Equipment Checkout

Most multimedia equipment is available for checkout by current students at the Integrated Services Desk (UGL, 1st floor) and the Circulation Desk (Purdy/Kresge, 1st floor). To provide fair access to the large student population that we serve, specific loan periods are enforced to ensure as many students as possible can benefit from this service.

Extensions may be provided as inventory and demand permit. Extension requests must be made in-person prior to the initial return time.

Available Equipment

Equipment Usage Guidelines
Laptops (HP Chromebooks) Five Hour Checkout (UGL/PK)
Omnicharge Multi-port Power Bank Five Hour Checkout (UGL/PK)
TI-30 Scientific Calculators Five Hour Checkout (UGL)
TI-83 and TI-84 Graphing Calculators Five Hour Checkout (UGL)
Webcams Five Hour Checkout (UGL/PK)

Borrowing Agreement

Please remove all personal data before returning borrowed items. All data will be erased upon return. The libraries will not provide any retrieval for lost data.


More information about library fees
Equipment checkout is a free service. However, like all library items, overdue or lost materials are subject to late and/or replacement fees.

Share Feedback

We want to learn from you how to improve this service! If you have suggestions about how this service might work better, such as longer checkout times, different equipment, please fill out the Equipment Checkout Feedback Form.

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