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On Sunday 7th March 2010, I led a small guided walk around Exeter following its city walls. Seventy percent of the city’s perimeter still remains and the purpose of this tour was to walk the remaining thirty percent back into existence.... more
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      PsychogeographyWalking (Art)
On Sunday the 4th and Monday 5th of July 2010 a performance took place in Torquay spanning 200m along a stretch of white carpet connecting Torre Abbey to the seafront. For the performers, the site-specific piece had three objectives: 1.... more
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      GeologyWalking (Art)Site-Specific ArtCommunity Arts
This paper presents an analysis of the performativity of an augmented reality application for mobile phones entitled Zombies Run! by Six to Start. According to Max Brooks, author of World War Z, the fastest zombies “move at the rate of... more
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      Performance StudiesPervasive GamingRunningZombies
This document brings together a diverse series of solicited perspectives on 'staging play, playing stages'. Postgraduate and early-career researchers who might not otherwise consider play to be a central, or acknowledged aspect of their... more
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      PlayWalking (Art)
"Walking as an aesthetic act is currently undergoing a surge of popularity amongst artists, performers and researchers. Artist collectives such as Wrights & Sites, Lone Twin and Walk Walk Walk have all given prominence to this simple... more
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The audio performance walk has become a popular means in which to frame a walk, immediately altering our perception of place. In response to such works, Peter Salvatore Petralia has coined the term headspace, in which audio input... more
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      Walking (Art)Creative CitySound SpatializationAudio Walks
If you could give a pair of ears to a place, what would it hear? The locating of ourselves in place through sound alone relies on our brain’s ability to sense the interaural time difference between our ears. Binaural microphones allow us... more
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      Space and PlaceSpace And Place (Art)Binaural Recording
Over the last decade, a genre of video gaming has quietly surfaced which has polarised players. These titles feature no time limits, no scoring and largely are devoid of any violence, instead focusing on the slow navigation of the player... more
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      Performance StudiesVideo GamesWalking (Art)Kinesthetic Empathy
In this paper I will argue that despite the numerous challenges it poses, anthro-pomorphism is a viable means by which to empathise with place without resorting to a wholly homocentric perception of it. Beginning with a discussion of the... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropomorphismSound ArtBinaural Recording
'This is Dr Katherine Collins. I don’t know if anyone will ever hear this. It’s all over. I’m the only one left.' In this paper, I argue that the often lack of interactivity and slower pace found within walking simulators is what... more
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      Theatre StudiesVideo GamesHauntologyWalking (Art)
Offers the first practicable solution to a long-standing crux in Restoration theatre studies by showing how it is possible to align promptbook annotation and published stage directions in Boyle’s play.
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      Theatre HistoryDramaScenographyRestoration theatre
Book review.
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      Actor Training and Working PracticesSuzuki Actor Training MethodTadashi SuzukiAdaptations of Greek Tragedy
Shows how an understanding of Restoration dramaturgy and staging practices can inform modern revivals. Throws new light on the theatrical effectiveness of the adaptation in the light of this revival.
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      Theatre HistoryDramaScenographyRestoration theatre
Analyses the dramaturgical use of forestage doors and wing entrances in early Restoration plays, demonstrating that models of Restoration theatre stages based on a widely-reproduced drawing attributed to Christopher Wren are potentially... more
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      Theatre HistoryDramaScenographyRestoration theatre
An answer to an influential Theatre Notebook article by Colin Visser. This article outlines problems with Visser’s analysis and model of Restoration scenic practice and demonstrates the viability of a much simpler model.
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      Theatre HistoryDramaScenographyRestoration theatre
Despite regular international tours by his theatre company Seinendan, interest in Hirata Oriza’s plays in the Anglophone world is not as pronounced as it might be. One reason for this might be negative comments on certain aspects of... more
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      Modern Japanese TheatreOriza Hirata
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      17th century english literatureRestoration drama
Examines the staging of topographical scenes in Restoration theatres. Uses a novel methodology to propose a practicable solution to staging the 'New Exchange' scenes in Etherege's 'She Would if She Could' and Wycherley's 'The Country... more
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      DramaturgyScenographyRestoration and Eighteenth-Century English LiteratureRestoration Theatre and Drama
Restoration Staging, 1660-74 cuts through prevalent ideas of Restoration theatre and drama to read early plays in their original theatrical contexts. Tim Keenan argues that Restoration play texts contain far more information about their... more
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      Theatre HistoryRestoration theatreEnglish early modern TheatreRestoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre
This book is about staging at the first Restoration theatres, 1661-74. Its purpose is twofold: to propose a new conceptual model of Restoration staging and to demonstrate how this model can change our understanding of period dramaturgy.... more
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