4 Ways to Create a Text File in Linux Terminal
In this Linux beginner series, you'll learn various methods to create a file in Linux terminal.

In this Linux beginner series, you’ll learn various methods to create a text file in Linux terminal.
If you have used the desktop oriented operating system such as Windows, creating file is a piece of cake. You right click in the file explorer and you would find the option of creating new file.
Things won’t look the same when you are in a command line environment. There is no right click option here. So how do you create a file in Linux then? Let me show you that.
Create file in Linux command line
There are various ways of creating a new file in Linux terminal. I’ll show you the commands one by one. I am using Ubuntu here but creating files in Ubuntu terminal is the same as any other Linux distribution.
1. Create an empty file using touch command
One of the biggest usages of the touch command in Linux is to create a new empty file. The syntax is super simple.
touch filename
If the file doesn’t exist already, it will create a new empty file. If a file with the same name exists already, it will update the timestamps of the file.
2. Create files using cat command
Another popular way of creating new file is by using the cat command in Linux. The cat command is mostly used for viewing the content of a file but you can use it to create new file as well.
cat >> filename.txt
You can write some new text at this time if you want but that’s not necessary. To save and exit, use Ctrl+D terminal shortcut.
If the file with that name already exists and you write new text in it using the cat command, the new lines will be appended at the end of the file.
3. Create new file using echo command
The main use of the echo command is to simply repeat (echo) what you type on the screen. But if you use the redirection with echo, you can create a new file.
To create a new file using echo you can use something like this:
echo "This is a sample text" > filename.txt
The newly created filename.txt file will have the following text: This is a sample text. You can view the file in Linux using cat or other viewing commands.
You are not obliged to put a sample text with echo. You can create an (almost) empty file using the echo command like this:
echo > file.txt
This will create a new file with just one empty line. You can check the number of lines with wc command.
4. Create a new file using a text editor like Nano or Vim
The last method in this series is the use of a text editor. A terminal-based text editor such as Emacs, Vim or Nano can surely be used for creating a new file in Linux.
Before you use these text editors, you should make sure that you know the basics such as saving an existing from the editor. Unlike the GUI tools, using Ctrl+S in the terminal won’t save the file. It could, in fact, send your terminal into a seemingly frozen state from which you recover using Ctrl+Q.
Let’s say you are going to use Vim editor. Make sure that you are aware of the basic vim commands, and then open a new file with it like this:
vim filename
What’s your favorite command?
So, I just shared 4 different ways of creating a file in Linux. Personally, I prefer using touch for creating empty file and Vim if I have to edit the file. On a related note, you may want to learn about the file command in Linux that is helpful in determining the actual type of the file.
Which command do you prefer here? Please share your views in the comment section below.
Creator of Linux Handbook and It's FOSS. An ardent Linux user who has new-found love for self-hosting, homelabs and local AI.