Tag: Facebook

Facebook Instant Articles

I have submmited a request for this site to publish Facebook Instant Articles since last Thursday and it finally got approved today (despite it says 24-48 hours review process)

I am using the official plugin called Instant Articles for WP by Automattic to generate an Instant Article RSS feed.

Facebook Instant Articles - Settings - 1
Facebook Instant Articles – Settings – 1

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How To Edit Your Facebook Look Back Video

Facebook has finally roll out the feature that lets you edit your Look Back Video, I am not too sure whether the feature has been rolled out to all users. Here is the direct link: https://www.facebook.com/lookback/edit/.

You will be able to choose a fix number of photos from the four categories of the Look Back video, namely:

Facebook A Look Back Video - Edit Step 1
Facebook A Look Back Video – Edit Step 1

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Facebook Name Cards By moo.com

Joined in the bandwagon and ordered my Facebook Name Cards from moo.com. The name cards (50 pieces) are free for the time being but you will need to pay for shipping. I paid US$15.75 (S$20) for the shipping to Singapore. It takes about 2 weeks before you will receive it.

I kinda like the design of the box containing the name cards, very unique!


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DBS Places

DBS Bank has just launched the first regional Facebook Places and Check-in Deals campaign in Asia (Singapore, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Jakarta, Taipei).

It may sounds complicated at first (which is how I felt when I first read it) and hence I have put up a tutorial on how to participate in this campaign using Facebook App on iPhone.

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SingTel & HTC Most Checked-in Party

Thanks to SingTel and HTC for organising the Most Checked-in Party at Zouk . It was awesome! I was slightly late for the party due to work commitments but better late than never arrive at all!

First thing upon reaching Zouk is for you to register for the party. There are a few computers outside for you to login to your Facebook account, upon logging in, you need to like SingTel’s Facebook Page and then allow SingTel & HTC Event Facebook Application to access your Facebook details. This is to allow the RFID tagging to work.

Giant Facebook Wall
Giant Facebook Wall

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kaypo.me: Update Your Facebook Status via SMS

kaypo.me is an interesting service created by my fellow NUS SoC graduate, Kent Nguyen. It allows you to update your Facebook status via SMS. Not many people are on smart phones with data plan but almost everyone has a mobile plan that comes with at least 300 free SMSes per month. Even feature phones will work with this service as well.

Currently receiving or replying status’ comments via SMS is in beta, hopefully it will be available for the public soon.

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Facebook Launches Facebook Places In Singapore

Cool, didn’t know Edelman is the PR agency for Facebook Singapore. Personally I prefer Facebook Check-In than Foursquare for unknown reasons.

Singapore, 16 February 2011 – Facebook today announced the launch of Facebook Places in Singapore. Already available in some countries, Facebook Places allows you to “check-in” and share with your friends where you are and who you’re with, find friends who are nearby and discover new places your friends like – all in real time.

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