Papers by Liliana Hoinarescu
Language and dialogue, Oct 12, 2018
The present paper aims to investigate the main argumentative uses of definitions in various commu... more The present paper aims to investigate the main argumentative uses of definitions in various communicative contexts of the parliamentary discourse, on the basis of two sets of data, selected from the British and the Romanian Parliaments. Relevant categories of argumentative definitions are identified and described, by taking into consideration their linguistic structure and rhetorical features, as well as their current association with other types of arguments and pragmatic strategies. The cross-cultural and comparative perspective allows us to grasp to what extent the institutional forms, procedural rules and cultural models can actually influence the argumentative choices and reasoning patterns in the specific cases of the British and the Romanian Parliamentary discourse.
Language and dialogue, Nov 28, 2016
This paper aims to investigate the pragmatic features and strategies of disagreement in contempor... more This paper aims to investigate the pragmatic features and strategies of disagreement in contemporary spoken Romanian, on the basis of authentic data. Disagreement will be regarded in its cooperative dimension, considering that all types of genuine,bona fidecommunication involve various stages in establishing an intellectual consensus. Special attention will be given to the main causes which generate communicative divergence: metalinguistic/metadiscursive (the dispute on the semantic/pragmatic use of language), dialectical (the debate of general ideas and principles) or factual (contradictory interpretation of facts). We shall try to formulate some general conclusions, in order to configure the profile of intellectual disagreement in Romanian society and to integrate it into an intercultural and anthropological perspective.

În L. Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, M.-V. Constantinescu, G. Stoica, Ș. Hartular (ed.), Attitude and Stance in Discourse: 57-94. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022
The present chapter aims to analyse several types of epistemic stance markers that explicitly per... more The present chapter aims to analyse several types of epistemic stance markers that explicitly pertain to the truth of the utterances. This particular stance or discursive attitude is interesting, because in genuine communication truth and sincerity are viewed as essential, basic conditions of dialogue. It has been theorised as a prerequisite both by Grice (1975, 46), who included the Quality (sincerity) Maxim among the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle, and by Searle (1979, 12-13), in his speech act theory, where assertions are defined as speech acts that commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition1. Accordingly, by asserting something, the speaker simultaneously commits to the truth of what (s)he said2. Categorical assertions (lacking any modal particle) express certainty, the indicative mood functioning as an epistemic stance marker. Conversely, explicit references to the veracity 92 Chapter Two

Oana Chelaru-Murăruș, Mihaela Constantinescu, Claudia Ene, Gabriela Stoica, Andra Vasilescu (ed.), Limbă, societate, cultură. In honorem Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu și Mihaela Mancaș, București, Editura Universității din București, p. 83-98, 2021
Olfactory Metaphors and the Conceptualization of Morality in Romanian Culture
The pa... more Olfactory Metaphors and the Conceptualization of Morality in Romanian Culture
The paper aims to examine the metaphorical conceptualizations of morality in Romanian culture, from a diachronic and synchronic perspective and, at the same time, to highlight their cross-linguistic coding. The theoretical framework is cognitive linguistics, while the method adopted combines lexical analysis (based on dictionaries) and discourse/corpus analysis (samples from various registers, attesting how speakers use language in context). Linguistic interpretation is correlated with the information provided by the cultural anthropology of olfaction and reveals the extent to which the collective representations were fixed by lexicalization/linguistic coding (the case of negative representations of smell) or, on the contrary, remained diffuse, their updating being rather bookish (positive representations of smell).

Studii și cercetări lingvistice [SCL], LXXII, nr. 1, p. 97-122, 2021
Ne propunem să evidențiem un caz particular al relației dintre lexicologie și pragmatică, analiz... more Ne propunem să evidențiem un caz particular al relației dintre lexicologie și pragmatică, analizând valorile contextuale specifice pe care terminologia filosofică le capătă în discursul presei culturale. Prin presă culturală – sintagmă generică pentru o publicistică eterogenă, orientată spre fenomenul cultural în sens larg – vom desemna aici exclusiv acele dezbateri, editoriale și articole de opinie, axate pe teme sociopolitice și etice, scrise de oamenii de cultură. În mod semnificativ, jurnalismul de acest tip își restrânge aria de adresare nu prin subiectele pe care le supune analizei, ci prin modul de expresie, adesea livresc, elitist, cu termeni și asocieri lingvistice insolite pentru publicul larg. Recursul la terminologia filosofică este un simptom al acestui elitism. Discursul presei culturale prezintă astfel trăsături mixte, situându-se între discursul publicistic și cel filosofic-speculativ. Vom încerca să identificăm principalele strategii care asigură interferența și fuzionarea acestor tipuri discursive într-un discurs mixt, coerent funcțional. Corpusul studiat cuprinde revistele culturale: Revista 22, Dilema Veche, platforma on-line, din perioada 2012 până în prezent.
Language and Dialogue, 2015
Starting from the pragmatic descriptions of lying and the most influential theories concerning so... more Starting from the pragmatic descriptions of lying and the most influential theories concerning social identity, this paper explores, on the basis of authentic examples, the relationship between identity construction and the rhetoric of lying in Romanian political discourse. We are interested in presenting, on the one hand, the strategies used to denounce a political leader as a liar and to fix this negative image in the collective imagination and, on the other hand, the strategy used by the politician to refute these accusations and rebuild his credibility ethos. Through this analysis, the paper also addresses the questions of the social and moral implications of lying in Romanian public space.

Humour and Culture 5: Romanian Humour, ed. by M.V. Constantinescu, S. Măda, and R. Săftoiu Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies, Kraków 2020
The present chapter investigates the relationship between intertextual irony and humour in litera... more The present chapter investigates the relationship between intertextual irony and humour in literary fiction. Two representative Romanian postmodern texts are analysed, namely Mircea Horia Simionescu's Onomasticon [Dicționarul onomastic], and The General Bibliography [Bibliografia generală], which are included in the tetralogy The Well Tempered Wise Guy [Ingeniosul bine temperat]. Taking into account the most influential theories of verbal humour, as well as the pragmatic theories of verbal irony, the chapter illustrates how the writer can create humorous and ironical effects by exploiting the common knowledge and cultural encyclopaedia of the reader. The chapter also highlights the complex functions of irony and humour during the totalitarian communist regime, when literature had not only aesthetic purposes, but developed elaborated forms of subversive opposition and criticism against ideological and political constraints.

Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română [AUBLLR], LXVIII, 2019, pp. 55-72. , 2019
The paper takes into consideration the concept of identity, trying to explore the relationship be... more The paper takes into consideration the concept of identity, trying to explore the relationship between self-representation (or personal identity) and public representation (or social identity) in everyday dialogue, as illustrated by Aldous Huxley in Point Counter Point. Literary criticism has largely emphasized the satirical dimension of this novel, which depicts English high society and intelligentsia in the 1920s. The main objective of our paper is to demonstrate that the essential source of the comical and satirical dimension of Huxley's novel consists in the discrepancy between the culturally mediated image that characters want to project in social life and the representation that the others have of them. The theoretical framework used refers mainly to Goffman's sociology, which described the individual within social ritualistic interaction, and the sociolinguistic theories of politeness, including Brown and Levinson's (1978/1987) seminal theory, and especially Spencer-Oatey's (2007) point of view regarding the concepts of face and identity.
Reproducerea integrală sau parţială, multiplicarea prin orice mijloace şi sub orice formă, cum ar... more Reproducerea integrală sau parţială, multiplicarea prin orice mijloace şi sub orice formă, cum ar fi xeroxarea, scanarea, transpunerea în format electronic sau audio, punerea la dispoziţia publică, inclusiv prin internet sau prin reţele de calculatoare, stocarea permanentă sau temporară pe dispozitive sau sisteme cu posibilitatea recuperării informaţiilor, cu scop comercial sau gratuit, precum şi alte fapte similare săvârşite fără permisiunea scrisă a deţinătorului copyrightului reprezintă o încălcare a legislaţiei cu privire la protecţia proprietăţii intelectuale şi se pedepsesc penal şi/sau civil în conformitate cu legile în vigoare.
Revue Roumaine de Linguistique [RRL], LXIII, 1-2, 2018, p. 147-166.
The paper explores the dialogical representation of lying in the political discourse. It aims to ... more The paper explores the dialogical representation of lying in the political discourse. It aims to analyse the instances of lying as a speech act in spontaneous, face-to-face communication and to evaluate its offensive and self-prejudicial potential. The examples are taken from three recorded presidential election debates, from three cultural spaces: 1) Ségolène Royal – Nicolas Sarkozy (2007); 2) Traian Băsescu – Crin Antonescu – Mircea Geoană (2009); 3) Hillary Clinton – Donald Trump (2016). Through this comparative analysis, the study intends to grasp the cognitive and sociodiscursive function of lying as well as its cross-cultural variations and constants.

în Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela-Viorica Constantinescu, Gabriela Stoica (ed.), „Limbaj – discurs – stil. Omagiu Mariei Cvasnîi Cătănescu”, București, EUB, 2017, p. 171-193.
Using the theoretical framework of narratology and discourse analysis, the paper aims at examinin... more Using the theoretical framework of narratology and discourse analysis, the paper aims at examining comparatively the narrative structuring connectives/markers in the Moldavian chronicles. The analysis reveals that the premodern historiographical narration is organised around some stricter referentiality indicators, such as person (the monarch) and time. Consequently, regardless of the type of connection, implicit or explicit, personal reference and temporal connectives predominate at the macro-structural level (i. e. the connection between chapters). The usual narrative continuity connectives appear rarely or even exceptionally at the beginning of the chapter, being unable to solitary establish the referential anchorage.
în Rodica Zafiu et al. (ed.), „Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române”, București, EUB, 2016, p. 133-144.
În ciuda numeroaselor studii consacrate ironiei, nu există încă un consens privind definirea aces... more În ciuda numeroaselor studii consacrate ironiei, nu există încă un consens privind definirea acesteia. Descrierea ironiei este complicată de o istorie culturală îndelungată, de-a lungul căreia conceptul a căpătat sensuri şi accepţiuni diferite, unele contradictorii şi antagonice.
Studii și cercetări lingvistice [SCL], LXVII, 2016, nr. 2, Bucureşti, p. 227–256.
Cuvinte-cheie: genitivul cu de, perspectivă diacronică şi funcţională, lingvistică cognitivă, rec... more Cuvinte-cheie: genitivul cu de, perspectivă diacronică şi funcţională, lingvistică cognitivă, recurenţă ciclică.
Studii și cercetări lingvistice [SCL], LXVII, 2016, nr. 1, Bucureşti, p. 97–119., 2016
Cuvinte-cheie: presupoziţii pragmatice, uz persuasiv, reprezentări sociale, manipulare.

în Rodica Zafiu, Claudia Ene (ed.), Variaţia lingvistică: Probleme actuale, vol. II, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2015, p. 83-93.
Analiza pe care o propunem în acest articol este centrată pe istoria conceptului de stat, în lini... more Analiza pe care o propunem în acest articol este centrată pe istoria conceptului de stat, în linia intelectuală fondată de Reinhart Koselleck 1 . Vom urmări să punem în evidență sensurile particulare ale conceptului, ilustrate în cadrul discursului parlamentar românesc în perioada 1866-1938. Dintre diversele axe de reprezentare discursivă a conceptului, ne vom opri la cele metaforice, reprezentările definiționale (normative, ideologizante sau argumentative) fiind discutate numai în măsura în care interferează cu cele dintâi. Pornim de la teoria metaforei cognitive sau a metaforei conceptuale, potrivit căreia metafora nu este o simplă problemă de limbaj figurat, ci o expresie a proceselor cognitive (Lakoff și Johnson: 1985 13-16; Lakoff 1993: 203). Mintea umană încearcă să reprezinte noțiunile abstracte prin raportarea la termenii experienței primare, și astfel metaforizarea devine un mecanism fundamental de gândire. Expresia poetică, figurată a metaforei reprezintă numai un caz particular al acestui mecanism cognitiv general (Lakoff 1993: 203). În cele ce urmează, vom încerca să comentăm câteva exemple în care conceptul de stat este reprezentat metaforic, să indicăm originea acestor reprezentări și reflexul ideologic pe care îl dezvăluie în cadrul oratoriei parlamentare românești.
Studii și cercetări lingvistice [SCL], LX, 2009, p. 45–62

Studii și cercetări lingvistice [SCL], LXVI, 2015, nr. 1, p. 3–33.
1. SCURT ISTORIC AL CONCEPTULUI 1.1. Reformularea este un fenomen textual şi discursiv complex, a... more 1. SCURT ISTORIC AL CONCEPTULUI 1.1. Reformularea este un fenomen textual şi discursiv complex, a cărui cercetare a fost luată în consideraţie relativ recent, fie sub aspect semantic, ca parafrază, mai ales în registrul scris, fie sub aspect pragmatic şi interacţional, interesând aspectele orale ale comunicării. Termenul de "reformulare" s-a impus, de altfel, ca termen supraordonat, care acoperă diverse manifestări discursive similare funcţional precum parafraza, glosa sau comentariul metaenunţiativ, repetiţia şi corectarea. Cele mai importante studii, care s-au transformat ulterior, prin precizări şi reevaluări succesive, în direcţii de cercetare distincte, au fost publicate, în spaţiul francez, de Catherine Fuchs (1982;, în spaţiul german, de Elisabeth Gülich şi Thomas , în Elveţia, de Şcoala geneveză, reprezentată de Eddy Roulet (1987) şi Corinne şi, în spaţiul anglo-saxon, de Şcoala etnometodologică. Vom prezenta succint contribuţiile cercetătorilor amintiţi la fixarea şi la redefinirea progresivă a conceptului, în acord cu extensia acestuia dinspre semantică spre pragmatica interacţională 1 . În ciuda unor premise teoretice diferite, este de remarcat că aceste lucrări sunt de altfel sincronice şi prezintă o clară tendinţă interdisciplinară.
Papers by Liliana Hoinarescu
The paper aims to examine the metaphorical conceptualizations of morality in Romanian culture, from a diachronic and synchronic perspective and, at the same time, to highlight their cross-linguistic coding. The theoretical framework is cognitive linguistics, while the method adopted combines lexical analysis (based on dictionaries) and discourse/corpus analysis (samples from various registers, attesting how speakers use language in context). Linguistic interpretation is correlated with the information provided by the cultural anthropology of olfaction and reveals the extent to which the collective representations were fixed by lexicalization/linguistic coding (the case of negative representations of smell) or, on the contrary, remained diffuse, their updating being rather bookish (positive representations of smell).
The paper aims to examine the metaphorical conceptualizations of morality in Romanian culture, from a diachronic and synchronic perspective and, at the same time, to highlight their cross-linguistic coding. The theoretical framework is cognitive linguistics, while the method adopted combines lexical analysis (based on dictionaries) and discourse/corpus analysis (samples from various registers, attesting how speakers use language in context). Linguistic interpretation is correlated with the information provided by the cultural anthropology of olfaction and reveals the extent to which the collective representations were fixed by lexicalization/linguistic coding (the case of negative representations of smell) or, on the contrary, remained diffuse, their updating being rather bookish (positive representations of smell).