Harvard Library is the heart of Harvard
Our expert staff, global collections, and cutting-edge technologies equip and empower the citizens of today and leaders of tomorrow.

Ways to Give
As a leading cultural heritage institution, we preserve our collections and past for future generations of scholars both at Harvard and across the globe to use and learn from in the pursuit of truth.
Harvard Library is the critical underpinning of this work and supports the accomplishments of today's thought leaders. We invite you to champion our commitment to open access for our scholars through equitable accessibility to both physical and online collections, services and spaces, and our digitization and preservation work.
Give by check
Please complete the check donation form, print and enclose it with your check payable to: "President and Fellows of Harvard College Library". Note specific allocation designations on the memo line.
Checks mailed via FedEx or UPS may be sent to:
Bank of America Lockbox Services
President & Fellows of Harvard College Box 419209
2 Morrissey Boulevard
Dorchester, MA 02125
Otherwise, checks should be mailed to:
Harvard University
PO Box 419209
Boston, MA 02241-9209
Planned Giving
Request more information and connect with one of our planned giving experts by filling out this form.
Stocks, Funds, Wire Transfers
Information on giving through stocks and funds or setting up wire transfers can be found here.
Contact Us
For questions regarding donating books and materials to the library, please contact the Office of the Librarian at [email protected]
For general questions regarding giving to the Library or University please contact Alumni and Development Services at [email protected] or 617-495-1750.