Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Hard Storage Case
Recently, I have dismantled my Western Digital Elements Desktop 1TB and Western Digital My Book Essential 1TB to remove the hard drives inside as USB2.0 is way too slow for file transfer.
Once I have the internal hard drives, I can use them with my Vantec NexStar SATA/IDE to USB 3.0 Adapter to get better transfer speeds.
After backing up to the hard drives, I need to store it somewhere. And I was wondering if there is a storage case to protect them.
To my surprise, they have it on Shopee, and it is called HN 3.5 Inch Dustproof Protection Box for SATA IDE HDD Hard Disk Drive Storage Case. And it is cheap too, retailing for S$2.27 with shipping to Singapore for an additional S$1.
It also comes with a card for you to describe the hard drive.