Papers by Anthony McElligott
Choice Reviews Online, Sep 22, 2014
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Oct 29, 2018
Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, 2002

European History Quarterly, 1992
only necessary but ’good’: he repeatedly contrasts ’conservative peasants’ with ’market-oriented ... more only necessary but ’good’: he repeatedly contrasts ’conservative peasants’ with ’market-oriented go-getters’. He seems to regret, for example, that in small-scale, labour-intensive garlic farming, ’hesitant’ Cadours had a buffer against modernization which ’slowed the elimination of very small farmers’. Amann is aware that his interviews give voice only to the successful, rather than to those who have simply given up the struggle and left their small farms, but the large number of the latter who have returned, for example to retire in Buzet and Juzet d’lzaut, surely could have permitted a more rounded set of interviews. As Amann notes, the full consequences of these changes are far from evident, particularly given the decline of the political clout of European farmers within the EEC. Behind the cold statistics of farm prices, subsidies and quotas, and the anger of demonstrations in Brussels, is a complex and very important social drama. Juzet d’lzaut once had a population of 957 but now has a mere handful of farmers among perhaps only 100 permanent residents. The precarious future of the school parallels the difficulties of farming upland country, despite the use of a ton of chemical fertilizer annually for every six hectares. Does the only future for this beautiful place lie in providing services for tourists (a restaurant and a gite rural open for a few months each year) and the packs of hunters who chase the introduced boar and deer across the farmers’ fields? Such
Central European History, 1994
The Journal of Economic History, 2002

Working towards the Fuhrer brings together leading historians writing on the Third Reich, in hono... more Working towards the Fuhrer brings together leading historians writing on the Third Reich, in honour of Sir Ian Kershaw, whose own work, along with that of the contributors to this volume, has done much to challenge and change our understanding of the way Nazi Germany functioned. Covering issues such as the legacy of the world wars, the female voter, propaganda, occupied lands, the judiciary, public opinion and resistance, this volume furthers the debate on how Nazi Germany operated. Gone are the post-war stereotypes of a monolithic state driven forward by a single will towards war and genocide. Instead there is a more complex picture of the regime and its actions, one that shows the instability of the dictatorship, its dependence on a measure of consent as well as coercion, which recognises the constraints on political action, the fickleness of popular attitudes and the ambiguous, ephemeral nature of acclamation and opposition alike. This is a remarkable collection of essays by lead...
Grundung, Entwicklung und Zusammensetzung der Hamburger NSDAP, nationalsozialistische Durchdringu... more Grundung, Entwicklung und Zusammensetzung der Hamburger NSDAP, nationalsozialistische Durchdringung des Alltag und Machtergreifung in Hamburg.
Papers by Anthony McElligott