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Journal created:
on 10 November 2003 (#1449794)
on 4 May 2009
Merge Left
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This is not a "feel-good" community. We are not here simply to make ourselves feel better by bashing the Powers That Be. Nor are we wasting our time discussing all that is great and wonderful with our pet causes, favorite politicians, and affiliated parties. We seek to discuss current issues with Left-leaning movements and work together toward a better world.

To encourage discussion and debate among concerned people with the goals of improving ourselves, informing others, motivating potential voters, and improving the state of liberal movements nationally and internationally.

Liberal_bias does:
center around issues of interest or concern to Liberals, regardless of party affiliation or nationality.
give a forum for free, open, reasoned discussion and debate of these issues.
upset some people.

Liberal_bias does not:
ban someone for holding a well-reasoned opinion.
suffer fools.
tolerate trolls, drive-bys, cowards, or ad-hominem attacks (sharpen your debate wit!).
heavily moderate, though some moderation is necessary to help the community maintain focus.

Common themes:
News and Current Events
What is Liberalism?
Who is a Liberal?
What is wrong with Liberalism?
What is right with Liberalism?
How can Liberal movements or parties be more successful in achieving goals?

The maintainers of this community can be reached via email.
