Papers by Pyiet Phyo kyaw

Presentation for Webinar Math in Culture “The Role of Culture to Increase Appreciation and Motivation to Learn Mathematics”, 2024
In Myanmar, the ancient traditional ways of life and thinking were mainly based on the two giant ... more In Myanmar, the ancient traditional ways of life and thinking were mainly based on the two giant cultural influences of India and China. The first millennium civilization of Pyu was initiatively influenced by Indic cultural attributes and Chinese contacts. Depending on the written scripts, it shows that the Indian scripts were smartly used for spelling Pali language to record the royal names of kings and their religious texts. Based on the development of writing system, the traces and practices of counting and measurement could evidently be extracted from the stone inscriptions of Bagan Civilization. The depiction of numerals can firstly be seen in Myanmar language in Early Bagan Period. The first written symbols might probably be those of numerals easily found on the terracotta plaques of Jataka reliefs. Later, the records of donation were traceable for the items of donation ceremony, number of offertories, numbers of participants or serfs, genders, units of measurements for the farm-land, toddy-land, monastic complex, etc.
Here, the study attempts to contribute how the knowledge and skillfulness of ancient Bagan people were developed in the system of counting and measurement unit aka သင်္ချာ saṅkhyā for their community in the last 1000 years ago.

draft unpublished , 2023
ေရှးေဟာင်းသုေတသနပညာရပ်ဆိုင်ရာ ဝတပစည်းများ ို တရားမဝင် ေရာင်းဝယ်
ြခင်း၊ ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ နည်းအမျ... more ေရှးေဟာင်းသုေတသနပညာရပ်ဆိုင်ရာ ဝတပစည်းများ ို တရားမဝင် ေရာင်းဝယ်
ြခင်း၊ ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ နည်းအမျိးမျိးြဖင့် အလွဲသံုးစားြပလုပ်ေန ြခင်းများ ို
မEာ့ိုင်ငံအှံအြပားတွင် မိနစ်တိုင်း၊ စ န်တိုင်း အချနိ ်ှင့်မြခား ျးလနွ ်
လျ ်ရှိေန သည်။ မူးယစ်ေဆးဝါး၊ လ ်န ်ှင့် လူေမှာင်ခိုလုပ်ငန်းများ ဲ့သိုပင်
ိုင်ငံတစ်ိုင်ငံ၊ လူမျိးတစ်မျိး၊ ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ စစ်မှန်ေသာ သမိုင်းအချ ်
အလ ်များှင့် ယဉ်ေ ျးမတန်ဖိုးများ အဆင့်အတန်းေလျာ့ပါး၊ ေပျာ ် ွယ်သွားေစ
ရန် ျးလွန်ေန သည့် ရာဇဝတ်မတစ်ခုလည်းြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ထားဝယ်ေဒသသည်
ေရှးဘိုးေဘးတို အေြခချေနထိုင်ခဲ့ သည့် မိြပအေထာ ်အထားများ၊ သမိုင်းှင့်
ေရှးေဟာင်းသုေတသနဆိုင်ရာ အချ ်အလ ်များစွာ ို ေြမေပ၊ ေြမေအာ ်
သုေတသနြပလုပ်ရန်များစွာ ျန်ရှိေနေသးသည်။ ထိုေ ာင့် ေခတ်မီနည်းပညာရပ် များ၊
ြပည်တွင်းြပည်ပပညာရှင်များ၊ ိုင်ငံေတာ်အဆင့်အဖွဲအစည်းများှင့် ပညာ
ရပ်ဆိုင်ရာတ သိုလ်များ စနစ်တ ျသုေတသနလုပ်ငန်းများြပလုပ် ာ ထားဝယ်
ေဒသ၌ထွန်း ားခဲ့သည့် ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမအဆင့်အတန်းများ ို ေဖာ်ထုတ်ိုင်ရန်
အားထုတ် ရမည်ြဖစ်သည်။ ေဒသခံြပည်သူများ၏ အသိပညာ၊ ဗဟုသုတများ၊
ဥပေဒဆိုင်ရာတားြမစ်ချ ်များ၊ ိုယ် ျင့်သိ ာဆိုင်ရာထိန်းသိမ်းေစာင့်ေရှာ ်မများ
အေပမူတည်လျ ် ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမဝတပစည်း
များ ို ခိုးယူြခင်း၊ တန်ဖိုးေလျာ့ပါးေစရန် ဖျ ်ဆီး ြခင်း၊ တရားမဝင်ေရာင်းဝယ်
ေဖာ ် ားြခင်းများရန်မှ ာ ွယ်၊ ေစာင့်ေရှာ ် ရမည်မှာ ိုင်ငံသားတိုင်း၏
တာဝန်တစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ယခုတင်ြပမည့် စာတမ်း၏ အဓိ ရည်ရ]ယ်အ ျိးြပ
လိုသည့်အချ ်မှာ ထားဝယ်ေဒသအတွင်းရှိ ေရှးေဟာင်းမိြပ၊ ေစတီ၊ ပုထိုး၊
အုတ် ုန်းများ၊ ေရှးေဟာင်းစာရင်းဝင် ေနရာ၊ အေဆာ ်အဦများ၏ သမိုင်းတန်ဖိုးှင့်
ခိမ်းေြခာ ်လျ ်ရှိေနေသာ တရားမဝင်ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ ေရာင်းဝယ် ြခင်းများရန်
အရာယ်မှ ိတင် ာ ွယ်ိုင်ရန် ိးစားအားထုတ်မတစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။
Spafa Journal , 2024
The characteristics of historic cultural landscape in Amarapura are identifiable by the functions... more The characteristics of historic cultural landscape in Amarapura are identifiable by the functions of agriculture, residential, water management and religious buildings. The ancient boundaries of Amarapura city were gradually transformed by changing landscapes between cultural elements and development plans. Depending on the archaeological sites and historical documents, the ancient urban pattern and settlement of Amarapura city can be traceable to know the original setting of cultural landscape. This study attempts to promote the cultural landscape and the historic socio-cultural aspects of ancient Amarapura Old City. The population growth and development plans are the challenges to maintain the cultural landscape.

SPAFACON 2021: Papers from the SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology and Fine Arts, 13-17 December 2021, 2021
What we know about Bagan derives almost exclusively from historical sources – namely retrospectiv... more What we know about Bagan derives almost exclusively from historical sources – namely retrospective chronicles, inscriptions, and changing architectural styles. To date, archaeological excavations have played a limited role in augmenting or challenging this traditional narrative. This is unfortunate, because small scale excavations within Bagan’s peri-urban settlement zone, and within the walled and moated “royal city,” have demonstrated considerable knowledge about the city’s past. This is especially true for the Pre-Bagan phase (600-1044 CE). This presentation documents what we think we know about the time “before Bagan,” using the established sources, and assesses this narrative using information from contemporaneous excavation levels. ပုဂံခေတ်ယဉ်ချေးမှုအခြျာင်းျို သမိုင်းအေေျ်လျ်မေားဖြစ်သည့် အစဉ်အလာရာဇဝင်မှတ်တမ်းမေား၊ ချောျ်စာမေား၊ နှင့် ခဖပာင်းလဲလာေဲ့သည့်ဗိသုျာပုံ စံမေားမှသာလေင် သိြျရသည်။ နှစ်သျ်တမ်း သတ်မှတ်ရန်အတွျ် ခရှးခောင်းသုခတ သနဆိုင်ရာတူးခြာ်ခလ့လာမှုမေားသည်အစဉ်အလာအဆိုအမိန့်...

Publication for the 25th Anniversaty of the National Univesity of Arts and Culture (Yangon), 2019
This academic paper was already published by the National University of Arts and Culture in 2019.... more This academic paper was already published by the National University of Arts and Culture in 2019. It shows that the interesting fields of associated disciplines in the art of sculpture. Methodologically it depended on the historical method, aesthetic method, pedagogical method, etc. In Myanmar, the school and institutional level of fine art were initiated by the Colonial relationship since Konbaung dynasty. It based on the western ways of thinking in fine art but the thematic facts are mainly depending on the Buddhist religious texts. Nowadays the contemporary movement of fine art is gradually shifting forwards and still continued to be more widely among the different communities. In contrary, the larger parts of art education and institutions have been controlled by the government sectors and some are utilized for politics and nationalistic goals. In that case, the lack of academic space for the fine art and its nature of learning, sharing, researching and publication is mostly informal among the schools of artists. In this paper, it attempts to contribute that the specialization and specification of fine art in academic, vocational, research and application will be promoted between two trends of nationalistic school and creative school.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - memSIC, Jul 6, 2015

The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 2019
The IRAW@Bagan project is aimed at developing an integrated socio-ecological history for resident... more The IRAW@Bagan project is aimed at developing an integrated socio-ecological history for residential patterning, agricultural practices, and water management at the classical Burmese (Bama) capital of Bagan, Myanmar (11th to 14th centuries CE). As part of this long-term research program investigations have been initiated in the Tuyin-Thetso uplands, located 11 km southeast of Bagan's walled and moated epicenter. This mountainous area figures prominently in the chronicles of early Bagan, given that it was one of five places around the city that a royal white elephant carrying a Buddhist tooth-relic kneeled down, prompting King Anawrahta (1044-1077 CE) to build a pagoda (i.e., temple) there. Numerous 13 th century religious monuments were subsequently built on the Tuyin Range. Recent explorations in these uplands have drawn attention to an additional feature of historical significance, a rock-cut tank located along the eastern edge of the Thetso-Taung ridge. Referred to by local villagers as Nat Yekan (Spirit Lake), this reservoir appears to have been integral not only to the initial collection and subsequent redistribution of water across the Bagan plain via a series of interconnected canals and reservoirs, but also, through its associated iconographic imagery, it may have been intended to symbolically purify this water, enhancing its fertility prior to its flowing into the city's peri-urban zone. Hydrological modelling, excavations, and both iconographic and epigraphic analysis are used to build a multilayered understanding of Nat Yekan's economic, political, religious, and ideological significance during Bagan's classical era.

PPT Presentation for International Conference on Languages and Humanities, 2020
In Myanmar archaeological sequence, the earliest evidence of terracotta artifacts could be studie... more In Myanmar archaeological sequence, the earliest evidence of terracotta artifacts could be studied from the prehistoric sites to the post Bagan Periods. In prehistoric context, from the Neolithic to the Bronze or Iron-Bronze Age, the evidence of terracotta objects could be seen in the variety of the pottery like utensils and containers. Then, the protohistoric sequence of Pyu and Mon civilization has been studied with the variety of terracotta artifacts from the pottery to the construction materials like terracotta bricks, roof tiles, narrative and decorative plaques. According to the previous studies and research outcome, terracotta artifacts can mostly be found in Bagan and Pre Bagan Periods. Additionally the tradition of terracotta art works was developed in the contemporary of Bagan Period. Then, the development of terracotta artwork changed to be glazing method and glass based stoneware. In this study, there are three main parts the first, second and third phases_ the first phase is prehistoric time like Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages; the second phase is protohistoric time like Pyu and Mon; and the third phase is Bagan and Post Bagan Periods. According to the location of archaeological sites, there are five main parts such as North, East, South, West and Central Myanmar. The northernmost part is like Tagaung Old City; eastern part is like Badhalin; southern part is like Waw (Kyon Tu), Winka, etc.; western part is like Dhanyawaddy, Vesali and Mrauk U; and the central part is like Pyu cities, Bagan, Innwa, Pinya, Mandalay, etc. In technology of terracotta, it will be emphasized on the ceramic diagnostics and classification techniques. The firing and fabrication method had been developed since Bagan Period and the ceramic artifacts were significantly developed in Bagan and Post Bagan Periods. This study attempts to contribute that the role of terracotta artifacts shows the importance of ancient societies and civilization in their ways of life concerning the material and visual culture. Keywords: terracotta artifacts, ceramic, material culture, visual culture

Anatomy & Biological Anthropology, 2020
Myin Ma Hti is the local name meant that the mountain horse never touches. In Myanmer, this name ... more Myin Ma Hti is the local name meant that the mountain horse never touches. In Myanmer, this name is very popular as the Buddhist religious place. Most pilgrims usually visit to the area of Myin Ma Hti. In 1997, a new limestone cave was discovered during the field trip of local geological team and the first explorer gave the name for the cave as Myin Ma Hti Cave No. 2. In their 1997 report, the archaeo-faunal remains and stone implements were recorded as teeth and vertebrate bones of bull, ox, deer and polished stone rings and implements that could be estimated as the Neolithic context dated as 6,000-4,000 BP. In 2019, the environmental assessment team accidentally arrived into the cave and they found some significant remains of stone tools mingled with a pile of bone fragments after the local people dug the floor of cave to build the religious stupa. Then, rescue archaeological works had been initiated to take recording and making catalogue of bone fragments and stone pieces. Most of the findings are the bone fragments and wasters of stone rings. The special findings are potential bone tools with the cut and scrape marks of edging and sharpening. The anthropogenic feature could be examined with the ash layer 3-meter depth approximately. In this report, the significance of archaeofaunal evidences and stone implements accidentally found in MMH2 will be described as the preliminary survey of prehistoric cave in Aung Pan Township,

TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 2016
This article assesses indigenous perceptions of water through a comparison of the water managemen... more This article assesses indigenous perceptions of water through a comparison of the water management strategies at three ancient sites located in different ecological zones of Myanmar. Two of our examples are in the high-rainfall regions of Lower Myanmar: Thagara in the Dawei River valley flanked by mountains on the east and west, and Kyaikkatha on delta lands at the egress of the Sittaung River. We contrast these adaptations with the micro-exploitation of the scarce water resources at Bagan (also spelled Pagan) in the arid zone of Upper Myanmar. In the southern wet regions, despite the different geographical setting of Thagara and Kyaikkatha, the focus was on drainage and control. Multiple ramparts and moats were used to conserve the scarce water in the dry months between December and April and control the heavy floods of the rainy months between May to November. At Bagan, sited directly on the broad Ayeyarwady River, water management of inland streams and seasonal lakes maximised th...

The monumental architecture and plastic arts of Bagan are directly related to the religious dedic... more The monumental architecture and plastic arts of Bagan are directly related to the religious dedications. Within three or four centuries, the style and significance of Bagan visual art works was gradually progressed, compromising between indigenous and exotic ways of craftsmanship. The first phase of Bagan art work can be correlated with Pala style and the traces of Indic art and architecture. The second phase can be measured with the lofty monuments and changing spatial arrangement of the urban plan. The third phase of Bagan is more distinctive with the clustering of small monuments and complexes of Buddhist monasteries. The fourth phase is the monuments after decline of Bagan dynastic power. The four phases of Bagan visual arts each contain secular evidence of Bagan. Most Bagan visual art emphasized religious themes and elite society. Secular evidence can also be seen in epigraphy such as slaves, relatives, artisans, office staff. In visual art, there are three categories: (1) architecture; (2) sculpture and (3) painting. The transitions in artistic style contain information of secular ways of life in Bagan. In this study, the household archaeology of Bagan is defined from secular depictions in the plastic arts.

Bagan is one of the ancient cultural heritage zones in the region of South East Asia. In the main... more Bagan is one of the ancient cultural heritage zones in the region of South East Asia. In the main lands of South East Asia, Mon, Khmer and Pyu cultural materials could be found not only underground surveying but also on the artistic and architectural remains of ancient monuments . Especially. concerning the diffusion of religious cnItural materials. the regions of South East Asia originated from Sri Lanka, southern and eastern India. Relying on the ritual or religious diffusion, many forms of cnItural materials could be compromised and adapted to become the diversity of tangible cultural patterns. These cultural assemblages or subassemblages can be figured with their iconographic remains. An icon which is found with the recording of matrix or provenience can give the valuable archaeological context to reduce the complexity. Therefore. hypotheticalsituation of this field of studyis that the context of artistic achievements in Bagan Ancient Monuments can be evaluated in comparison wit...

SPAFA Journal
The IRAW@Bagan project is aimed at developing an integrated socio-ecological history for resident... more The IRAW@Bagan project is aimed at developing an integrated socio-ecological history for residential patterning, agricultural practices, and water management at the classical Burmese (Bama) capital of Bagan, Myanmar (11th to 14th centuries CE). As part of this long-term research program investigations have been initiated in the Tuyin-Thetso uplands, located 11 km southeast of Bagan’s walled and moated epicenter. This mountainous area figures prominently in the chronicles of early Bagan, given that it was one of five places around the city that a royal white elephant carrying a Buddhist tooth-relic kneeled down, prompting King Anawrahta (1044-1077 CE) to build a pagoda (i.e., temple) there. Numerous 13th century religious monuments were subsequently built on the Tuyin Range. Recent explorations in these uplands have drawn attention to an additional feature of historical significance, a rock-cut tank located along the eastern edge of the Thetso-Taung ridge. Referred to by local villag...

Anat Biol Anthropol Vol. 33, No. 2 (2020) pp. 37~44, 2020
Myin Ma Hti is the local name meant that the mountain horse never touches. In Myanmer, this name
... more Myin Ma Hti is the local name meant that the mountain horse never touches. In Myanmer, this name
is very popular as the Buddhist religious place. Most pilgrims usually visit to the area of Myin Ma Hti. In 1997,
a new limestone cave was discovered during the field trip of local geological team and the first explorer gave
the name for the cave as Myin Ma Hti Cave No. 2. In their 1997 report, the archaeo-faunal remains and stone
implements were recorded as teeth and vertebrate bones of bull, ox, deer and polished stone rings and implements
that could be estimated as the Neolithic context dated as 6,000-4,000 BP. In 2019, the environmental assessment
team accidentally arrived into the cave and they found some significant remains of stone tools mingled with
a pile of bone fragments after the local people dug the floor of cave to build the religious stupa. Then, rescue
archaeological works had been initiated to take recording and making catalogue of bone fragments and stone
pieces. Most of the findings are the bone fragments and wasters of stone rings. The special findings are potential
bone tools with the cut and scrape marks of edging and sharpening. The anthropogenic feature could be examined
with the ash layer 3-meter depth approximately. In this report, the significance of archaeofaunal evidences and
stone implements accidentally found in MMH2 will be described as the preliminary survey of prehistoric cave in
Aung Pan Township, Shan State, Myanmar.
Keywords : Bone tools, Stone implements, Anthropogenic feature, Archaeofaunal remains

Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Languages and Humanities in YUFL Yangon University of Foreign Languages, 2020
In Myanmar archaeological sequence, the earliest evidence of terracotta artifacts could be studie... more In Myanmar archaeological sequence, the earliest evidence of terracotta artifacts could be studied from the prehistoric sites to the post Bagan Periods. In prehistoric context, from the Neolithic to the Bronze or Iron-Bronze Age, the evidence of terracotta objects could be seen in the variety of the pottery like utensils and containers. Then, the protohistoric sequence of Pyu and Mon civilization has been studied with the variety of terracotta artifacts from the pottery to the construction materials like terracotta bricks, roof tiles, narrative and decorative plaques. According to the previous studies and research outcome, terracotta artifacts can mostly be found in Bagan and Pre Bagan Periods. Additionally the tradition of terracotta art works was developed in the contemporary of Bagan Period. Then, the development of terracotta artwork changed to be glazing method and glass based stoneware. In this study, there are three main parts the first, second and third phases_ the first phase is prehistoric time like Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages; the second phase is protohistoric time like Pyu and Mon; and the third phase is Bagan and Post Bagan Periods. According to the location of archaeological sites, there are five main parts such as North, East, South, West and Central Myanmar. The northernmost part is like Tagaung Old City; eastern part is like Badhalin; southern part is like Waw (Kyon Tu), Winka, etc.; western part is like Dhanyawaddy, Vesali and Mrauk U; and the central part is like Pyu cities, Bagan, Innwa, Pinya, Mandalay, etc. In technology of terracotta, it will be emphasized on the ceramic diagnostics and classification techniques. The firing and fabrication method had been developed since Bagan Period and the ceramic artifacts were significantly developed in Bagan and Post Bagan Periods. This study attempts to contribute that the role of terracotta artifacts shows the importance of ancient societies and civilization in their ways of life concerning the material and visual culture.
Keywords: terracotta artifacts, ceramic, material culture, visual culture
Papers by Pyiet Phyo kyaw
Here, the study attempts to contribute how the knowledge and skillfulness of ancient Bagan people were developed in the system of counting and measurement unit aka သင်္ချာ saṅkhyā for their community in the last 1000 years ago.
ြခင်း၊ ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ နည်းအမျိးမျိးြဖင့် အလွဲသံုးစားြပလုပ်ေန ြခင်းများ ို
မEာ့ိုင်ငံအှံအြပားတွင် မိနစ်တိုင်း၊ စ န်တိုင်း အချနိ ်ှင့်မြခား ျးလနွ ်
လျ ်ရှိေန သည်။ မူးယစ်ေဆးဝါး၊ လ ်န ်ှင့် လူေမှာင်ခိုလုပ်ငန်းများ ဲ့သိုပင်
ိုင်ငံတစ်ိုင်ငံ၊ လူမျိးတစ်မျိး၊ ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ စစ်မှန်ေသာ သမိုင်းအချ ်
အလ ်များှင့် ယဉ်ေ ျးမတန်ဖိုးများ အဆင့်အတန်းေလျာ့ပါး၊ ေပျာ ် ွယ်သွားေစ
ရန် ျးလွန်ေန သည့် ရာဇဝတ်မတစ်ခုလည်းြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ထားဝယ်ေဒသသည်
ေရှးဘိုးေဘးတို အေြခချေနထိုင်ခဲ့ သည့် မိြပအေထာ ်အထားများ၊ သမိုင်းှင့်
ေရှးေဟာင်းသုေတသနဆိုင်ရာ အချ ်အလ ်များစွာ ို ေြမေပ၊ ေြမေအာ ်
သုေတသနြပလုပ်ရန်များစွာ ျန်ရှိေနေသးသည်။ ထိုေ ာင့် ေခတ်မီနည်းပညာရပ် များ၊
ြပည်တွင်းြပည်ပပညာရှင်များ၊ ိုင်ငံေတာ်အဆင့်အဖွဲအစည်းများှင့် ပညာ
ရပ်ဆိုင်ရာတ သိုလ်များ စနစ်တ ျသုေတသနလုပ်ငန်းများြပလုပ် ာ ထားဝယ်
ေဒသ၌ထွန်း ားခဲ့သည့် ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမအဆင့်အတန်းများ ို ေဖာ်ထုတ်ိုင်ရန်
အားထုတ် ရမည်ြဖစ်သည်။ ေဒသခံြပည်သူများ၏ အသိပညာ၊ ဗဟုသုတများ၊
ဥပေဒဆိုင်ရာတားြမစ်ချ ်များ၊ ိုယ် ျင့်သိ ာဆိုင်ရာထိန်းသိမ်းေစာင့်ေရှာ ်မများ
အေပမူတည်လျ ် ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမဝတပစည်း
များ ို ခိုးယူြခင်း၊ တန်ဖိုးေလျာ့ပါးေစရန် ဖျ ်ဆီး ြခင်း၊ တရားမဝင်ေရာင်းဝယ်
ေဖာ ် ားြခင်းများရန်မှ ာ ွယ်၊ ေစာင့်ေရှာ ် ရမည်မှာ ိုင်ငံသားတိုင်း၏
တာဝန်တစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ယခုတင်ြပမည့် စာတမ်း၏ အဓိ ရည်ရ]ယ်အ ျိးြပ
လိုသည့်အချ ်မှာ ထားဝယ်ေဒသအတွင်းရှိ ေရှးေဟာင်းမိြပ၊ ေစတီ၊ ပုထိုး၊
အုတ် ုန်းများ၊ ေရှးေဟာင်းစာရင်းဝင် ေနရာ၊ အေဆာ ်အဦများ၏ သမိုင်းတန်ဖိုးှင့်
ခိမ်းေြခာ ်လျ ်ရှိေနေသာ တရားမဝင်ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ ေရာင်းဝယ် ြခင်းများရန်
အရာယ်မှ ိတင် ာ ွယ်ိုင်ရန် ိးစားအားထုတ်မတစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။
is very popular as the Buddhist religious place. Most pilgrims usually visit to the area of Myin Ma Hti. In 1997,
a new limestone cave was discovered during the field trip of local geological team and the first explorer gave
the name for the cave as Myin Ma Hti Cave No. 2. In their 1997 report, the archaeo-faunal remains and stone
implements were recorded as teeth and vertebrate bones of bull, ox, deer and polished stone rings and implements
that could be estimated as the Neolithic context dated as 6,000-4,000 BP. In 2019, the environmental assessment
team accidentally arrived into the cave and they found some significant remains of stone tools mingled with
a pile of bone fragments after the local people dug the floor of cave to build the religious stupa. Then, rescue
archaeological works had been initiated to take recording and making catalogue of bone fragments and stone
pieces. Most of the findings are the bone fragments and wasters of stone rings. The special findings are potential
bone tools with the cut and scrape marks of edging and sharpening. The anthropogenic feature could be examined
with the ash layer 3-meter depth approximately. In this report, the significance of archaeofaunal evidences and
stone implements accidentally found in MMH2 will be described as the preliminary survey of prehistoric cave in
Aung Pan Township, Shan State, Myanmar.
Keywords : Bone tools, Stone implements, Anthropogenic feature, Archaeofaunal remains
Keywords: terracotta artifacts, ceramic, material culture, visual culture
Here, the study attempts to contribute how the knowledge and skillfulness of ancient Bagan people were developed in the system of counting and measurement unit aka သင်္ချာ saṅkhyā for their community in the last 1000 years ago.
ြခင်း၊ ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ နည်းအမျိးမျိးြဖင့် အလွဲသံုးစားြပလုပ်ေန ြခင်းများ ို
မEာ့ိုင်ငံအှံအြပားတွင် မိနစ်တိုင်း၊ စ န်တိုင်း အချနိ ်ှင့်မြခား ျးလနွ ်
လျ ်ရှိေန သည်။ မူးယစ်ေဆးဝါး၊ လ ်န ်ှင့် လူေမှာင်ခိုလုပ်ငန်းများ ဲ့သိုပင်
ိုင်ငံတစ်ိုင်ငံ၊ လူမျိးတစ်မျိး၊ ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ စစ်မှန်ေသာ သမိုင်းအချ ်
အလ ်များှင့် ယဉ်ေ ျးမတန်ဖိုးများ အဆင့်အတန်းေလျာ့ပါး၊ ေပျာ ် ွယ်သွားေစ
ရန် ျးလွန်ေန သည့် ရာဇဝတ်မတစ်ခုလည်းြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ထားဝယ်ေဒသသည်
ေရှးဘိုးေဘးတို အေြခချေနထိုင်ခဲ့ သည့် မိြပအေထာ ်အထားများ၊ သမိုင်းှင့်
ေရှးေဟာင်းသုေတသနဆိုင်ရာ အချ ်အလ ်များစွာ ို ေြမေပ၊ ေြမေအာ ်
သုေတသနြပလုပ်ရန်များစွာ ျန်ရှိေနေသးသည်။ ထိုေ ာင့် ေခတ်မီနည်းပညာရပ် များ၊
ြပည်တွင်းြပည်ပပညာရှင်များ၊ ိုင်ငံေတာ်အဆင့်အဖွဲအစည်းများှင့် ပညာ
ရပ်ဆိုင်ရာတ သိုလ်များ စနစ်တ ျသုေတသနလုပ်ငန်းများြပလုပ် ာ ထားဝယ်
ေဒသ၌ထွန်း ားခဲ့သည့် ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမအဆင့်အတန်းများ ို ေဖာ်ထုတ်ိုင်ရန်
အားထုတ် ရမည်ြဖစ်သည်။ ေဒသခံြပည်သူများ၏ အသိပညာ၊ ဗဟုသုတများ၊
ဥပေဒဆိုင်ရာတားြမစ်ချ ်များ၊ ိုယ် ျင့်သိ ာဆိုင်ရာထိန်းသိမ်းေစာင့်ေရှာ ်မများ
အေပမူတည်လျ ် ယဉ်ေ ျးမေဒသတစ်ခု၏ ေရှးေဟာင်းယဉ်ေ ျးမဝတပစည်း
များ ို ခိုးယူြခင်း၊ တန်ဖိုးေလျာ့ပါးေစရန် ဖျ ်ဆီး ြခင်း၊ တရားမဝင်ေရာင်းဝယ်
ေဖာ ် ားြခင်းများရန်မှ ာ ွယ်၊ ေစာင့်ေရှာ ် ရမည်မှာ ိုင်ငံသားတိုင်း၏
တာဝန်တစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။ ယခုတင်ြပမည့် စာတမ်း၏ အဓိ ရည်ရ]ယ်အ ျိးြပ
လိုသည့်အချ ်မှာ ထားဝယ်ေဒသအတွင်းရှိ ေရှးေဟာင်းမိြပ၊ ေစတီ၊ ပုထိုး၊
အုတ် ုန်းများ၊ ေရှးေဟာင်းစာရင်းဝင် ေနရာ၊ အေဆာ ်အဦများ၏ သမိုင်းတန်ဖိုးှင့်
ခိမ်းေြခာ ်လျ ်ရှိေနေသာ တရားမဝင်ရှာေဖွြခင်း၊ ေရာင်းဝယ် ြခင်းများရန်
အရာယ်မှ ိတင် ာ ွယ်ိုင်ရန် ိးစားအားထုတ်မတစ်ရပ်ပင်ြဖစ်ပါသည်။
is very popular as the Buddhist religious place. Most pilgrims usually visit to the area of Myin Ma Hti. In 1997,
a new limestone cave was discovered during the field trip of local geological team and the first explorer gave
the name for the cave as Myin Ma Hti Cave No. 2. In their 1997 report, the archaeo-faunal remains and stone
implements were recorded as teeth and vertebrate bones of bull, ox, deer and polished stone rings and implements
that could be estimated as the Neolithic context dated as 6,000-4,000 BP. In 2019, the environmental assessment
team accidentally arrived into the cave and they found some significant remains of stone tools mingled with
a pile of bone fragments after the local people dug the floor of cave to build the religious stupa. Then, rescue
archaeological works had been initiated to take recording and making catalogue of bone fragments and stone
pieces. Most of the findings are the bone fragments and wasters of stone rings. The special findings are potential
bone tools with the cut and scrape marks of edging and sharpening. The anthropogenic feature could be examined
with the ash layer 3-meter depth approximately. In this report, the significance of archaeofaunal evidences and
stone implements accidentally found in MMH2 will be described as the preliminary survey of prehistoric cave in
Aung Pan Township, Shan State, Myanmar.
Keywords : Bone tools, Stone implements, Anthropogenic feature, Archaeofaunal remains
Keywords: terracotta artifacts, ceramic, material culture, visual culture
For the exotic traces of Pyu, the affinities of Indianization, Sinicization, Mon and Khamer_ Dvaravati of Thailand, Khamer of Cambodia, Chenla of Laos, Funan of Cambodia and Vietnam, Champa or Cham of Vietnam, Thang Long of Vietnam could be traceable. In Myanmar, the protohistoric sequence developed by the city states of Pyu and Mon before the historical phase of Bagan Period.
In this presentation, the characteristics of first millennium civilization will be approachable by learning the archaeological remains and cultural landscape of Pyu Civilization in Myanmar and the contemporaneous sites of Mainland Southeast Asia.
Keywords: First Millennium Civilization, Interaction, Interrelation, Intersection, Mainland Southeast Asia, Pyu Period, Indianization
Keywords: terracotta artifacts, ceramic, material culture, visual culture
Although it could not be completely concerned with the real needs of Myanmar academic society, it could contribute how to approach and realise Myanmar academic institutional situation before and after independent time.