The show tonight was AMAZING. About twice as long as yesterday. I think Taste had the same set list, so it's fine I didn't do both. Got very close to both Adrian and Jesse post-show but wasn't quite lucky enough to grab either for a signature or a pic, dammit. I'm usually good about spotting those "dead spots" that it's not good to stand in, but in this case, I came out a little late so I was lucky to get close at all.
I'll be posting videos over the next couple days. I did every single song. I just bought a new camera, a Fuji that is supposed to be very good in low light. I had an F30 (Fuji) that was the best low-light camera I ever had. I'm hoping I just need to play with this new one more, because the photos were worse than my Canon I was hoping to replace! So I did most of the video on the Canon - which has great sound - with a couple of breaks for the Fuji so I could compare the video. Almost no photos at all - I was really wishing I had a friend with me so we could trade stuff off as there were a few photos I'd love to have taken.
Met some great people in line. As opposed to yesterday, when quite a few were more casual fans, tonight's crowd was very heavily Hugh Laurie fanbased. Although Jesse and Adrian are my favorites, I love everyone in the band (James Denton, in particular, is REALLY growing on me, and Scott is just a fabulous addition), so it was kind of weird to be surrounded with so many single-fandom folks - but most of them also loved everyone (and being a Jesse fan was particularly understandable to them!), so it was fine.
I almost went crazy and upgraded to the VIP tix today when I found out that the first 2 levels at the Vic were reserved for VIP. I was second in line, but that's of marginal value in those circumstances. However, The Vic wasn't allowing upgrades - I'd have had to pay $150, not the $105 difference in the tickets, and I just couldn't justify that. Just as well for the video, because the 3rd level center is the best place for that - otherwise I'd have been at Jesse's feet again (not that there's a DAMN THING wrong with the view from there).
Speaking of Jesse, he did his solo in Baba O'Reilly from the lower box on the left - high above the stage, with one foot on the railing. It was VERY effective. Not that I stood there with my mouth open or anything...
Anyway, stuff will be tweeted before it will be here, so if you're on twitter, you will find it there. I'll try and repost it in bunches here. First up, the setlist (click thumbnail for full size)
This was so cool! How I wish I could have been there with you. You're the only person that went to any of these conventions where the 4 Hobbits were at that I actually knew. It would have been fun…
Memories of many years ago come flooding back to me! :D