Beerden K. (2006), Divinatie, rationaliteit en maatschappij: een succes-volle aanzet tot discussie [Review of: Johnston, S.I. , Struck, P.T. (2005) Mantikê – Studies in Ancient Divination] Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 21: 184-186.
Sarah Iles Johnston en Peter T. Struck eds Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 155 Brill, Leiden;... more Sarah Iles Johnston en Peter T. Struck eds Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 155 Brill, Leiden; 2005; vi+322 pp.; ISBN 9004144978; € 94,00 Mantikê -Studies in Ancient Divination is een van de meest recente uitgaven in de serie Religions in the Graeco-Roman World. Deze serie wordt gekenmerkt door de hoge kwaliteit van haar publicaties en Mantikê is een inhoudelijk zeer interessante toevoeging aan de reeks. Het doel van de geheel Engelstalige bundel is om een nieuw licht te werpen op aspecten van een belangrijk religieus fenomeen in de oudheid: divinatie. Belangrijk, want door middel van divinatie kon de nieuwsgierige of onzekere mens -al dan niet met hulp van een intermediair -communiceren met de bovennatuur en meer te weten komen over heden, verleden of toekomst. De leverschouw, het orakel van Delphi en de observatie van vogelvlucht zijn maar enkele voorbeelden van de vele verschillende methoden die deze mens ter beschikking stonden.
Books by Kim Beerden
After a general introduction in Part I, the volume focuses on two main fields: controversies referencing ancient and modern literary works; and controversies surrounding heritage ethics.
Part II takes literary evidence from the USA to Italy as its starting point: it shows how metaphors about early Christianity find their way into American conservative discourse; how Sparta is evoked in right-wing thinking in the USA, Germany, France and Scandinavia; and how Aeneas plays a role in recent Italian debates on migrations. The last paper discusses the depiction of classicists in modern novels.
Part III focuses on heritage ethics and material culture, in first instance taking practices at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) – on the display of death, queering and orientalism – as case studies. The last paper delves into the history of the Via Belgica to show how antiquity has been weaponised for political aims for many centuries.
Together, these papers show that academics should engage with the receptions of antiquity in the recent past and present. If they want their research and museum displays to be part of current reception, they should make their voice heard.
This bibliography focuses on the Greek world, but also contains titles related to Roman, African and Near Eastern divination that I deem of interest to those studying divination in the Greek world – and omits those relating to Late Antiquity and Early Christianity. The reason for this focus is that the bibliography first started its existence as part of the research for my book Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context (Leiden: Brill 2013).
Naturally, this is work-in-progress and I appreciate any help correcting and/or expanding the bibliography. It certainly does not claim to be exhaustive or free of errors, nor does it cover every language (English, French, Dutch and German are represented) . Those who have bibliographies of divination that I can add to this one (of course with due reference) please contact me at [email protected] .
The purpose of having this bibliography online is to stimulate teaching as well as research into ancient divination - it is meant for both students and scholars of ancient divination. If you are using it (e.g., for teaching purposes), please refer to my website (
Papers by Kim Beerden
After a general introduction in Part I, the volume focuses on two main fields: controversies referencing ancient and modern literary works; and controversies surrounding heritage ethics.
Part II takes literary evidence from the USA to Italy as its starting point: it shows how metaphors about early Christianity find their way into American conservative discourse; how Sparta is evoked in right-wing thinking in the USA, Germany, France and Scandinavia; and how Aeneas plays a role in recent Italian debates on migrations. The last paper discusses the depiction of classicists in modern novels.
Part III focuses on heritage ethics and material culture, in first instance taking practices at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) – on the display of death, queering and orientalism – as case studies. The last paper delves into the history of the Via Belgica to show how antiquity has been weaponised for political aims for many centuries.
Together, these papers show that academics should engage with the receptions of antiquity in the recent past and present. If they want their research and museum displays to be part of current reception, they should make their voice heard.
This bibliography focuses on the Greek world, but also contains titles related to Roman, African and Near Eastern divination that I deem of interest to those studying divination in the Greek world – and omits those relating to Late Antiquity and Early Christianity. The reason for this focus is that the bibliography first started its existence as part of the research for my book Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context (Leiden: Brill 2013).
Naturally, this is work-in-progress and I appreciate any help correcting and/or expanding the bibliography. It certainly does not claim to be exhaustive or free of errors, nor does it cover every language (English, French, Dutch and German are represented) . Those who have bibliographies of divination that I can add to this one (of course with due reference) please contact me at [email protected] .
The purpose of having this bibliography online is to stimulate teaching as well as research into ancient divination - it is meant for both students and scholars of ancient divination. If you are using it (e.g., for teaching purposes), please refer to my website (