My wife created a sprite for a downtrhust. I don't know if it's permitted, but I would like to share it, I hope it can help more people. If it's not permitted, you can tell me and I would delete this comment.
it does say you can modify however you wish, and I would be grateful to get the downthrust and any other if available so I can add it to my game. Thank you so much
I used your character sprite in my game : Memento Mori. Your work is amazing and thanks to you, I was able to create my first game ever. If you want to test it, go ahead (it's free).
it may seem counter intuitive but asking is rude, they already went out of their way to make it abundantly clear you can further inquiry is an intentional waste of their time.
I disagree. Sometimes they don’t antecipate the use case that we users of their assets have in mind, which in my case it’s a very niche one I believe. I’m building (trying) a FOSS game and would be nice if I get approval to redistribute this asset, as it makes easy for contributors to build/compile the project. I don’t asking to sell or edit the asset. My point is if I can redistribute the asset in some reconignized licensing (e.g., Creative Commons), giving the authors proper credits.
I already achieved success with this approach previously and I think the author wouldn’t mind of me asking (please let me know otherwise, author).
Hi Legnops, I really like the details you went into and the number of frames per direction you decided to create! I was wondering were you considering to add options for up and down directions since I am interested in using your assets for creating top down RPG game based on this asset? :)
Hello, very beautiful spritesheet, but as a stupid programmer I wish pixel artists allways used a grid that's a multiple of 8, for us that would like to use it on an old console.
Maybe there is an easy way to change it in aseprite , but the only way I know how to do it is to try to find out what grid size was used, expand it to the nearest multiple of 8 and cut out each sprite and try to center them in their new expanded boxes, which I've had to do for every tileset I've downloaded so far. Even the ones that are 16x16 or 32x32 often don't use a grid and canvas size that's a multiple of 8 and I don't understand why?
Hi, legnops. I would like to collab with u ;) I love your creation and I think it fits perfectly in my ongoing game that I've developed. Msg back when you see this. Thanks
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thank you!
Omg it is really cool. Can we chat about animating another character?
Thanks, Legnops, for this great asset pack!
We used it for our Ludum Dare game:
Really good...
I will use this in my project and I also start a new enemy series.
I plan to use it on the upcoming videos. Check it if you are intereseted!!!
where are you man?
I don't know if it's permitted, but I would like to share it, I hope it can help more people.
If it's not permitted, you can tell me and I would delete this comment.
It says that you can't
it does say you can modify however you wish, and I would be grateful to get the downthrust and any other if available so I can add it to my game. Thank you so much
I used your character sprite in my game : Memento Mori. Your work is amazing and thanks to you, I was able to create my first game ever. If you want to test it, go ahead (it's free).
Hey, I’m creating a free educational game. I’m planning to make it open-source. Can I use this asset in the game? As CC BY-NC-SA ( maybe.
Let me know if you prefer to discuss it via email.
it may seem counter intuitive but asking is rude, they already went out of their way to make it abundantly clear you can further inquiry is an intentional waste of their time.
I disagree. Sometimes they don’t antecipate the use case that we users of their assets have in mind, which in my case it’s a very niche one I believe. I’m building (trying) a FOSS game and would be nice if I get approval to redistribute this asset, as it makes easy for contributors to build/compile the project. I don’t asking to sell or edit the asset. My point is if I can redistribute the asset in some reconignized licensing (e.g., Creative Commons), giving the authors proper credits.
I already achieved success with this approach previously and I think the author wouldn’t mind of me asking (please let me know otherwise, author).
espero con hacias la animacion de dead solo eso me falta para completar mi juego!! <3
Great job! I use this in my own 2D game demo, welcome to play!
Still working on it?
Hi Legnops, I really like the details you went into and the number of frames per direction you decided to create! I was wondering were you considering to add options for up and down directions since I am interested in using your assets for creating top down RPG game based on this asset? :)
Hi, I modified and used this sprite in an example project for a bevy library I made which imports Aseprite sprite sheets for use with bevy game engine:
Thank you!! I've used this sprite in my game:
this is cool. yeah ok.
I changed my game information so I leave the game here it again.
I made a game with this asset. Thank you Legnops, its great.
it's really very cool, but it seems gravity is too strong. Or is that what it's meant to be?
thanks. yep its what meant to be.
I made a simple game...
just a little suggestion, the character animation when jumping looks strange when jumping to the right or left (jumping while changing position
Wow is this a 3dmodel baked into pixel art?
You did an amazing job with this!!
Love this
Hello, very beautiful spritesheet, but as a stupid programmer I wish pixel artists allways used a grid that's a multiple of 8, for us that would like to use it on an old console.
Maybe there is an easy way to change it in aseprite , but the only way I know how to do it is to try to find out what grid size was used, expand it to the nearest multiple of 8 and cut out each sprite and try to center them in their new expanded boxes, which I've had to do for every tileset I've downloaded so far. Even the ones that are 16x16 or 32x32 often don't use a grid and canvas size that's a multiple of 8 and I don't understand why?
Nevermind, I found out an easy way to change it in aseprite
lmk if you're still working on it! and would it be possible to get 4 direction?
Hello, you still working?
I have created this game with this asset, thank you very much.
Im making a game with this asset but its still in development
hey man, are you still working on this or you just stopped to work on
Could you add ladder climb animations?
Hi, legnops. I would like to collab with u ;) I love your creation and I think it fits perfectly in my ongoing game that I've developed. Msg back when you see this. Thanks
alg conseguiu colocar no game maker??
wow she looks like "le petit chaperon rouge"
could you add a summoning animation perhaps?
That is so good!
this is so pretty i'm looking forward to the other animations (if you're still doing them) !
I made a game with this asset. Thank you Legnops, its so good.
it is so cool