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Semangat melakukan perlawanan terhadap korupsi tidak cukup dilakukan hanya dengan mengutamakan upaya pencegahan, upaya penindakan penting juga dilakukan sebagai ultimum remedium untuk menimbulkan efek jera bagi para calon pelaku lain yang... more
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      Criminal JusticeAnti-Corruption
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Nomor 21/PUU-XII/2014 tanggal 28 April 2015 memang telah menjadikan penetapan tersangka menjadi yurisdiksi pra peradilan. Akan tetapi dalam hal pemeriksaan bukti permulaan yang cukup yang... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal Justice
Akhirnya setelah polemik yang panjang pada hari kamis (3/3) Jaksa Agung M Prasetyo memutuskan mendeponering atau mengesampingkan perkara dua mantan komisioner KPK Abraham Samad (AS) dan Bambang Wijayanto (BW). Jaksa Agung beralasan bahwa... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeProsecutorial Discretion
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeMilitary Justice
Diversion as a new concept in Law 11/2012 on the Juvenile Justice System is becoming problematic in its practices. Several regulations and infrastructures, which obligatoryfor supporting diversionhave not been provideduntil now. This... more
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and Vehicle should can solve impacts problems from traffic accident. This article will focus on the discretional police background and its mechanism in enforcing traffic law.
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This article aims to identify and analyze the conception and practice of the object pre-trial expansion in Indonesia based on several court verdicts and the second is to compare pretrial in the Code of Criminal Procedure Law that prevail... more
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Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (LBH PTN) selama beberapa dekade turut mewarnai proses penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Sejak diundangkannya Undang-Undang (UU) Advokat, mewajibkan pemberi bantuan hukum memiliki lisensi... more
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How to position the socio-legal studies concept within legal research is to cause heated debate in Indonesia and other countries. One of the leading scholars in the field who is widely recognised as a socio-legal theorist and has... more
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Gender-based counterterrorism in Indonesia still has not yet obtained greater attention from policy stakeholders. The role of women in handling terrorism cases is still lacking and results in the absence of gender sensitivity. This... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potret penggunaan bukti ilmiah (scientific evidence) dalam putusan perkara pidana lingkungan hidup di Indonesia dan kesesuaian penggunaan bukti ilmiah dengan prinsip kehati-hatian pada... more
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This article presents the development of ethnographic research to understand the culture and performance of criminal justice actors (i.e. police, prosecutors, judges, probation officers). This article begins by outlining the lack of... more
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      SociologyCriminologyLawCriminal Justice
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    • Criminal Justice
How to position the socio-legal studies concept within legal research is to cause heated debate in Indonesia and other countries. One of the leading scholars in the field who is widely recognised as a socio-legal theorist and has... more
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    • Legal research
Gender-based counterterrorism in Indonesia still has not yet obtained greater attention from policy stakeholders. The role of women in handling terrorism cases is still lacking and results in the absence of gender sensitivity. This... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyTerrorism
Article 16 (2) and 18 Act. No. 2/2002 of Indonesia Police Officer gives an authority to police officer doing legal actions based on their interpretation. Furthermore Act No 22/2009 of Traffic and Vehicle should can solve impacts problems... more
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    • Humanities
Diversion as a new concept in Law 11/2012 on the Juvenile Justice System is becoming problematic in its practices. Several regulations and infrastructures, which obligatoryfor supporting diversionhave not been provideduntil now. This... more
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This article aims to identify and analyze the conception and practice of the object pre-trial expansion in Indonesia based on several court verdicts and the second is to compare pretrial in the Code of Criminal Procedure Law that prevail... more
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hingga-diabaikan-ini-ragamcerita-korban-saat-lapor-polisi?page=all. "Saat Korban jadi Tersangka & Kasus Viral Dulu Baru Polisi Bertindak",, diakses 9 Januari 2022 "Kapolri Ingin Tampilkan Polisi Humanis, tapi Anak... more
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      SociologyCriminologyLawCriminal Justice