The Vision of the Applied Clinical Informatics Branch (ACIB) is to leverage clinical datasets, support discovery, and enable the development of tools and resources that improve clinical decisions and outcomes.
Curating clinical datasets through data standardization and characterization to facilitate useability.
Supporting discovery from clinical datasets by reducing barriers to access and providing analytical support.
Enabling the development of tools and resources that improve clinical decisions and outcomes.
ACIB Functions
- Identifies and develops innovative solutions for complex biomedical informatics challenges related to the use of diverse forms of clinical data (such as electronic health record, imaging, and sensor data) that scale across institutional boundaries and applications
- Translates new research results into operational solutions that can be implemented in healthcare and research environments
- Explores and improves upon emerging solutions in the use of clinical data, including standards for terminology and data communications
- Collaborates with other entities within NIH and DHHS agencies to develop data science solutions to address issues of mutual interest
- Participates in interdisciplinary, cross-divisional collaborations and projects where appropriate