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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageReflective PracticeWorld EnglishesTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Many learners of English as an additional language reach a plateau and then either remain in the communicative comfort zone or have the realisation that vocabulary acquisition is crucial to further development. The call of `I need to... more
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      Digital Media & LearningVocabulary AcquisitionVocabulary Learning StrategiesSecond language vocabulary acquisition
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      Teacher EducationNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLTeacher TrainingTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Alienation in a classroom may often arise from lack of motivation when learning a language for which learners can see little reason or purpose. In the Malaysian rural setting, this may occur when learners are young, unaware of extrinsic... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageStudent Motivation And EngagementTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
Change towards an interactive classroom is often blocked by lack of acceptance of new techniques which require changes in a teachers’ role away from step-by-step sequences or `recipes’. Such ‘recipes’ while useful for novice teachers may... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationMalaysiaSecond Language Teacher Education
Older paper but still relevant. Teachers in large class environments may have status as the dominant source of knowledge and language. When provided with tools for empowering learners through interactive language learning, teachers may... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationSecond Language Teacher EducationTeacher Training
Malaysia has invested heavily to develop education and language competencies for national and transnational needs, including English for international communication. Any attempt to meet English language needs of ASEAN partners could... more
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      Teacher EducationInternational DevelopmentTeachers' professional developmentEnglish language teaching
'Proven Practices’ is a compilation of lesson plans to help teachers develop effective ways of creating enjoyable teaching and learning in stimulating classrooms. ‘Proven Practices’ help with the challenges of varied levels of learners... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageClassroom Interaction
There is little point in teachers arguing for the good old days of copperplate writing and the perceived decay of the English language through SMS and on-line modes. We have little choice but to embrace change, Facebook reality and... more
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      Digital LiteracyTESOLSecond Language Teacher EducationFacebook
Presenting competently needs language awareness and non- verbal skills which can be difficult to assess. This paper presents a framework for understanding the demands of presentation speaking and suggest approaches to scoring and giving... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLWorld EnglishesEnglish language teaching
Review of Understanding Forms of Address in Asia.Gaudert, H. 2-11 The Journal of Asia TEFL 8.4.271-274
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      Southeast Asian StudiesWorld EnglishesTEFLCross-cultural studies (Culture)
Pronunciation teaching of the segmental aspects needs to be balanced with the inclusion of learner awareness of stress, rhythm, intonation and meaningful production. Yet many formats for pronunciation teaching do not place these skills... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSpeech ProsodyTESOLVerbal Fluency
The limited adoption of task- based teaching in Malaysia can be attributed to constraints common to other settings in which English is but one of the many language choices. Challenges include teacher- fronted teaching and little community... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTask-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)MalaysiaTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
Academic work is often seen as producing written text as the result of intensive thought. The text is readily assessable and available for analysis, so it is not surprising that there are a range of EAP writing and reading courses... more
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Digital literacy means more than using digital tools or platforms for the delivery of teaching and learning. Information and communication choices are being made for us by learners and if not embraced, classrooms will run the risk of... more
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      English for Specific PurposesTESOLDigital Media & LearningTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
Activity based tasks for fluency in which learners have the opportunity to use short sentences in meaningful contexts.Learners can develop an awareness of the role of emphasis through tone,pitch, volume and framing.
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePronunciation TeachingTeaching English Pronunciation
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Academic work is often seen as producing written text as the result of intensive thought. The text is readily assessable and available for analysis, so it is not surprising that there are a range of EAP writing and reading courses... more
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Motivation is an important, yet often challenging, factor in effective language teaching and learning.  The defining and processes of fostering motivation are presented in a jargon free approach in this concise teacher-friendly guide.
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      Reflective PracticeTESOLTEFLMotivation
The complexity of Southeast Asia often challenges those who wish to describe the unifying features and the more obvious diversity of the linguistic patchwork of this region.
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      Language Planning and PolicyWorld EnglishesASEAN