Papers by Yuriy Dyachenko
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa, 2013
2022 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing (SAIC)
Annotation. Anticrisis approaches to industrial enterprise management are considered in the artic... more Annotation. Anticrisis approaches to industrial enterprise management are considered in the article, as well as a new paradigm of anticrisis management which lies in the preventing character of anticrisis actions and constant monitoring of extern and intern enterprise environment aimed at revealing the conditions of anticrisis phenomena. Personnel training is offered as one of the anticrisis tools.

2018 Second World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 2018
In this article, we present an overview of the problems associated with the analysis and security... more In this article, we present an overview of the problems associated with the analysis and security of medical data and offer a solution that will provide the basis for improving the quality of medical services. We propose the architecture of a decentralized health data ecosystem based on a blockchain that will allow us to operate with vast volumes of clinical data, while also protecting confidential medical data. An example of a blockchain solution based on Exonum framework for state-scale use in healthcare is discussed. The deployments of such systems will the benefit to medical data safety, extend the base of clinical data collections, and create an effective shared health infrastructure. Keywords -electronic health record, analytics, architecture, blockchain • Electronic records of visits -medical examinations, the results of specialist consultations, nurses records, test results, research results, etc.

Recent trends in social and economic development clearly indicate that corporate competitiveness ... more Recent trends in social and economic development clearly indicate that corporate competitiveness and growth opportunities are becoming increasingly dependent on additional opportunities offered by the information and communication technologies and concentration. Different regional conditions are fixed, at least in the short term, for example the physical and climatic conditions, location of the region, socio-demographic factors, the unemployment rate and so on. And most of the main characteristics of the separate regional environment, as the qualification of the work force, level of technological and managerial know-how, social and institutional structures are also relatively stable. Therefore, opportunities to accelerate the development should be looking at additional perspectives offered by information and communication technologies and clusters of enterprises, including SMEs, in related industries.

The paper refers to the problem of decision making and choosing appropriate ways for decreasing t... more The paper refers to the problem of decision making and choosing appropriate ways for decreasing the level of input information uncertainty related to absence or unavailability some values of mixed data sets. Approaches to addressing missing data and evaluating their performance are discussed. The generalized strategy to managing data with missing values is proposed. The study based on real pregnancy-related records of 186 patients from 12 to 42 weeks of gestation. Three missing data techniques: complete ignoring, case deletion, and random forest (RF) missing data imputation were applied to the medical data of various types, under a missing completely at random assumption for solving classification task and softening the negative impact of input information uncertainty. The efficiency of approaches to deal with missingness was evaluated. Results demonstrated that case deletion and ignoring missing values were the less suitable to handle mixed types of missing data and suggested RF im...

European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2017
This study is aimed at ensuring quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities w... more This study is aimed at ensuring quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities we need for empowering learning. This paper attempts to consider the possibility and unite the conditions for intelligent and cognitive technologies application to human resource development and education of students. There is proposed Actor-Network Theory as a theoretical framework for managing actors of educational process as human and non-human agent interactions. As a core of interactions we use Facebook social infrastructure which is a tool to build the global community. We consider artificial technologies and distance learning in education, cognitive technologies for human resource development, especially for internally displaced persons in Ukraine. As a hub for this technologies we use chatbot based on natural language processing technologies. Intelligent and cognitive technologies provide the opportunities to incorporate cognitive characteristics of each student with a view to address individual approach for students. We developed the curriculum "International economic relations" based on relevant stakeholders' requests with regard to intelligent and cognitive technologies. In future it can yield the most suitable solution for knowledge transfer from one agent to another in order to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
The paper proposes comparing the existing and the required level of competence of the employee as... more The paper proposes comparing the existing and the required level of competence of the employee as a tool for determining the qualitative and quantitative parameters of personnel training. To implement this comparison, in accordance with official requirements, the human capital required for the performance of official duties as an employee's quality, which acquires value in the process of attracting to industrial relations, is calculated. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of personnel training are determined on the basis of calculation of the difference between necessary and existing competence taking into account financial possibilities of the enterprise. According to the results of calculating the available human capital, which a certain employee owns, and comparing it with the necessary one, the content (according to the type of insufficient capital) and the amount (by difference between the existing and the required level) of training, which should bring the available h...

Economic Annals-ХХI, 2017
The functioning of manufacturing and service industries, for example tourism, is oriented towards... more The functioning of manufacturing and service industries, for example tourism, is oriented towards results, which are products and services. With regard to this, we determine the requirements for human resource development. At the same time, the appropriate system of management of human resource development is determined on the basis of economic methodology which describes human resource development as a cyclical process. The need to align information technologies in line with business needs increases the role of the chief information officer and, along with it, draws attention to the need for the development of a new set of skills. In addition to technological know-how, a successful leader in the field of information technologies needs to manage effectively, have good communication skills and, preferably, have a business qualification. Since chief information officers are still responsible for monitoring information technologies and systems and management services, it can be argued that an ability to foresee how the commercial use of the Internet will affect organisations and employees is an important feature in the age of the Internet. This task requires a vision of the possibility of re-engineering of business processes to take advantage of the new platform and leadership skills to convince others that the change is necessary. Human resource development is essential for the full and effective functioning of information and communication technologies system in tourism.

Engineering for Rural Development, 2018
As an approach to foresee future changes in workforce marketplace, we propose upgraded curricula ... more As an approach to foresee future changes in workforce marketplace, we propose upgraded curricula with emphasis on acquiring of intelligent and cognitive technologies. To achieve the possibilities of cognitive and intelligence technologies by students we developed the curriculum "International Economic Relations" in compliance with the employers' demands. We consider management of education as a process aiming to improve the structure of both educational services and knowledge. Based on the epistemological position of critical realism we develop the prescriptive methodology of education as a cyclic process and its description that allows systematizing internal components and external influencers in the educational process. To find the economic effects of education we strike with simplified and isolated conditions of economic models that usually cannot be reproduced experimentally, making it difficult to verify the truth of empirical economic theories. We use intelligent systems that allow the automation of student-teacher communication due to providing the interaction between a teacher, a student and an educational institution. As an example of artificial intelligence technologies used for management of education, we consider determining the impact of performance of the company on indicators characterizing the personnel training. This analysis is performed on the basis of cognitive system IBM Watson Analytics.

The article highlights challenges that face the tourism industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Th... more The article highlights challenges that face the tourism industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The analytical reports identified key negative trends and the impact of the tourism industry on socio-economic development indicators. The analysis of the historical facts of the development of crisis phenomena in the tourism sector provided an opportunity to state the fact of cyclical formation on the basis of biological threats in different regions of the world. In the context of this study, the main problems ofthe development of the tourism industry of Ukraine against the background of the pandemic and economic crisis are highlighted. Roadmap for overcoming the crisis presents innovative tools based on cognitive technologies such as neuromarketing, mobile marketing, blog marketing, event marketing, branding, as well as diversification of tourism entities, proposed to support small and medium-sized businesses operating in the tourism sector that have suffered the most from coronavirus me...
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
Taking into account that the human intelligence is the only available intelligence we will find t... more Taking into account that the human intelligence is the only available intelligence we will find the functional relationship between neuronal processes and psychic phenomena to reproduce intelligence in artificial system. The autonomous behavior of an agent may be the consequence of a gap between physical processes and selfreferential meaningful processing of information which is related but not determined by physical processes. This indeterminism can be reproduced in a cognitive architecture through the self-referential processing of information with consideration of itself as a meaningful model. We propose embodiment of cognitive architecture of autonomous intelligent agent as an artificial neural network with a feedback loop in meaningful processing of information.

2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), 2016
An essential part of modern education is computing. Learning management systems are introduced as... more An essential part of modern education is computing. Learning management systems are introduced as an intermediary between a student and a teacher. This paradigm is shifted through reproduction of teacher’s and student’s intelligent procedures by intelligent agents. The Artificial Intelligence technologies are based on reproduction of principles of human intelligence. Functioning of general Artificial Intelligence is based on principle of double contingency and is impossible without the acquisition of elements of self-consciousness and self-cultivation that can be embodied in Artificial Neural Network. On its basis it is proposed to make intelligent agents on platform IBM Bluemix with IBM Watson technology. These agents in the form of chatbots have to automate the interaction between the student and the teacher within the frames of Moodle learning management system.

Исследуется механизм формирования структуры моторного ответа на внешний болевой стимул, осуществл... more Исследуется механизм формирования структуры моторного ответа на внешний болевой стимул, осуществляемый в нейронных сетях (НС) мозга при посредничестве психических явлений (переживания боли, психических образов). Утверждается, что без учета феномена боли невозможно описать активность НС болевого нейроматрикса как биологически целесообразную. Указывается на структурные и функциональные особенности НС, реализующих «болевое поведение». Указывается также на специфическую функцию синапсов в осуществлении регуляции «болевого поведения». Фактически, в статье речь идет о функциональных (а также причинно-следственных) отношениях объективных и субъективных процессов, обеспечивающих в мозге формирование новой информации на основе интеграции прошлого опыта в ходе формирования структурируемого этим опытом («компетентного») моторного акта.
Challenges of Postcolonialism: Philosophy, Religion, Education. Materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference , 2018
One of the conditions for modern Ukraine to become successful is to develop and to strengthen int... more One of the conditions for modern Ukraine to become successful is to develop and to strengthen international educational ties. Marketing of educational services could be based on “transformation” approach to business and improvement of “value innovation”. As instruments of these, we consider intelligent and cognitive technologies for creating, developing and improving market structure. We are assuming the flexibility in search of advanced demands to competencies of students as one of the bases for their subsequent successful work in the sphere of international educational cooperation.

17th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for rural development”, 2018
As an approach to foresee future changes in workforce marketplace, we propose upgraded curricula ... more As an approach to foresee future changes in workforce marketplace, we propose upgraded curricula with emphasis on acquiring of intelligent and cognitive technologies. To achieve the possibilities of cognitive and intelligence technologies by students we developed the curriculum " International Economic Relations " in compliance with the employers' demands. We consider management of education as a process aiming to improve the structure of both educational services and knowledge. Based on the epistemological position of critical realism we develop the prescriptive methodology of education as a cyclic process and its description that allows systematizing internal components and external influencers in the educational process. To find the economic effects of education we strike with simplified and isolated conditions of economic models that usually cannot be reproduced experimentally, making it difficult to verify the truth of empirical economic theories. We use intelligent systems that allow the automation of student-teacher communication due to providing the interaction between a teacher, a student and an educational institution. As an example of artificial intelligence technologies used for management of education, we consider determining the impact of performance of the company on indicators characterizing the personnel training. This analysis is performed on the basis of cognitive system IBM Watson Analytics.

Economic Annals-XXI, 2017
The functioning of manufacturing and service industries, for example tourism, is oriented towards... more The functioning of manufacturing and service industries, for example tourism, is oriented towards results, which are products and services. With regard to this, we determine the requirements for human resource development. At the same time, the appropriate system of management of human resource development is determined on the basis of economic methodology which describes human resource development as a cyclical process. The need to align information technologies in line with business needs increases the role of the chief information officer and, along with it, draws attention to the need for the development of a new set of skills. In addition to technological know-how, a successful leader in the field of information technologies needs to manage effectively, have good communication skills and, preferably, have a business qualification. Since chief information officers are still responsible for monitoring information technologies and systems and management services, it can be argued that an ability to foresee how the commercial use of the Internet will affect organisations and employees is an important feature in the age of the Internet. This task requires a vision of the possibility of re-engineering of business processes to take advantage of the new platform and leadership skills to convince others that the change is necessary. Human resource development is essential for the full and effective functioning of information and communication technologies system in tourism.

European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2017
This study is aimed at ensuring quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities w... more This study is aimed at ensuring quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities we need for empowering learning. This paper attempts to consider the possibility and unite the conditions for intelligent and cognitive technologies application to human resource development and education of students. There is proposed Actor-Network Theory as a theoretical framework for managing actors of educational process as human and non-human agent interactions. As a core of interactions we use Facebook social infrastructure which is a tool to build the global community. We consider artificial technologies and distance learning in education, cognitive technologies for human resource development, especially for internally displaced persons in Ukraine. As a hub for this technologies we use chatbot based on natural language processing technologies. Intelligent and cognitive technologies provide the opportunities to incorporate cognitive characteristics of each student with a view to address individual approach for students. We developed the curriculum "International economic relations" based on relevant stakeholders' requests with regard to intelligent and cognitive technologies. In future it can yield the most suitable solution for knowledge transfer from one agent to another in order to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
The paper proposes comparing the existing and the required level of competence of the employee as... more The paper proposes comparing the existing and the required level of competence of the employee as a tool for determining the qualitative and quantitative parameters of personnel training. To implement this comparison, in accordance with official requirements, the human capital required for the performance of official duties as an employee's quality, which acquires value in the process of attracting to industrial relations, is calculated. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of personnel training are determined on the basis of calculation of the difference between necessary and existing competence taking into account financial possibilities of the enterprise. According to the results of calculating the available human capital, which a certain employee owns, and comparing it with the necessary one, the content (according to the type of insufficient capital) and the amount (by difference between the existing and the required level) of training, which should bring the available human capital of the employee in accordance with the required one. Formation of the content of the training is based on the definition of individual assets of human capital, which depend on the requirements for the competence of the employee and can be changed through training.
Papers by Yuriy Dyachenko