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Sunday, July 10th, 2011
5:59 pm - Research Study on Bisexual Women's Experiences - please participate!!

I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology and am recruiting participants for my IRB-approved dissertation study on the experiences of bisexual women who are in exclusive romantic relationships. Please consider participating, if you or someone you know fits this description! Participation is via a secure online survey, is anonymous, and takes about 30 minutes, and participants can enter a survey to win one of three $25 gift cards. Here's the link; more information is below.


Liz Clark, M.A. 

More details about the study...Collapse )
More details about the study...Collapse )

current mood: curious

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Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
5:04 pm - A call for more participants!


The researchers need more people to fill out their survey. It's about LGBQ individuals' high school experiences. Was your high school anti-gay? Was it supportive?

Go have your voice heard!

Password: pride

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Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011
4:30 pm - when she lowers her eyes......

When she lowers her eyes she seems to hold all the beauty in the world between her eyelids; when she raises them I see only myself in her gaze. Kate Lesbian Dating blog

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Tuesday, March 29th, 2011
7:04 pm - On Bisexuals and “Hetero Privilege”


I've seen bisexual friends, whose lives were heteronormative in every way, lose their jobs because they came out as bisexual at work. Just because you've got the opposite sex partner/spouse, the house, the kids and the traditional gender presentation doesn't mean that heteroprivilege can't be pulled out from underneath you at any time like a rug.

I can't help noticing that the whole subject of heteroprivilege comes up whenever bisexuality comes up or when a bisexual comes out in a LGBTQ organization.Collapse )

current mood: cranky

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Sunday, January 9th, 2011
1:43 pm - Vote for Pro-LGBT Miss America Contestant!

Vote for Ms. Claire Buffie a contestant for Miss America is the first ever pageant queen to campaign on an LGBT rights platform. Having won the nomination for Miss New York the beauty queen/photographer and activist now vies for the top crown.

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Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
2:14 am - American Institute of Bisexuality Launches Message of Hope on International Human Rights Day

As we commemorate International Human Rights Day, the American Institute of Bisexuality is launching a message of hope for bisexual teens who suffer bullying and harassment along with their gay, lesbian and transgender peersCollapse )

current mood: thoughtful

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Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
9:51 pm - [USA] cast of "Rose" tell bisexual teens "It Gets Better"

The cast of the web series 'Rose By Any Other Name . . .' give their support to bisexual teens out there in the Collapse )

current mood: hopeful

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Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
1:35 am - [USA] at the LA GLAAD Awards the "B" was missing

Sure there were plenty of speeches that included 'LGBT' but lets be honest, LGBT has become this 'all inclusive' PC bullshit term everyone has learned to rattle off. The same way most white people use the term 'African American' out of not wanting to offend or appear racist.Collapse )

current mood: crappy

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Thursday, April 8th, 2010
7:37 pm - and now for something completely different: a Klein Sexual Orientation Grid meme!

becasue life is too short not to have a bit of funCollapse )

current mood: silly

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Sunday, February 28th, 2010
11:35 pm - Dallas TX Conference benefits Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual & Queer-oriented community in USA

on February 4th 2010 LGBT Activists particiapted in a day-long 'Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual, Queer-identified and Allies Organizing Institute' as part of the Task Force's 22nd Annual Creating Change ConferenceCollapse )

current mood: inspired

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Thursday, February 25th, 2010
7:04 pm - Cherry Grrl Interview: The Busy, Beautiful and Bisexual Fay Wolf

Cherry Grrl magazine talks to actress and respected singer/songwriter Fay Wolf who plays Rose's best friend Veronica in the webseries 'Rose By Any Other name . . . ', learn more about the multi-talented emerging star and how she is balancing her various abilities.Collapse )

current mood: artistic

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Wednesday, February 24th, 2010
11:53 pm - [USA] Help Shape HUD's Study on LGBT Housing Discrimination

Please join us at a first-of-its-kind town hall meeting with officials from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development to discuss HUD's ground-breaking national study of housing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and families in the rental and sales marketsCollapse )

Yes please DO X-Post this widely

current mood: working

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Friday, February 19th, 2010
3:45 am - Cherry Grrl: Stephanie Reibel Explores Bisexuality – Onscreen and Off

Cherry Grrl magazine learns more about popular film and TV actress Stephanie Reibel, her thoughts on playing the lead character 'Rose' in the popular new webseries and why she loves her lesbian fans Collapse )

current mood: curious

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Friday, January 29th, 2010
3:29 pm

Hi everyone. My name is Melissa, I'm 26 years old, from St. Louis. I was living in Florida for a while but am moving back to St. Louis on Tuesday.

In terms of sexuality, I guess I just don't label myself. I can't say that I am straight, bisexual, or gay. I just see how I connect with a person, regardless of gender. I am single for right now. But, if something comes my way, I sure won't push it away.

I am looking for some friends on LJ as I'm new, that I can relate to. So, just add me if you'd like :)

current mood: cheerful

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Sunday, January 24th, 2010
9:25 pm - Academic Bi: New International Mailing List/Yahoo Group

for the Discussion of and the Exchange of Information and Ideas about Topics related to Bisexual/Pansexual Theory, Queer Theory and the Academic Study of Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Fluidity, et. al.Collapse )

yes please DO X-Post

current mood: working

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Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
9:58 pm - [USA]: Robyn Ochs Issues a Donation Challenge in support of BiNet USA

and remember BiNet USA is an American 501(c)3 Non-profit Charity so that Your Generous Gift of Any Amount is also Tax-Deductible!Collapse )

yes please DO X-Post and remember any amount is welcome!

current mood: determined

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1:56 am - [Bi Women]: Call For Submission - Spring 2010 issue will be BI YOUTH

Attention Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid + Queer-identified Youth (25 and under) Robyn Ochs, Editor of the quarterly newsletter 'Bi Women' invites you to submit pieces for the Spring 2010 issueCollapse )

yes please DO X-Post

current mood: creative

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Friday, December 18th, 2009

If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer-identified, transgender, genderqueer . . .Collapse )

current mood: cheerful

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Saturday, November 14th, 2009
4:50 am - [On The Set]: or Sometimes Life Mirrors Rather Than Imitates Art

Actress Stephanie Riebel says she's falling for a woman for the first timeCollapse )

current mood: interested

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Monday, November 9th, 2009
3:19 am - New Comm!


rejectedrunts is an international community that is committed to offering support to those who have been disowned or rejected. It focuses heavily LGBT issues, among others, and offering support to those in need of love and understanding. Spread the word!

Love, psychedelicspit

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