[23 Apr 2007|01:58pm] |
[22 Feb 2007|08:09pm] |
[15 Jan 2007|12:35am] |
[01 Dec 2006|12:00am] |
[14 Nov 2006|12:31am] |
[02 Oct 2006|12:48pm] |

[03 Aug 2006|02:13pm] |
For Sale |
[23 Jul 2006|04:05am] |
I have a 340 watt Jensen Power amp, Pioneer Radio, and two Super Q 12s for sale. 150$ for all of it. All of it works, I bought it not knowing my parnets are buying me a new system for my car for my 18th bday. I also have a radio that goes in the house, it works as well, only 15$ I just bought a new stero for my room an I don't need two of em! I have a T.V./VCR combo that's old but works as well for 30$ too.
I have a Fridge for 100$ it works really good, we just got a new one so we are getting rid of it. And there is a dinning room table and three chairs for 30$ they are okay looking, kinda old but still nice.
I would have pix of it all but my digi broke ;/ Get it so I can get the stuff outta my house! lol.
If you have any questions you can e-mail me at [email protected] and my AIM is marisbackk
Ty, Marilynne
tattoo |
[06 May 2006|01:47am] |
I want to get a new tattoo. However I want someone no one else has or can get. I can not draw well...I need someones help there. If you wouldn't mind helping me that would be wonderful. You can e-mail or Im me
AIM mar is backk e-mail [email protected]
Thanks so much, Marilynne
[29 Apr 2006|02:52pm] |
[18 Apr 2006|10:19pm] |

I have two large tanks, one fresh water and one marine tank. I bought this guy about two months ago at Nolan’s in Lakeland. He was being sold as a freshwater Moray eel. I took him home and was reading up on him and found out these eels are NOT really freshwater, they are caught in freshwater because they wander upstream from ocean inlets. In freshwater, most do not adapt well, will not eat, and slowly starve to death over a period of 3 or 4 months. Kinda sad. I re-converted him to salt water in a 10 gallon nursery tank, but he cannot stay there. I can’t put him in my marine tank either because I already have a smaller snowflake moray that I’ve had way longer, and one moray will dominate another. So, I’m looking for a good home with someone who has saltwater tank experience with a 30 gallon or more tank. He CANNOT be kept in a little 10 gallon tank. He’s already about a foot and a half long. I’ve got him eating 1 (one) frozen silverside every other day and he’s as healthy as can be now that he’s back in saltwater.
HE NEEDS: - At least a 30 gallon marine tank - Feeding about every other day (frozen silversides) - Soft Substrate to burrow in. - Cave or dark place to hide in (if he has nowhere to hide, they get stressed out, making them more vulnerable to disease, death)
COMMUNITY TANK? Wont bother anything he can’t fit in his mouth, but generally after 48 hours, if he hasn’t eaten it, he hasn’t and won’t associate it as food. So you can keep them in tanks with other fish. Just choose them carefully and keep his feeding schedule regular.
Email me if you’re interested or want to know more about him. Tim – [email protected]
[01 Mar 2006|09:53pm] |
I graduated from Lakeland High School in 2000. The dreadnaught ship drawing that you're using here is mine. The original disappeared after it circulated around the office for a bit. I had to turn in a freaking COPY of it for my AP portfolio in 11th grade. I drew it for the website, but I was pretty pissed off when the original vanished. Since then it was used on the class of 2003's graduation announcements and TONS of other crap. All that's fine and dandy I guess, being that I DID draw it for the school, but I NEVER GOT CREDIT. Ever. Grr.