Liberty University
College of General Studies
A paper submitted to Dr. Liederbach for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course 'Ethnic and Race Relations.' In this paper I argued that an improper view of the image of God, believed and furthered by early white American... more
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a theological movement to reframe Protestantism into a religious tradition that viewed God and humanity in terms of how they primarily related to observable socioeconomic disparities.... more
Upper Cretaceous marine deposits from the Mid-Atlantic region of North America (Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey) and the Maastricht area (southern Netherlands, and nearby Belgium and Gennany) are correlated across the Atlantic using a... more
Abundant, readily identifiable, and biostratigraphically resolved specimens make mosasaurs ideal candidates to test fluxes in generic richness and morphological trends among marine vertebrates during the late Cretaceous. More than 1800... more
Exposed along the southeast fl ank of the Colorado Front Range are rocks that beautifully illustrate the interplay of sedimentation and tectonics. Two major rangebounding faults, the Ute Pass fault and the Rampart Range fault, converge on... more
Abundant, readily identifiable, and biostratigraphically resolved specimens make mosasaurs ideal candidates to test fluxes in generic richness and morphological trends among marine vertebrates during the late Cretaceous. More than 1800... more
Exposed along the southeast fl ank of the Colorado Front Range are rocks that beautifully illustrate the interplay of sedimentation and tectonics. Two major rangebounding faults, the Ute Pass fault and the Rampart Range fault, converge on... more
Here I provide a compendium of extinct "amphibian" groups, representatives of which may have been carried aboard Noah's Ark. Following previous work by the Ark Encounter team, I selected the taxonomic rank of family as a first-order proxy... more
The question of what differentiates young-Earth creationism (YEC) from Intelligent Design (ID) has resulted in inaccurate and confusing terminology, and hinders both understanding and dialogue. Though both YEC and ID groups have drawn... more
The question of what differentiates young-Earth creationism (YEC) from Intelligent Design (ID) has resulted in inaccurate and confusing terminology, and hinders both understanding and dialogue. Though both YEC and ID groups have drawn... more
The question of what differentiates young-Earth creationism (YEC) from Intelligent Design (ID) has resulted in inaccurate and confusing terminology, and hinders both understanding and dialogue. Though both YEC and ID groups have drawn... more
Upper Cretaceous marine deposits from the Mid-Atlantic region of North America (Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey) and the Maastricht area (southern Netherlands, and nearby Belgium and Gennany) are correlated across the Atlantic using a... more
Paleontologists, both staff and student, from the Museum of Geology at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology have been actively prospecting for fossils in the Campanian-age exposures of the Lower Pierre Shale on the Kenneth... more