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Mars Academy

Dream of demons while you sleep that make you stutter when you speak

Account with the “Professional” package enabled

Journal created:
on 1 August 2002 (#653241)
on 20 February 2023
6 February 1957
Chicago, Illinois, United States
graphic by hxcfairy

Grew up in a small town in the Midwest and moved to Chicago at age 19. Trained as a teacher but no jobs available, so been at current company in various positions for 28 years. Involved in SF fandom for about 30 years, and figure skating fandom (actively) for about 14 years. Avid photographer who has the occasional shot published (woo hoo) and occasional writer.

Color bar by martoufmarty

Leto banner by seasidh Matt banner by hxcfairy

graphic by jadestartsriots
30 seconds to mars, 30stm, adrien brody, alan cumming, alexander/hephaestion, andrew-lee potts, andy's pants, ash wednesday, ballet, bendy boy, billy boyd, charlie hunnam, christian bale, cobra starship, colin farrell, craig parker, dan weise, danny stevens, david sylvian, diego luna, doctor who, duran duran, echelon, ed burns, elijah wood, elijah's giggle, elijah/big men, elwood, empires, erasure, evan lysacek, fall out boy, fandom wank, fellowship of the ring, feminism, figure skating, fotr, frodo, gabe saporta, gael garcia bernal, great northern, greg corner, guy harrington, gwendal peizerat, horatio hornblower, hugh jackman, ian mckellen, ice dance, ice dancing, ioan gruffudd, jamie bamber, japan (the band), jared leto, john barrowman, johnny depp, johnny weir, jonathan radtke, jude law, kaitoke regional forest, kevin smith, kill hannah, kirsten dunst, kitty hair, kurt browning, liev schreiber, life on mars, lij, lord of the rings, lotr, martin shaw, massimo scali, matt wachter, matthew devine, max headroom, mckelwood, michael guy chislett, midge ure, orlando bloom, paint shop pro, paul mcgann, pete wentz, photography, pick me up cafe, queer as folk uk, quentin tarantino, robert rodriguez, robin of sherwood, rotk, sandro kopp, sasha abt, sean bean, serena, seth green, shannon leto, sylvia plath, the academy is..., the faculty, the two towers, thirty seconds to mars, tomo milicevic, viggo mortensen, vr.5, weelijah, william beckett, wire in the blood, world without sundays
