Papers by Lázaro Raymundo Reyes Gutiérrez

Journal of the Mexican chemical society, Feb 1, 2024
Computational and theoretical modelling has become an important tool for the characterization, de... more Computational and theoretical modelling has become an important tool for the characterization, development, and validation of packed beds. Relevant breakthrough curves would provide much valuable information on designing a fixed bed adsorption process in field applications. In this study, the hydrodynamic properties involved in the Navier-Stokes flow equation, such as velocity, pressure, and permeability, in a packed bed were investigated. Experiments in natural porous media such as maize cane biomass for determining the sorption of Cr(VI) are compared with numerical simulations. The relevant ordinary partial equations were solved in COMSOL Multiphysics Software friendly and efficiently. The close agreement between the experimental and numerical results suggests that the theoretical model of advection-hydrodynamic dispersion can be used to model the transport of Cr(VI) in unsaturated porous media composed of maize cane biomass.
El presente libro recopila el trabajo realizado por alumnos y profesores-investigadores de la Uni... more El presente libro recopila el trabajo realizado por alumnos y profesores-investigadores de la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Lerma, de la Division de Ciencias Basicas e Ingenieria, licenciatura Ingenieria en Recursos Hidricos en areas como medio ambiente, energia, gestion integral del agua, etc. A traves de monografias cientificas de libre acceso al publico se presenta la difusion del trabajo de integracion de distintos alumnos en las tematicas antes mencionadas.

Rev. Int. Contam. Ambie, 2023
El estudio consistió en estimar la capacidad protectora y vulnerabilidad intrínseca natural del a... more El estudio consistió en estimar la capacidad protectora y vulnerabilidad intrínseca natural del acuífero de Texcoco, mediante la combinación del método Índice de Vulnerabilidad del Acuífero (AVI, por su sigla en inglés) y el parámetro geoeléctrico de Dar Zarrouk (conductancia longitudinal unitaria, S). El acuífero de Texcoco, constituido por materiales lacustres, aluviales y depósitos volcánicos, se localiza al oriente del Valle de México. Se realizaron 87 sondeos eléctricos verticales Schlumberger (SEV) distribuidos en la zona del acuífero. Los datos de los SEV en campo se adquirieron con un resistivímetro Terrameter SAS-300B con abertura de electrodos de corriente de 750 m a ambos lados de un centro común y se interpretaron con el programa de computadora IX1D de Interpex. La conductancia longitudinal unitaria se obtuvo a partir de la inversión de los datos de campo y se elaboraron mapas de contornos con el método kriging y de mínima curvatura en Surfer V16. El espesor de la capa superior de la zona no saturada varía entre 0.3 y 10.5 m. La conductancia longitudinal de la capa superior presenta valores de 0.0 a 75 Siemens/m. El nivel del agua subterránea en el acuífero presenta una elevación de 2140 msnm en la zona centro sur y 2290 msnm en las estribaciones de la Sierra de Río Frío. Con el método AVI, a partir de los datos de la conductividad hidráulica, Kv (m/d) y el espesor h (m) de la zona no saturada, se obtuvieron valores de la resistencia hidráulica C = 1.4 a 3.9 días. Los resultados obtenidos son de interés para las autoridades municipales en la planeación y toma de decisiones.

Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental
El estudio consistió en estimar la capacidad protectora y vulnerabilidad intrínseca natural del a... more El estudio consistió en estimar la capacidad protectora y vulnerabilidad intrínseca natural del acuífero de Texcoco, mediante la combinación del método Índice de Vulnerabilidad del Acuífero (AVI, por su sigla en inglés) y el parámetro geoeléctrico de Dar Zarrouk (conductancia longitudinal unitaria, S). El acuífero de Texcoco, constituido por materiales lacustres, aluviales y depósitos volcánicos, se localiza al oriente del Valle de México. Se realizaron 87 sondeos eléctricos verticales Schlumberger (SEV) distribuidos en la zona del acuífero. Los datos de los SEV en campo se adquirieron con un resistivímetro Terrameter SAS-300B con abertura de electrodos de corriente de 750 m a ambos lados de un centro común y se interpretaron con el programa de computadora IX1D de Interpex. La conductancia longitudinal unitaria se obtuvo a partir de la inversión de los datos de campo y se elaboraron mapas de contornos con el método kriging y de mínima curvatura en Surfer V16. El espesor de la capa s...
Revista latinoamericana de recursos naturales, 2013
Geoeléct and hidrochemical study for mape the plume leachate derived of a landfill opened up in M... more Geoeléct and hidrochemical study for mape the plume leachate derived of a landfill opened up in Mexicaltzingo, State of Mexico.

This study describes the quality of the groundwater in the dump to open pit, a dump of the munici... more This study describes the quality of the groundwater in the dump to open pit, a dump of the municipality Mexicaltzingo located in the State of Mexico. Three geoelectrics lines using method of electrical resistivity image were realized. Also hidrochemical and hydrogeological studies were realized in the site. The site has six piezometers to a depth of 30 m, upstream, downstream and within the landfill to monitor the quality of water and measure the static level. Piezometers were named as PZ1, PZ2, PZ3, PZ4, PZ5 and PZ6. The distribution of total dissolved solids (STD) at the site was measured. The aquifer is unconfined type. The top of the aquifer is covered by a surface layer dry and underlying by Upper Toluca formation. Total solids dissolved (STD), represented by the ions Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Cl - , SO4 2- , HCO3 - and NO3 - were estimated to be greater than 4000 S cm -1 at a depth of 12 meters in the area of geoelectrical study lines. Found the ground water is not suitable...
Revista Ciencias Tecnicas Agropecuarias, 2008
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto

Revista de la Sociedad Química de Mexico, 2021
Particulate matter (PM) is recognized as a type of pollutant emitted through the air that generat... more Particulate matter (PM) is recognized as a type of pollutant emitted through the air that generates adverse health effects. Bioaerosols are PM of biological origin, that has not been morphologically characterized as exhaustively as other types of PM. The term bioaerosols collectively refers to all dead or living airborne particles with biological origins, including pollen, fungi, bacteria, viruses, plant or animal debris, as well as fragments and products of pathogenic microorganisms. Pathogenic airborne microorganisms may have public health consequences. Bioaerosols suspended in ambient air from the Metropolitan Zone of Toluca Valley (MZTV), State of Mexico were identified by scanning electron microscopy followed by energy dispersive xray spectroscopy, to determine their morphology, elemental chemical composition, and average sizes. The bioaerosols detected were pollen, spores, microorganisms, fragments, and diatoms that exhibited diverse morphological structures; while some partic...

Química Nova, 2021
Simultaneous analysis of radionuclides in water had not been performed by mass spectrometry of th... more Simultaneous analysis of radionuclides in water had not been performed by mass spectrometry of the magnetic sector. Some international organizations indicate that it is necessary to know the contamination of drinking-water, including radioactive aspects. The novelty of this study was to determine simultaneously radioisotope radium, thorium, uranium and lead stable. Experiments were performed in an accredited laboratory (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission-7025:2005). The radionuclides of thorium, uranium and some of their descendants were obtained. The reported values are in the range of 7E-7-24.28 µg L-1. Their presence decreases in the order thorium>uranium>radium in drinking water and uranium>thorium>radium in seawater. These results do not represent any risk to the population because very low concentrations were determined.

Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2009
Hydroxyapatite is a calcium phosphate in the apatite group. It has numerous applications due to i... more Hydroxyapatite is a calcium phosphate in the apatite group. It has numerous applications due to its particular properties including the sorption of metallic ions. This makes it useful for the treatment of contaminated groundwater and for soil decontamination. The least expensive source of hydroxyapatite for synthesis is bovine bone, since this is a waste material. Vivianite is an iron phosphate which has received little study. Like hydroxyapatite, it has particular properties. This paper describes the method of obtaining these phosphates; calcium phosphate from bovine bone, and iron phosphate by synthesis. Also described are the methods of purifying the materials and characterization of these two phosphates by X-ray diffraction, infrared analysis, thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and surface area by the BET method. Physicochemical characteristics of hydroxyapatite obtained from bovine bone are described, and preliminary results are presented of an investigation into whether hydroxyapatite and iron phosphate are suitable as a permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of metallic and radionuclide contaminants.

Chemistry and Ecology, 2013
ABSTRACT Eichhornia crassipes (Ec) and Lemna minor (Lm) are aquatic plants. They are considered a... more ABSTRACT Eichhornia crassipes (Ec) and Lemna minor (Lm) are aquatic plants. They are considered as weeds of the water and approach being a scourge in many parts of the world, choking waterways and hindering transport upon them. At the same time they are known to readily remove heavy metal ions from water. This paper considers the use of non-living plants as novel and inexpensive biosorbent for the removal of As(V) from watersheds. In the first place they were conditioned and characterised to determine their physicochemical and surface properties and in the second place their adsorption properties for As(V) from aqueous solution were evaluated considering the toxicity of this metalloid in the environment. It describes the methodology to prepare the non-living biomasses; the physicochemical characterisation by SEM, XRD, FTIR, TGA analyses and surface characterisation of Ec and Lm by specific surface, hydration kinetic, point of zero charge determination by mass titration, active site density and XPS analysis are described. Both studied biomasses were found to be potential bio-sorbents for arsenic ions from aqueous solution. According to their efficiency to remove arsenic, they can be used in a very low cost metalloid ions removal system.

Revista mexicana de …, 2009
Chromium is a commonly identifi ed contaminant in soils and groundwater and is widely used in ind... more Chromium is a commonly identifi ed contaminant in soils and groundwater and is widely used in industries. Disposal of industrial solid wastes can cause health and environmental risks due to the leaching and seepage of Cr(VI) from soil to groundwater. In order to improve remediation strategies and make better predictions about the mobility of contaminants, it is critical to understand the time-dependent metal sorption behavior on soil, as well as the mechanism of the sorption reactions, and the dominant chemical species. This study demonstrates that interfacial reactions (e.g., adsorption, desorption, oxidation or reduction) between chromium and minerals play an important role in the spreading of chromium, and could present preferential pathways for chromium mobility in the subsurface environment. Soil samples were collected in a landfi ll (source) of chromium wastes and their morphology and predominant chemical species were determined. Column experiments were performed on contaminated silty-clayey sand, using deionized water as eluent. It was found in this study that, after 72 h, more than 80% of sorbed chromium was eluted with deionized water, and the total chromium content in the leachate were higher than the permissible limits for human consumption established by Mexican offi cial norms (0.05 mg/L). The Cr(VI) removal effi ciency decreased signifi cantly with time and it was independent of the initial pH, indicating that Cr(VI) was poorly adsorbed. UV-Vis analysis indicated that the oxidation state of chromium was Cr(VI). DRX analysis led to the conclusion that CaCrO 4 (chromatite), is the main mineral species of Cr(VI), and is predominant in the range of pH from 7 to 8.5. An important effect is that the sorption presented to the pore scale can have consequences on the regional scale because it can retard the mobility of this pollutant during the dispersion process.
Revista mexicana de …, 2009
Chromium is a commonly identified contaminant in soils and groundwater and is widely used in indu... more Chromium is a commonly identified contaminant in soils and groundwater and is widely used in industries. Disposal of industrial solid wastes can cause health and environmental risks due to the leaching and seepage of Cr (VI) from soil to groundwater. In order to ...

Hydrogeology Journal, 2012
ABSTRACT Aquifer systems present intrinsic properties such as vulnerability, which is identified ... more ABSTRACT Aquifer systems present intrinsic properties such as vulnerability, which is identified as the potential risk of groundwater pollution by contaminants generated by human activity. When there are surface sources of pollution, usually there is a direct relationship between high vulnerability and decreased water quality. Nevertheless, this relationship is not observed in all aquifers and so the causative circumstances of inconsistencies between aquifer vulnerability and water quality have been investigated. This work addresses the vulnerability assessment of the Chapala Marsh area, Mexico, using SINTACS analysis. The Chapala Marsh aquifer is characterized by a granular structure and a fractured recharge zone; there are natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution. The results show discrepancies between the vulnerability indices and groundwater quality, as indicated by the existence of vulnerable areas with good water quality and vice versa. This is because the SINTACS method works well when contaminants have only vertical movement. For scenarios with lateral movement of contaminants, the method of geographic weighted regression (GWR) is used to model the influence of potential sources of contaminants on the water quality.
Avances en Impacto, Tecnología y Toxicología Ambiental, 2011
Papers by Lázaro Raymundo Reyes Gutiérrez