? ?
Journal created:
on 9 September 2005 (#8250312)
on 16 November 2005
Nothing is real, the world is a lie, Matrix RPG
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
The Matrix RPG
“Take the Blue pill and you wake up tom like nothing ever happened…
Take the Red pill and you find out how deep the rabbit hole is.”
Where is the line between reality and the real?
What is real? What is still a dream?
The One, myth, legend, possibility, truth, lie.
Once betrayed is there really any trust anymore?
Could One be two?
What happens when Aphelion and Light meet?
What happens to the last free world and the freedom fights?
Who will win? Man or machine?

Needed Players:
Neo –taken
Trinity- _TrinityOnline_
Agent Smith
Agent Brown-taken
Agent Jones
Agent Thompson
Agent Jackson
The Oracle (speak with me personally please if interested)
Agent Johnson

Optional players:
Other named cast from the matrix such as Sore or Bane

OCs (original characters) are more than welcome and needed, you can join the Nebuchadnezzar but we're limiting the crew of the Neb to grow only until it reaches the size it did back in the first Matrix movie (8 maybe max it to 10 if you have a really good reason). If you wish you can start a new ship or join another ship such as the Logos.

*This is going to start towards the end of The Matrix but way before Matrix Reloaded. The other two movies will be AU.
*Basically have respect for other players.
*Warn if you're going be away for an extended time (2+ days).
*There is no rating for this so anything goes but please cut out explicit scenes regarding sex or truly graphic violence.
*This is "reality" so no making gods out of chars, save for like Neo though he has his weaknesses too. Same goes for Aphelion though her weaknesses are more easily found.
*People may include each other in their posts (reactions) but must be cleared with the original character.
* Please make at least one separate journal for this (doesn’t have to be fancy) and one user picture
* Make OOC notes labeled (as put in OOC: *Whatever you want/need to say* then IC: *continuation of story*)
*This is a third person RPG though journals can used to make first person posts. Thoughts go in italics
* I don't mind advertising an RPG you own or a new community you'd think everyone would be interested in joining, but only if you're already a member (role player) in the community.
*just so I know you've read these guidelines, where it says Agents in the application, write suck.
*Before joining, fill out an application, you can post it, email it or IM it to me. I’ll tell you if you get the part. Remember you can always join as a original character so if I say no go, you can and are more than welcome to play as an OC.
Character you wish to play:
The history of the character: (check my bio for details)
Post a short paragraph of your role-playing of the character: (use if trying for a cannon character or want to)
