop its outcomes through future research and the implementation of the resulting guidelines in a lifesize field experiment. We departed with the hypothesis that space design may influence users' behaviour; therefore, it can be used as an active tool in favour of sustainability. We defined a methodology that informed a review of the literature, case studies and surveys. We analysed comprehensive themes regarding the problem, which enabled a holistic approach to the issue. We conclude this paper by showing the pertinence of our research proposal, a novel way of combining specific strategies from three primary areas of knowledge (design for behavioural change, food waste and interior design) to achieve our goals of reducing food waste in domestic kitchens and contributing in this way to a more sustainable society.
Texto publicado em Galerias Abertas das Belas-Artes: Um Projecto (pp. 34-42). FBA-UL CIEBA, 2019 ... more Texto publicado em Galerias Abertas das Belas-Artes: Um Projecto (pp. 34-42). FBA-UL CIEBA, 2019 Resumo Apresenta-se uma análise ao que tem sido a participação dos alunos da Licenciatura de Design de Equipamento nas GAB-A / Galerias Abertas das Belas Artes. Pelas suas características, este evento tem proporcionado um conjunto de experiências que, de outro modo, não seria possível, para além de se revelar também uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de algumas das competências que se consideram mais importantes num designer.
Artes em construção : o IX Congresso CSO'2018, 2018, ISBN 978-989-8771-77-3, págs. 275-287, 2018
Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas Artes, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, 2018
On the W@terfront, 2014
In early July, Dr. Danae Esparza1 defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona. Th... more In early July, Dr. Danae Esparza1 defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona. The thesis opting to international award required of external reporting. One of these reports, which we now reproduce, was developed by Dr. Valente Pereira Cristovao Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes.
Presenting a first report about furniture production by Vitorino Nogueira Prêsa, a woodworker and... more Presenting a first report about furniture production by Vitorino Nogueira Prêsa, a woodworker and carpenter with a small workshop in Colares, Sintra, whose production included chairs of his own design. Through the analysis that includes the processes and means involved, it is intended to demonstrate the remarkable level of elaboration and development, not only by the identity and character achieved, but also for its functionality, especially from an ergonomic point of view.
Keywords: Portuguese furniture / furniture design / design methods / production methods.
In early July, Dr. Danae Esparza
defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona.
... more In early July, Dr. Danae Esparza
defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona.
The thesis opting to international award required of external reporting.
One of these reports, which we now reproduce, was developed by Dr. Valente Pereira, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes.
Key Words: pavement, urban design
Revista Rossio Estudos de Lisboa n.2, p. 118-129, Nov 2013
É evidente o importante papel que a água desempenha como modelador da cidade. Não só as grandes s... more É evidente o importante papel que a água desempenha como modelador da cidade. Não só as grandes superfícies de água como os rios e o mar configuram os seus limites, obrigando-a a contorná-los, como mesmo os cursos mais pequenos definem o desenho das suas ruas às quais vêm a ceder o lugar. Mas mesmo os pontos de acesso à água potável desempenham este papel: pela importância crucial que têm, a eles são reservados espaços que lhes confiram boa visibilidade e fácil acesso, um vazio com dimensões reservadas para poucos mais equipamentos da cidade. E o desempenho desta função vital que se atribui às fontes e chafarizes constata-se por serem uma importante referência na imagem e identidade de uma cidade.
Public Art & Urban Design
On the w@ terfront, Jan 1, 2005
Papers by Cristovao Pereira
Keywords: Portuguese furniture / furniture design / design methods / production methods.
defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona.
The thesis opting to international award required of external reporting.
One of these reports, which we now reproduce, was developed by Dr. Valente Pereira, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes.
Key Words: pavement, urban design
Keywords: Portuguese furniture / furniture design / design methods / production methods.
defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Barcelona.
The thesis opting to international award required of external reporting.
One of these reports, which we now reproduce, was developed by Dr. Valente Pereira, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes.
Key Words: pavement, urban design