I smiled coming inside the door, hoping to smell Ana's cooking. "Hime...I'm home." There was silence and then I heard the sound of Ana's heels quickly coming towards me. I looked in the hallway seeing her striding toward me. My smile dropped as I caught her hardened glare. She was pissed and I had no idea why. "Baby...what...?" My sentence was cut short as her hand caught my cheek in a severe slap. Time stood still and my hand went up to my reddened face. "A..Anouhea..." I gasped out in shock.
She was like a merciless tidal wave as she yelled out. "You asshole! How dare you take advantage of me?!" I shook my head not understanding at first, but when I finally realized that had seen that kind of fire in her eyes before, my heart sank. She had found out about the Sharks.
It was silent. Ana stood there, breathing hard with her hands in her fists and shaking. I so badly wanted to hold her in my arms, but I knew that I was in the wrong and if she slapped me, who knows what she would do next? I cautiously looked up into her eyes.
"How did you find out?"
Ana scoffed. "Of all the things you start out saying to me. I don't even get an apology. You wanna know how? I found out by finding Kai beating down some guy in an alley on the way home from hula practice. I was about to send his ass to jail!"
I winced. Kai had done his mission like I asked, but was careless and got caught by the worst person. I knew with his loyalty to me, Ana must have said something about Lana to get him to confess. It didn't matter now.
I was in deep shit.
Ana brought me back to reality by pushing me back. "How? How could you do this me? To me! When you knew what I had been through before with you, Valentino!"
"Baby!" I held my hands out to try to fix the situation a little. "I was in the gang before you even came back to Hawaii! How was I supposed to tell you that? I was trying to make us work again!" Every word I told her was the truth.
But she wasn't buying it. Fury had clouded reason by now and as she stepped forward, I resisted the urge to hold up my arms to defend myself. Her anger was that bad.
"Oh, that's such bullshit, Val! If that were the case, you should have left me alone when you saw me at The Firefly because you would have known my feelings wouldn't have changed." She passed by me and I followed her desperately, knowing that I was losing the best thing my life. "Anouhea, please listen to me!" I grabbed her wrist softly but she wrenched it away, heading for the bedroom.
"Why bother? It's obvious to me now that you don't give a damn about me and never have!" I glared this time running behind her. "That's a damn lie!"
We entered the bedroom and I stopped in my tracks watching her put a heap of clothes in her suitcase. "Is it? If that were so, Val, I wouldn't be packing. Dammit, you're the leader! You even lied to me about the tattoo." She hissed out as she kept packing; her waves falling over her shoulders.
"Why are you packing? Where are you going?" I asked in a soft voice. I was hoping we could work this out tonight.
She paused before looking up with tear filled eyes that broke my heart. "I'm going home, Val. Where I should have been in the first damn place instead of being with you. Where my friends are." She sniffed. "I left them for you...so don't you dare stop me."
Knowing that I had lost the war, and not really knowing what else to say, I nodded and Ana zipped up her luggage and walked out of my bedroom with it. As she headed for the front door, my bridge broke and I dashed up to her and did the only thing I knew to do at the time. This was my last chance! I kneeled in front of her and hugged her around her waist. This couldn't be happening not again. Not my heart! I was so distressed I hadn't even noticed that I was now sobbing out in my native tounge.
"Cariño, por favor, no me dejan ... te necesito más que cualquier otra cosa. No soy nada sin ti!"
I knew Anouhea understood me but she slowly looked down at me and said in cold voice, "You know, a few weeks ago that sentence would have worked wonders on me. But it won't this time, Valentino Montoya. I won't let you take advantage of my love again. Ever."
I was stunned. My arms dropped from her body and Ana walked past me and outside saying, "Goodbye Val."
I watched her walk out the door and out of my life and as a tear rolled down my face I only whispered three words.
Adios, mi amor...
Translations: "Love, please, don't leave me ... I need you more than anything else. I am nothing without you"