Anton Nesterov
Historian of arts, philologist, critisist
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Papers by Anton Nesterov
their inner structure, on the example of several poems by Norwegian authors (Rune
Christiansen and Stein Mehren). Some poems are organized in such a way that this or
that poetic image could arrange the others around and dictate the system of images
in the text. A translator should pay special attention to such images and verify their
role in texts as much as allusions to be interacted with.
Key words: poetic speech; allusion; image; association; context.
The article deals with the late poetry by Joseph Brodsky. A great deal of his late poetic production is of publicist kind and inspired by disgusting to the mass world and mentality of the crowd. Looking for some support in it, Brodsky turns to the heritage of W.H. Auden and makes a lot of allusions to the poems of the British poet. These allusions are rather systematic in Brodsky’s poetry, from his point of view W.H. Auden has demonstrated us a possibility of social responsibility without social engagement.
The author analysis some strategies of fighting for reader in Russian poertry of the 1960s that made possible the domination of “poetry to be read in the Polythechnical Museum”.
In the 60s J.Brodsky’s poetry had to exist in the shadow of poems by such authors as E. Evtushchenko, A.Voznesensky, R. Roghdestvensky and B. Achmadulina. These four were associated with “poetry reading in the Politechnical museum” that was organized as a special event to be filmed for Marlen Khutsiev movie “I’m twenty”(1965).The movie with its 20 minutes long “footage”of poetry reading was a great promotion for the young poets. As the result, they utilized the reputation of the leading voices for the generation. Their audience was orientated for compensation of the lack of emotions and demanded a very special kind of poetry to be associated with: the poem should be not very long to be easy memorized and based on some aphoristic formulas to absorb some typical social experience so it could create some group identity to the listeners. On this spot the poetics of Brodsky seemed to be of absolutely another kind.
The analysis of publications in the soviet periodicals of the second half of the 1940-s demonstrates that the fight against formalism in fine arts was organized not so much by the top party functionaries, as by the group of the artists and critics associated with the former Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia and was used to get the key positions in the Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR established in 1947.
Key words: the fight against formalism, cosmopolitism, the Peredvizhniki (members of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions), impressionism, socialist realist painting, Nikolai Punin, Abram Efros, Osip Beskin.
The iconography of “The Entry of the Animals into Noah’s Ark” and “Leaving the Ark” could be traced back to the earliest Christian illuminated manuscripts as Vienna Genesis and others. Later “the traditional set” of animals (consisted of some domestic ungulates and lions or wolves) was added with such exotic creatures as unicorns, peacocks, lynxes, etc., as the result of the mix with the iconography of “Adam naming animals in Paradise” and the earlier prototype of this one – the pagan “Orpheus playing for animals”.
The iconological approach to the Soviet fine arts demonstrates that soviet painters used to redress old masters’ compositions for the new epoch. Some works on such subject as “Stakhanovite movement” painted in the late 1940s could be traced back to the classical composition of Jude’s kiss, as it is obvious with Anatoly Leviton’s painting “Exchange of ideas on Stakhanovism” (1948) and some other works on this subject. Such practices were rather genuine for the generation of the painters graduated from the Academy of Arts of the USSR in the late 1940s – early 1950s as the result of special emphasis on compositional principles that started to be demonstrated on the works of the old masters in the frame of the curriculum of the Academy that was reformed in 1947. So in many cases “the innovative Soviet art” was nothing more but replicas of the old classical compositions adjusted to articulate the new social realities.
The earliest illustration to the parable of wise and foolish virgins is from Rossano Gospels of VI century. The iconographic canon for this subject was finally shaped to X–XI centuries: the virgins were represented as two standing groups, with their lamps up or down. Such compositions were typical for the portals of Gothic cathedrals and miniatures. The new trend appeared in XVI century when the virgins started to be represented as sitting ones, with some of attributes for the Senses. Such combination of the virgins with the Senses was especially typical for the painters and engravers who got their training or work in Antwerp, so the taste for combining two different subjects in a piece of work is one of the features of this local school.
The paper is focused on some emblem collections of XVI – XVII centuries, treating them as a kind of didactical representation for the whole human experience organised in some analytical way. From this point of view the picturae of emblems functioned as a kind of memory images to provide the mnemonic representation of this or that subject.
The Five Senses in European arts of XIII – XVII centuries: the evolution from the subject to a motive
The allegory of the five senses could be traced in European five arts from the middle ages. This epoch Aristotle mostly used the allegory for the initials in manuscripts such as “De anima”. This text played a significant role in the context of argues between nominalists and realists. This allegory became extremely popular at the edge of Renaissance and Barcoo to be represented by such monumental works as “Allegories” Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Breughel as much as numeric engraving cycles by Georg Pence (c. 1544), Crispin de Passé (1590s and 1620s), Hendrik Goltzius (1596), Hendrik Hondius and others. In the wake of this popularity the allegories were incorporated into other genres: still life paintings and so called “Merry companies”. At this stage the motive subdivided into two, focused on the proper and improper use of our abilities of perception.
Антон Нестеров
Аллегория Пяти чувств в изобразительном искусстве XIII – XVII вв.: эволюция от сюжета к мотиву/ Бестиарий и чувства. Res et verba – 5. М.: Intrada, 2017.
Аллегорические изображения Пятерицы чувств появляются еще в Средние века – чаще всего это украшенные инициалы в манускриптах с аристотелевым трактатом «О душе», текст которого был весьма востребован в контексте спора номиналистов и реалистов. Но настоящую популярность этот аллегорический сюжет обретает на переходе от Возрождения к Барокко – именно в это время вокруг него создаются как монументальные полотна, вроде «Аллегории Вкуса и Обоняния» (175.0 x 263.0 см) Питера Рубеса и Яна Брейгеля, выполненной в 1618 г. по заказу эрцгерцога Австрийского, так многочисленные гравюрные циклы – Георга Пенца (ок. 1544), Криспина де Пассе (1590-ые, 1620-ые), Хендрика Гольциуса (1596), Пьетра де Йоди (нач. XVII в.), Хендрика Гондиуса (1607), Пьера Ландри (1650-ые), и др. На волне этой моды данный сюжет проникает и в другие живописные жанры в качестве мотива – в натюрморт (работы Питера Класа, Любена Богена, Себастьяна Штоскопфа, Жака Ленарда), многочисленные сценки пиров – так называемые «Веселые компании» (Симон де Вос, Давид Винкбонс, Дирк Хальс)… Постепенно этот поток разделяется на два русла: репрезентацию должного и недолжного использования чувств. Появляются гравюрные серии вроде «Аллегории чувств» Корнелия Дюсарта, где Обоняние представлено блюющим пьяницей, Осязание – солдатом, тискающим трактирную служанку, Слух – подвыпившим волынщиком, терзающим окружающих игрой на своем визгливом инструменте…
This paper is focused on some marriage scandals at the court of Elizabeth
I: the clandestine marriage of lady Katherine Grey and sir Edward Seymour,
love aff air of lady Anne Vavasour with Edward de Vere and, later with
sir Henry Lee, marriage of sir Walter Ralegh and lady Elizabeth Throckmorton, the story of Mary Fitt on and William Herbert. These scandals harmed the reputations of the men involved in and destroyed their carriers: these men were push out from the public space. As for the women, the most of them could stabilize the situation and found some other partnership after these scandals. Such recovering of women reputations demonstrates: there was some serious distinction between behavior to be acceptable for private relationships and for public sphere as much the last one was supposed to be the domain of men.
в советском соцреализме и работы Александра Самохвалова
первой половины 1930-х годов
their inner structure, on the example of several poems by Norwegian authors (Rune
Christiansen and Stein Mehren). Some poems are organized in such a way that this or
that poetic image could arrange the others around and dictate the system of images
in the text. A translator should pay special attention to such images and verify their
role in texts as much as allusions to be interacted with.
Key words: poetic speech; allusion; image; association; context.
The article deals with the late poetry by Joseph Brodsky. A great deal of his late poetic production is of publicist kind and inspired by disgusting to the mass world and mentality of the crowd. Looking for some support in it, Brodsky turns to the heritage of W.H. Auden and makes a lot of allusions to the poems of the British poet. These allusions are rather systematic in Brodsky’s poetry, from his point of view W.H. Auden has demonstrated us a possibility of social responsibility without social engagement.
The author analysis some strategies of fighting for reader in Russian poertry of the 1960s that made possible the domination of “poetry to be read in the Polythechnical Museum”.
In the 60s J.Brodsky’s poetry had to exist in the shadow of poems by such authors as E. Evtushchenko, A.Voznesensky, R. Roghdestvensky and B. Achmadulina. These four were associated with “poetry reading in the Politechnical museum” that was organized as a special event to be filmed for Marlen Khutsiev movie “I’m twenty”(1965).The movie with its 20 minutes long “footage”of poetry reading was a great promotion for the young poets. As the result, they utilized the reputation of the leading voices for the generation. Their audience was orientated for compensation of the lack of emotions and demanded a very special kind of poetry to be associated with: the poem should be not very long to be easy memorized and based on some aphoristic formulas to absorb some typical social experience so it could create some group identity to the listeners. On this spot the poetics of Brodsky seemed to be of absolutely another kind.
The analysis of publications in the soviet periodicals of the second half of the 1940-s demonstrates that the fight against formalism in fine arts was organized not so much by the top party functionaries, as by the group of the artists and critics associated with the former Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia and was used to get the key positions in the Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR established in 1947.
Key words: the fight against formalism, cosmopolitism, the Peredvizhniki (members of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions), impressionism, socialist realist painting, Nikolai Punin, Abram Efros, Osip Beskin.
The iconography of “The Entry of the Animals into Noah’s Ark” and “Leaving the Ark” could be traced back to the earliest Christian illuminated manuscripts as Vienna Genesis and others. Later “the traditional set” of animals (consisted of some domestic ungulates and lions or wolves) was added with such exotic creatures as unicorns, peacocks, lynxes, etc., as the result of the mix with the iconography of “Adam naming animals in Paradise” and the earlier prototype of this one – the pagan “Orpheus playing for animals”.
The iconological approach to the Soviet fine arts demonstrates that soviet painters used to redress old masters’ compositions for the new epoch. Some works on such subject as “Stakhanovite movement” painted in the late 1940s could be traced back to the classical composition of Jude’s kiss, as it is obvious with Anatoly Leviton’s painting “Exchange of ideas on Stakhanovism” (1948) and some other works on this subject. Such practices were rather genuine for the generation of the painters graduated from the Academy of Arts of the USSR in the late 1940s – early 1950s as the result of special emphasis on compositional principles that started to be demonstrated on the works of the old masters in the frame of the curriculum of the Academy that was reformed in 1947. So in many cases “the innovative Soviet art” was nothing more but replicas of the old classical compositions adjusted to articulate the new social realities.
The earliest illustration to the parable of wise and foolish virgins is from Rossano Gospels of VI century. The iconographic canon for this subject was finally shaped to X–XI centuries: the virgins were represented as two standing groups, with their lamps up or down. Such compositions were typical for the portals of Gothic cathedrals and miniatures. The new trend appeared in XVI century when the virgins started to be represented as sitting ones, with some of attributes for the Senses. Such combination of the virgins with the Senses was especially typical for the painters and engravers who got their training or work in Antwerp, so the taste for combining two different subjects in a piece of work is one of the features of this local school.
The paper is focused on some emblem collections of XVI – XVII centuries, treating them as a kind of didactical representation for the whole human experience organised in some analytical way. From this point of view the picturae of emblems functioned as a kind of memory images to provide the mnemonic representation of this or that subject.
The Five Senses in European arts of XIII – XVII centuries: the evolution from the subject to a motive
The allegory of the five senses could be traced in European five arts from the middle ages. This epoch Aristotle mostly used the allegory for the initials in manuscripts such as “De anima”. This text played a significant role in the context of argues between nominalists and realists. This allegory became extremely popular at the edge of Renaissance and Barcoo to be represented by such monumental works as “Allegories” Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Breughel as much as numeric engraving cycles by Georg Pence (c. 1544), Crispin de Passé (1590s and 1620s), Hendrik Goltzius (1596), Hendrik Hondius and others. In the wake of this popularity the allegories were incorporated into other genres: still life paintings and so called “Merry companies”. At this stage the motive subdivided into two, focused on the proper and improper use of our abilities of perception.
Антон Нестеров
Аллегория Пяти чувств в изобразительном искусстве XIII – XVII вв.: эволюция от сюжета к мотиву/ Бестиарий и чувства. Res et verba – 5. М.: Intrada, 2017.
Аллегорические изображения Пятерицы чувств появляются еще в Средние века – чаще всего это украшенные инициалы в манускриптах с аристотелевым трактатом «О душе», текст которого был весьма востребован в контексте спора номиналистов и реалистов. Но настоящую популярность этот аллегорический сюжет обретает на переходе от Возрождения к Барокко – именно в это время вокруг него создаются как монументальные полотна, вроде «Аллегории Вкуса и Обоняния» (175.0 x 263.0 см) Питера Рубеса и Яна Брейгеля, выполненной в 1618 г. по заказу эрцгерцога Австрийского, так многочисленные гравюрные циклы – Георга Пенца (ок. 1544), Криспина де Пассе (1590-ые, 1620-ые), Хендрика Гольциуса (1596), Пьетра де Йоди (нач. XVII в.), Хендрика Гондиуса (1607), Пьера Ландри (1650-ые), и др. На волне этой моды данный сюжет проникает и в другие живописные жанры в качестве мотива – в натюрморт (работы Питера Класа, Любена Богена, Себастьяна Штоскопфа, Жака Ленарда), многочисленные сценки пиров – так называемые «Веселые компании» (Симон де Вос, Давид Винкбонс, Дирк Хальс)… Постепенно этот поток разделяется на два русла: репрезентацию должного и недолжного использования чувств. Появляются гравюрные серии вроде «Аллегории чувств» Корнелия Дюсарта, где Обоняние представлено блюющим пьяницей, Осязание – солдатом, тискающим трактирную служанку, Слух – подвыпившим волынщиком, терзающим окружающих игрой на своем визгливом инструменте…
This paper is focused on some marriage scandals at the court of Elizabeth
I: the clandestine marriage of lady Katherine Grey and sir Edward Seymour,
love aff air of lady Anne Vavasour with Edward de Vere and, later with
sir Henry Lee, marriage of sir Walter Ralegh and lady Elizabeth Throckmorton, the story of Mary Fitt on and William Herbert. These scandals harmed the reputations of the men involved in and destroyed their carriers: these men were push out from the public space. As for the women, the most of them could stabilize the situation and found some other partnership after these scandals. Such recovering of women reputations demonstrates: there was some serious distinction between behavior to be acceptable for private relationships and for public sphere as much the last one was supposed to be the domain of men.
в советском соцреализме и работы Александра Самохвалова
первой половины 1930-х годов
File too big, so there are two additional ones - for a title and for the last chapter written by Anton Nesterov
Автор использует большой массив теологической, социальной информации, создающий контекст, в котором только и можно «увидеть эпоху», обнаружить глубинные смыслы в портретах, мозаиках, гравюрах и эмблемах..
Несколько писем Лоуренса Даррелла Генри Миллеру, в которых обсуждается "Гамлет" Шекспира.
The paper is focused on the alchemical contexts of Gustav Meyrink's novel "The Green Face" (Das grüne Gesicht).
Работа посвящена алхимическим контекстам романа Густава Майринка "Зеленый лик".
The second culture chose to exist outside printed publications and did not attempt to accommodate itself to the requirements of Soviet literature. This ‘unofficial’ poetry, as distinct from ‘liberal Soviet poetry’, was extremely open to foreign influences.