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      Gilles DeleuzeArtistic ResearchBarbarism
Among the many controversial themes that James Purdy has touched upon in his work, the topic of incest might stand out as one of the most provoking. In several of his novels and short stories, characters engage in various forms of... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer TheorySigmund FreudKaja Silverman
In many of his novels, American novelist James Purdy shows concern for the conflation between sexual acts or desires and sexual identity. Central to these concerns is the notion that people have to make their sexual identity legible to... more
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      American LiteratureCultural HistoryLiteratureGender and Sexuality
This paper explores the turns that LGBTQ activism has taken since the emergence of digital television and its convergence with other digital and new media outlets. As a case study, this paper takes an episode from the popular television... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesDigital MediaQueer Theory
James Purdy’s novel Eustace Chisholm and the Works (1967) challenges the notion that sexuality is part of an identity that is interior to one’s self. Central to this argument is a brief scene from the novel in which the sexual identity of... more
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      American StudiesQueer TheoryGay And Lesbian StudiesLiterary Theory
In their performance Timelining, Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly explore the ways in which intimate relationships are constituted in time. The performance consists of a memory game in which two performers retrace their shared history as a... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePerformance StudiesQueer TheoryPerformativity
On May 31st 2012, we organized a whole-day art event called Cultuur?Barbaar! (“Culture?Barbarian!”) at Scheltema Leiden ( Around fifteen artists and acts from several disciplines (visual art,... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiterary TheoryArtistic Research
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      Gender StudiesTransgender StudiesGender and Sexuality
Een hedendaagse v isie op seksualiteit Erns C¡ssmns Sponsoren 391 397 Editorial Looi van Kessel TVGEND 2r (4):301-305 DOI: l0.5ll7lTVGN20l8.4.00r.rcSS
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      Gender StudiesTransgender StudiesGender and Sexuality
In his novel 63: Dream Palace, the American author James Purdy attempts to undo the cultural mechanics that make sexual acts legible as signs for sexual identity. In this chapter, Looi van Kessel problematizes the reading strategy that... more
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      American LiteraturePsychoanalysisAmerican StudiesGender Studies
This year's pride season marked the 50 th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, an event that, while not the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement in the United States, should at least be viewed as one of the first major milestones in the... more
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      LGBT IssuesArchivesIntersectionalityQueer of Color Critique
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      New MaterialismNew MaterialismsFeminist new materialism
RESEARCH MA THESIS: The main research question this thesis investigates is: "how is the notion of the Anthropocene challenged, refined and reimagined in contemporary feminist theory and fiction and in what ways does an approach via... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyLiterary Theory
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    • Pacific Island Studies
When an image is erased, what is lost and what remains? On September 6, 2019, Australian graphic artist Lucienne Rickard started a twelve-month duration performance called Extinction Studies. Each day, with pencil on a single piece of... more
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtPerformanceMass extinctions
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      Cultural StudiesLawArt HistoryArt
We invite contributions to a Special Issue on "Radioactive Empires: The Nuclear Relations of Coloniality." This issue draws its title from the landmark 1986 article, "Native America: The Political Economy of Radioactive Colonialism" by... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesEnvironmental RadioactivityNuclear Colonialism
In the globalised world of today, traditional definitions of national Self and national Other no longer hold. The unmistakable transformation of German and Dutch societies demands a thorough rethinking of national boundaries on several... more
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There is a striking difference between the first appearance of literature of (labor) migration in German and in Dutch culture. In Germany, first-generation labor migrant writing appeared in the early 1980s, whereas writers of migration... more
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    • Literary studies
The ways in which the poems of Ramsey Nasr explore the urban space of the Flemish city of Antwerp and stage encounters with various inhabitants of the Flemish metropolis are examined. In 2005, Nasr, a poet of Palestinian-Dutch background,... more
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      Literary studiesArt Theory and CriticismHistorical StudiesDutch Crossing