Comic Propaganda Pages - Log In with google account
This is not propaganda, Chapter 3 & 4 - Log In with google account
‘Nature and Function of Critical and Creative Thinking’ (ebook)
'Fact Over Fake; A Critical Thinker's Guide to Media Bias and Political Propaganda' (ebook)
'How to Read a Paragraph, the Art of Close Reading' (ebook)
'A Thinker's Guide to Ethical Reasoning' (ebook)
Propaganda, Bernays, Edward L., 1891-1995 (ebook)
The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed human Intelligence, Kurzweil, Ray (ebook)
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for designers, Piotrowski, Christine M (ebook)
How Propaganda Works, Stanley, Jason (ebook)
Living with Robots, Dumouchel, Paul (ebook)
Playing Smart : on Games, Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Togelius, Julian (ebook)
The Curious Person's guide to fighting Fake News, McAfee, David G.(ebook)
The Myth of Artificial Intelligence : Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do, Larson, Erik John (ebook)
Bad News : Why We Fall for Fake News, Brotherton, Rob (ebook)
Disinformation and You : Identify Propaganda and Manipulation, Jones, Marie D. (ebook)
Ethics in Design and Communication : critical perspectives, Scherling, Laura (ebook)
LaGarde, J. Fact vs. Fiction : Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News,
Bostrom, N. Superintelligence : Paths, Dangers, Strategies (ebook)
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : An Inquiry Into Values, Pirsig, Robert M. (ebook)
The Singularity is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil, Ray (ebook)
AI : its Nature and Future, Boden, Margaret A. (ebook)
Real World AI: A Practical Guide for Responsible Machine Learning, Alyssa Rochwerger
The Quest for Artificial Intelligence : A History of Ideas and achievements, Nilsson, Nils J.
McFarland, E. Blockchain Wars: The Future of Big Tech Monopolies and the Blockchain Internet,
Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future - Updated Edition for Post-Covid-19 World, \ Rouhiainen, L
This is Not Propaganda : Adventures in the War against Reality, Pomerantsev, Peter (on order)
Comic Art Propaganda : a Graphic History, Strömberg, Fredrik (PN6714 .S77 2010)
These high-quality collections are examples of questions where searchers can "assess sources of visual material and choose relevant artworks and images based on need (ARLIS/NA Information Competencies, p.18)
Art historical periodicals/journals and magazines provide documentation and interpretation of art and ideas when they occurred. These include critiques, analyses, interviews of artists, individual works, exhibitions, and gallery reviews. Search across 1000s journals using indexed and/or full-text databases.
Image: Board Auction by Daumier, Honoré 2/26/1808, Marseille, France, 19.5 × 29.5 cm, paper, chalk
10.2.1879, Valmondois - CC0.
Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., “Meindert Hobbema/Wooded Landscape with Figures/c. 1658,” Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century, NGA Online Editions, (accessed October 22, 2024).