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the new barca otp!
30 November 2011 @ 00:39
03 September 2011 @ 02:00
26 animated footie icons.
(12)-David Villa/Cesc Fábregas
(3)-Bastian Schweinsteiger/Lukas Podolski
(5)-Lionel Messi/Bojan Krkic
(6)-Miroslav Klose/Mario Gomez

( 26 icones aqui dentro! )
(5)-Lionel Messi/Bojan Krkic
( 26 icones aqui dentro! )
09 August 2009 @ 23:16
FC Barcelona is one of the big names in soccer, and here's a short picspam dedicated to some of their players!
Beautiful Players of the Beautiful Game
Over here! Public for a few days!
Over here! Public for a few days!
22 June 2009 @ 15:04

001 - 100:FC barcelona
106 - 115:french NT
116:fabio cannavaro
117 - 125:spanish NT
18 March 2009 @ 23:38
Bojan scored two goals in the match against Almería on Sunday and there was some adorable Leo/Bojan that I have to share with you, just in case there's anyone here who hasn't seen it yet. :D Am also adding a couple more Leo/Bojan pics because they're adorable and need to be shared. (And if you've seen them already, I trust you don't mind looking at them again? XD)
( Could they please just snog already and be done with it? XDCollapse )
( Could they please just snog already and be done with it? XDCollapse )
Current Mood:

Current Music: Juanes - Me Enamora
10 February 2009 @ 00:24
I found an interesting article in today's Kicker, and
sebastiona convinced me to crosspost it here. A (rough) translation is included.
Talents and/or Titles? "The absolute necessitation of success prevents extensive fostering of new talents" - this argument has recently been put forward by Uli Hoeneß (57) in Kicker. How are Europe's other top clubs dealing with the issue? ![]() ![]() ( Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona and Arsenal FC - 3 different points of view.Collapse ) |
Current Mood:

17 January 2009 @ 01:37
Title: Forever?
Pairing: Leo Messi/Bojan Krkic (though not really named...they were just in my head.)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not true. Fictional. Work of my imagination. I don't own these people and these things never happened.
Summary: Bojan with too many thoughts?
A/N: I posted this on my personal journal a while ago with the intention of making it longer. That never happened (I don't know why I bother. My average word count these days is like <1000 words.) But erm yes. Nothing too exciting, just a trail of Bojan's thoughts?
You got me hypnotised, so mesmerised.
Pairing: Leo Messi/Bojan Krkic (though not really named...they were just in my head.)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not true. Fictional. Work of my imagination. I don't own these people and these things never happened.
Summary: Bojan with too many thoughts?
A/N: I posted this on my personal journal a while ago with the intention of making it longer. That never happened (I don't know why I bother. My average word count these days is like <1000 words.) But erm yes. Nothing too exciting, just a trail of Bojan's thoughts?
You got me hypnotised, so mesmerised.
28 December 2008 @ 20:30
Okay this community has been erm, far too dead for my liking and I have been far too lazy for my own liking and thought this was good enough excuse to crawl out of my lazy state and make a post of some worth?
( Catalunya v Colombia: Result & PhotosCollapse )
( Catalunya v Colombia: Result & PhotosCollapse )
24 November 2008 @ 22:43
Recently, German football magazine Kicker published an interview with Lionel Messi and I thought I'd share the scans.
We Offer a Spectacle
At FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi (21) now wears the shirt with the number 10. The Argentine talks about his goals for the season, Maradona, the Champions League and the accusation of being an egoist.

( Translation under the cut!Collapse )
We Offer a Spectacle
At FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi (21) now wears the shirt with the number 10. The Argentine talks about his goals for the season, Maradona, the Champions League and the accusation of being an egoist.
( Translation under the cut!Collapse )
20 November 2008 @ 19:40
Title: No Sex
Pairing: Lionel Messi/Bojan Krkić
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Football RPS
Disclaimer: I'm a lying bastard and made this all up. I don't claim to know any of the players I write about, they're most definitely not mine, and this very probably didn't happen. No payment involved, no offence intended. This is for my own entertainment.
Summary: Leo has Bojan, and Bojan has Leo. So far, so good. Unfortunately, Bojan also has a virgin-until-marriage ring...
Allergy warning: May contain traces of crack. Read at your own risk.
Word Count: 8,135
Dedication: For my lovely
sebastiona and the butterflies. ♥
A/N: Thanks to
casi_casi, who is totally awesome, for the fantastic and detailed beta and her incredible patience with my perfectionism. ♥
Further thanks go to my whipmaster,
sophiamoon, without whom this story wouldn't have been finished. *glomps*
Oh, and
just_jenni, you might not believe me (again XD), but there's one line that I stole from one of your comments. I'm sneaky like that. ;)
Feedback: Everything is most welcome, from glomps to constructive criticism. I even accept rotten tomatoes, so don't be shy. ;)
( No Sex)
Pairing: Lionel Messi/Bojan Krkić
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Football RPS
Disclaimer: I'm a lying bastard and made this all up. I don't claim to know any of the players I write about, they're most definitely not mine, and this very probably didn't happen. No payment involved, no offence intended. This is for my own entertainment.
Summary: Leo has Bojan, and Bojan has Leo. So far, so good. Unfortunately, Bojan also has a virgin-until-marriage ring...
Allergy warning: May contain traces of crack. Read at your own risk.
Word Count: 8,135
Dedication: For my lovely
A/N: Thanks to
Further thanks go to my whipmaster,
Oh, and
Feedback: Everything is most welcome, from glomps to constructive criticism. I even accept rotten tomatoes, so don't be shy. ;)
( No Sex)
Current Mood:

Current Music: OMD - Walking on the Milky Way