Books by Matthew Frear
Peer Reviewed Articles by Matthew Frear
East European Politics, 2021
Europe-Asia Studies, 2021
East European Politics and Society, 2021
EU-STRAT Policy Brief Series, 2018
The EU-STRAT Working Paper Series serves to disseminate the research results of the research cons... more The EU-STRAT Working Paper Series serves to disseminate the research results of the research consortium by making them available to a broader public. It means to create new and strengthen existing links within and between the academic and the policy world on matters relating to the current and future enlargement of the EU.
The EU-STRAT Working Paper Series serves to disseminate the research results of the research cons... more The EU-STRAT Working Paper Series serves to disseminate the research results of the research consortium by making them available to a broader public. It means to create new and strengthen existing links within and between the academic and the policy world on matters relating to the current and future enlargement of the EU.
Electoral Studies
had been anticipated by the PRD during the election campaign and denied by Medina. The president'... more had been anticipated by the PRD during the election campaign and denied by Medina. The president's popularity, however, remained high one year after the election: according to a May 2013 poll for the media group Corripio, three out of four Dominicans were satisfied or very satisfied with Medina's election (Newlink Research, 2013).
Analyses and Reports by Matthew Frear
Belarus post-election report for Monkey Cage blog on Washington Post web site
Belarus has been a consistent, although not uncritical, participant in Russia’s latest wave of Eu... more Belarus has been a consistent, although not uncritical, participant in Russia’s latest wave of Eurasian integration
projects. Usually described as a loyal vassal of Moscow, in reality Minsk has pursued its own agenda,
which is often at odds with Russian expectations. Belarus has increasingly questioned the economic benefits
of participating in Eurasian integration structures. It, however, remains heavily dependent on Russian
support, which leaves the country with limited geopolitical room for manoeuvre. This has only been exacerbated
by the ongoing crisis in Crimea and Ukraine.
Am Vorabend der belarussischen Präsidentschaftswahlen am 19. Dezember 2010 haben sich die Beziehu... more Am Vorabend der belarussischen Präsidentschaftswahlen am 19. Dezember 2010 haben sich die Beziehungen zwischen Minsk und Moskau spürbar verschlechtert. Die bekannten Energiekonflikte zwischen Russland und Belarus wurden durch einen sehr öffentlichen Informationskrieg ergänzt, der in den Medien beider
Länder ausgetragen wird. Der langjährige Präsident von Belarus, Alexander Lukaschenko, kann sich nicht mehr auf die politische Rückendeckung durch Russland verlassen; der Kreml unterstützt allerdings – soweit dies zu überschauen ist – noch keinen Gegenkandidaten.
On the eve of the Belarusian presidential elections in December, relations between Minsk and Mosc... more On the eve of the Belarusian presidential elections in December, relations between Minsk and Moscow have deteriorated notably. The familiar energy conflicts between Russia and Belarus have been complemented by a very public information war played out in the media of both countries. Russia can no longer be relied upon to provide political backing for Belarus’s long-serving president, Alexander Lukashenko, however the Kremlin is not yet openly backing an alternative candidate.
Blog Posts by Matthew Frear
Leiden Rusland Blog, Dec 2, 2016
Books by Matthew Frear
Peer Reviewed Articles by Matthew Frear
Analyses and Reports by Matthew Frear
projects. Usually described as a loyal vassal of Moscow, in reality Minsk has pursued its own agenda,
which is often at odds with Russian expectations. Belarus has increasingly questioned the economic benefits
of participating in Eurasian integration structures. It, however, remains heavily dependent on Russian
support, which leaves the country with limited geopolitical room for manoeuvre. This has only been exacerbated
by the ongoing crisis in Crimea and Ukraine.
Länder ausgetragen wird. Der langjährige Präsident von Belarus, Alexander Lukaschenko, kann sich nicht mehr auf die politische Rückendeckung durch Russland verlassen; der Kreml unterstützt allerdings – soweit dies zu überschauen ist – noch keinen Gegenkandidaten.
Blog Posts by Matthew Frear
projects. Usually described as a loyal vassal of Moscow, in reality Minsk has pursued its own agenda,
which is often at odds with Russian expectations. Belarus has increasingly questioned the economic benefits
of participating in Eurasian integration structures. It, however, remains heavily dependent on Russian
support, which leaves the country with limited geopolitical room for manoeuvre. This has only been exacerbated
by the ongoing crisis in Crimea and Ukraine.
Länder ausgetragen wird. Der langjährige Präsident von Belarus, Alexander Lukaschenko, kann sich nicht mehr auf die politische Rückendeckung durch Russland verlassen; der Kreml unterstützt allerdings – soweit dies zu überschauen ist – noch keinen Gegenkandidaten.