Books by Sandra Neugärtner

ÖZG 32.3, 2021
When looking at things from a historical perspective, we face the problem that only a miniscule p... more When looking at things from a historical perspective, we face the problem that only a miniscule part of artefacts from the time before the emergence of large¬scale and systematic collections, which started in the sixteenth century, has survived. All the more important for the appraisal of historical objects is the written and pictorial evidence. Along with things, written sources that captured objects thus become central. In this context, inventories as texts created to list objects are paradigmatic. In contrast to research on objects, the exploration of inventories as texts and historical sources is still in its infancy. While inventories have so far been mainly analysed with regard to single issues – predominantly to identify exceptional works of art – this volume places the inventories themselves centre stage, as both texts and artefacts. 23 scholars from Austria, Germany, Italy, the UK, Portugal, and Belgium discuss interdisciplinary approaches to inven¬tories from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries as sources. This volume thus takes the dynamic situation of research as a starting point to reflect on current methodological approaches to inven¬tories in an international arena.
(free open access)

Bauhaus Bodies, 2019
Published in January 2019 in an affordable paperback edition, Bauhaus Bodies offers a new take. ,... more Published in January 2019 in an affordable paperback edition, Bauhaus Bodies offers a new take. ,A century after the Bauhaus's founding in 1919, this book reassesses it as more than a highly influential art, architecture, and design school. In myriad ways, emerging ideas about the body in relation to health, movement, gender, and sexuality were at the heart of art and life at the school. Bauhaus Bodies reassesses the work of both well-known Bauhaus members and those who have unjustifiably escaped scholarly scrutiny, its women in particular.
In fourteen original, cutting-edge essays by established experts and emerging scholars, this book reveals how Bauhaus artists challenged traditional ideas about bodies and gender. Written to appeal to students, scholars, and the broad public, Bauhaus Bodies will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern art, architecture, design history, and gender studies; it will define conversations and debates during the 2019 centenary of the Bauhaus's founding and beyond.
Papers by Sandra Neugärtner
Gebr. Mann Verlag eBooks, 2021

History of Communism in Europe
This article deals with the role of the political print media popular with communists in Mexico w... more This article deals with the role of the political print media popular with communists in Mexico when anti-fascism became the code for the behaviour of democratic forces in the face of the provocation of Hitler’s fascism. Under the facade of anti-fascist unity, the German-speaking communist exiles established a publishing culture, from which Hannes Meyer and Lena Meyer-Bergner, who had come to Mexico from Soviet exile and who committed themselves to proletarian internationalism, soon separated or were excluded. Independent of the group, they developed strategies in accord ance with their anti-imperialist mission, from propaganda media for the Soviet state to the implementation of a sign language that would enable communication across borders: the International System of Typographic Picture Education (Isotype). The goal of my analysis is to provide a starting point for classifying Meyer and Meyer-Bergner’s work in print media, beyond the extensively researched Taller de Gráfica Popula...
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2024
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 24, 2022

bauhaus imaginista: Online Journal, Edition 2, Learning From, Jul 9, 2020
Lena Bergner (1906–1981) ist zu Unrecht eine Unbekannte im Bereich der neuen, sich visuell organi... more Lena Bergner (1906–1981) ist zu Unrecht eine Unbekannte im Bereich der neuen, sich visuell organisierenden globalen Medienkultur und ihrer Synthese mit soziologischen und städtebaulichen Entwicklungen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Charakterisiert wird Bergner normalerweise als am Bauhaus ausgebildete Textilgestalterin. Die meiste Zeit ihres zehnjährigen Aufenthalts im mexikanischen Exil (1939–1949) widmete sie sich allerdings der grafischen Gestaltung. Diese Projekte, die sie zusammen mit ihrem Mann Hannes Meyer realisierte, drehten sich fast ausschließlich um antifaschistische Politik, wie ihr Engagement für die Taller de Gráfica Popular (Werkstatt der Volksgrafiker) oder Propaganda zugunsten der Sowjetunion. Eine Ausnahme und deutliche Abgrenzung zu dieser populistischen, politisch aufgeladenen Arbeit mit zum Teil regressiven antitechnologischen Druckmedien sind ihre weitestgehend unbekannten Leistungen im Bereich der visuellen Kommunikation für das mexikanische Schulbaukomitee. Hier verwendete Bergner ein ganz anderes – fortschrittliches – Medium: die „Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik“ (Isotype), die der österreichische Nationalökonom Otto Neurath (1881–1945) in den Zwischenkriegsjahren zur Reform der Gesellschaft entwickelte. Es handelt sich um ein visuelles Hilfsmittel zur Wissensvermittlung, bei dem abstrakte, grafische Elemente kombiniert werden. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit diesem Ausnahmefall und erörtert den Transfer der Isotype von Europa nach Mexiko am Beispiel von Bergner und ihren möglichen Berührungspunkten mit Neuraths bildpädagogischen Methode. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Frage, wie sich die Isotype von propagandistischen visuellen Kommunikationsformen abgrenzt.
Books by Sandra Neugärtner
(free open access)
In fourteen original, cutting-edge essays by established experts and emerging scholars, this book reveals how Bauhaus artists challenged traditional ideas about bodies and gender. Written to appeal to students, scholars, and the broad public, Bauhaus Bodies will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern art, architecture, design history, and gender studies; it will define conversations and debates during the 2019 centenary of the Bauhaus's founding and beyond.
Papers by Sandra Neugärtner
(free open access)
In fourteen original, cutting-edge essays by established experts and emerging scholars, this book reveals how Bauhaus artists challenged traditional ideas about bodies and gender. Written to appeal to students, scholars, and the broad public, Bauhaus Bodies will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern art, architecture, design history, and gender studies; it will define conversations and debates during the 2019 centenary of the Bauhaus's founding and beyond.