Hi! It's the community moderator, was_awful_rad! |
[04 Mar 2005|08:13pm] |
I have a new Username. I have made this username a moderator and am keeping was_awful_rad a mod too, just in case. How are we all doing? I know we don't have many members. Argh. But what do we all say about posting fun things more often?
[04 Mar 2005|01:37pm] |
Ok so I promoted my butt off for this community... and still no one's joined?
that's disappointing, I will go and make hot banners&stuffs then more people will come. YOU WILL SEE! haha ♥
[23 Feb 2005|11:02pm] |
i promoted like all hell last week. and noone joined this comm.
Hi, I'm Chelsea, and I'm NOT an alcoholic! |
[13 Jan 2005|09:34pm] |
[ |
mood |
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melancholy |
] |
Yes! I'm souped. I've always wanted to watch a community grow. Hopefully, this one will. =D
I'll promote, and post some pics, some stuff, mmhm. Lovely.
new community |
[19 Aug 2004|06:38pm] |
i have removed the two inactive members and am going to start out on the right foot and actually get this community going.