Liverpool Hope University
Předkládám tímto k posouzení a obhajobě diplomovou práci, zpracovanou na závěr studia na Fakultě strojní Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně, s použitím odborné literatury a... more
Drawing on Derrida this paper considers how inclusive education in England was defined and operationalised within New Labour's educational policy and by those teachers who reconstructed this policy within the confines of schools and... more
This 'think piece' re-casts the school textbook as ontological envelopes which enfold an unresolved dialectic between constituting and constituted power into the education of every school pupil. Informed by the writings of Deleuze and... more
The paper details the findings of a study which focused on the analysis of the cultural representation of disability in school textbooks in Iran and England. The paper argues that whilst inclusive education could facilitate the... more
This ‘think piece’ re-casts the school textbook as ontological envelopes which enfold an unresolved dialectic between constituting and constituted power into the education of every school pupil. Informed by the writings of Deleuze and... more
The development, and expansion, of "new" Education Studies programmes within the framework of Higher Education Funding Council provision is one that has been subject to a recent and rapid expansion. Furthermore, it appears this expansion... more
Special education in England has over the past 25 years been subject to rapid development, not least in relation to the emergence of inclusive education. Alan Hodkinson of the Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, John Moore's... more
The paper outlines the findings from a literature review of the English's government's response to the issue of training pre-service teachers in the delivery of effective special educational needs support. The Review's findings detail... more
Within this article the definition of inclusion is critically explored in relation to the previous New Labour government's educational policy of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This exploration demonstrates that... more
The article analyzes teacher’s emplacement of the image of disability within school’s intranet sites in England. The image unearthed within such sites was problematic as it did not display a positive or realistic image of disability or... more
This paper outlines research into homophobia in primary schools that was conducted with academics, support staff and students engaged in initial teacher training at a university in the North West of England and teaching staff from local... more
This paper examines the cultural construction of disability detailed within school reading schemes. The study by the employment of proto-text analysis followed the 'reading journeys' that a four-and five-year-old child experienced during... more
This article critically analyses the concept of space in generality and specifically the employment of safe space as an educational concept. In addition, by employing Derrida's notion of the arrivant, the article provides an account... more
Through the employment of the three stanzas of Thomas Hardy’s poem “The Self-Unseeing,” this article seeks to tremble the picture of disability located in the pedagogical materials in English schools. By mobilizing, and then reversing,... more
This brief article acts as an introduction to this special edition on Fundamental British Values (FBV). From the outset, it is important to state that we as a group of contributors believe it is fundamental to value Britain and all of its... more
In 2014, the United Kingdom Coalition Government, after the now infamous Trojan Horse incident, insisted that all children learn Fundamental British Values. Cameron, as Prime Minister, argued that such values, coupled with “muscular... more