Leiden Law School
Public International Law
The refugee issue which has been termed a crisis in Europe has almost become a household discussion; not only has the ‘crisis’(UNHCR, ) lingered for years, but it in turn created more problems to which the international community seeks... more
Rape is also a type of violence on the basis of sex, against women in general. According to the UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, domestic violence is physical, sexual, and psychological violence in the family... more
Sevinc CƏBRAYILOVA, Almaniya Frankfurt Oder Universitetinin Hüquq fakültəsinin "Beynəlxalq İnsan Hüquqları və Humanitar Hüquq" bölməsinin magistri Cəmiyyətdə hər kəs öz xarakterinə uyğun dostları, yaşamaq üçün mülkiyyəti, əşyaları və s.... more
Ceninin hukuki durumu ve kadinin ureme sagligiyla ilgili kesisen konular sikca tartisilan konulardandir. Bu hukuki tahlillere dayanan makalede ceninin hukuki durumunun ogelerinden olan dogmamis cocugun tam ve sag dogumuna bagli olarak... more
International experience suggests that public emergencies, including natural disasters, armed conflicts, pandemics and etc. pose a heightened threat of mass and systematic human rights violations. The random outbreak of the COVİD-19... more