Dissertation by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Papers by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter

Journal of the Bible and its Reception
Although the Netherlands has become one of the most secular countries in the world, the Bible sti... more Although the Netherlands has become one of the most secular countries in the world, the Bible still plays an important role for many people as a source of cultural and spiritual inspiration. Despite extant empirical research, there remains a pressing gap of knowledge concerning the actual use of the Bible by “ordinary readers.” This makes it more difficult for organizations such as the Dutch Bible Society to engage the public with the distribution of Bible translations and inspirational products. This large-scale mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) research project aims to provide both practical (or commercial) and academic insights on Bible reading practices and views on the Bible among Dutch “readers” in various ‘ideological’ contexts. One of the most significant results is that biographical factors appear more indicative for how the Bible is approached than more ‘conventional’ denominational factors such as church affiliation.
Reflections on the Silence of God, 2013
Oxford Handbooks Online, 2015
The Chronicler has a bad name when it comes to evaluating his view on women and their significanc... more The Chronicler has a bad name when it comes to evaluating his view on women and their significance for the religious and political identity of Israel. By means of an intertextual comparison with Samuel/Kings, this article investigates whether the Chronicler consciously excluded women from his account, or whether their absence can be explained as an – unintended – consequence of the way he selected his material.
en lichtgeraakte godheid, bijtgrage, 'vurige' slangen, genezing door oogcontact met een sculptuur... more en lichtgeraakte godheid, bijtgrage, 'vurige' slangen, genezing door oogcontact met een sculptuur van diezelfde slangen -geen voor de hand liggende ingrediënten voor een verhaal over de God van Israël en de 'beeldloze' godsdienst van zijn volk. Toch heeft dit relaas zijn weg gevonden in het boek Numeri, tussen acribische aanwijzingen voor de eredienst en berichten over Israëls trage tocht. Het valt uit de toon, en toch ook weer niet. In zijn huidige literaire setting zorgt het voor een vleugje curiositeit, en bevestigt het tegelijkertijd de overkoepelende boodschap van dit boek: JHWH is heer over leven en dood en schuwt geen onorthodoxe middelen om Israël op te voeden tot zijn volk.
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2012
The religious content of the book of Esther is highly debated. Most approaches attempt to analyse... more The religious content of the book of Esther is highly debated. Most approaches attempt to analyse religion in this narrative in terms of its similarities or dissimilarities with other texts from the Hebrew Bible. This article travels a different road. Applying ritual theory (more specifically, theories on rites-of-passage and ritualization) to selected parts of Esther, it explores processes of identity formation in the narrative in general, and their potential correlations with the religious identity of Esther and the Yehudite community in particular.
Book Reviews by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Dissertation by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Papers by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Book Reviews by Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
"On Her Account" argues that the books of Ruth, Esther, and Judith, all deeply rooted in the literary traditions of Israel, offer distinctive answers to these questions. Construed as embodiments of Israel, the female protagonists reconfigure the stark images of the community as YHWH's adulterous bride to suggest that a renewed relationship between the two is possible. As tricksters, they demonstrate the possibility of survival in a world that is ruled by more powerful groups. And as performers of rituals that have little to do with institutionalized temple worship, they place their often mundane reality within the framework of YHWH's involvement with his people.